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Combat training...or lack there of - Part 2

Posted on 29 Nov 2010 @ 12:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Derek Longwinter & Captain Reva Madhava

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Holodack
Timeline: Day 2 - En route to Mercer Colony

[Observation Room]

Da`nal turned to the other officers as he shook his head in irritation. "Get him out of there. Have him evaluated in sick bay and have him report to to me when this is over."

"Ay ay....." Don said shaking his head at the dangerous action of the crewman. =^= Killian to sickbay...stand by, Crewman Reynolds needs attention." =^= he said. =^= And let me know when you are finished with him.=^=

After hearing teh confirmation from sickbay he ordered thwe transporter chief to beam Reynolds directly to sickbay.

=^=Acknowledged =^= the transporter chief said and Don watched as the man dematerialized.

[Officer Team]

Tika burst out of the alley with the rest of the team close behind. a Jem'Hadar soldier stood close by, his back turned. She took aim and fired, hitting him squarely in the back. "One down..." She said, her chest heaving as she sucked in the dry air around them.

A moment's distraction - one provided by a heaving bosom - was all it took: Darwin shouted, "Down!" just before Ensign Jennings (the distracted one) was hit by enemy fire. "Oh, hell!" Darwin griped outwardly; inwardly, he was just pleased he hadn't been the first officer shot - he had rotten luck when it came to simulations: he seemed to always die in them. Dying for heaving cleavage, though? That would have been a new one for Darwin. At least Jennings was getting that out of the way early in his career. All of these thoughts raced through the back of Darwin's brain as he took aim and fired on the Jem'hadar who'd just killed his minion. From that point on, the officers were engaged in a full-out shoot-out with the invaders.

Tika gasped loudly in fear as she looked down at the fallen Ensign. "Holy shit.." She exclaimed even as she turned her phaser rifle back toward the Jem'Hadar, narrowly being missed by oncoming fire. She shot back, missing completely.The two remaining Jem'Hadar split up. Tika looked toward the team and told them she was going after the first one. She scurried off on her hands and knees, hoping the shapely spectacle wouldn't detract anyone else enough to get them killed.

At last, she reached the corner of building ruble that was left from the attack. She could hear the Jem'Hadar breathing. She felt a new found burst of adrenaline coursing through her veins. With a flare of energy and graceful motion, she leaped around the corner and onto the Jem'Hadar solder, striking him repeatedly in the chest with punches that perhaps weren't as hard as she'd like them to be. It took a long while for her to realize that who she was striking was not a Jem'Hadar soldier, but was instead Raymond Sharpe.

"Chief?" She asked rhetorically as she looked down at the man she had in a very tight thigh grip around his middle...she kept finding herself in these situations.

"Aye, now are you going to let go? Or do you have other plans?" Sharpe asked.

Tika rolled off of him. "Sorry." She muttered.

"It’s all good, what are we doing." Sharpe asked crouched beside her.

She could still hear the gunshots around them. She turned her head right and left, remembering the soldier she'd been after. "I think, perhaps for now, we work together.."

Jem'Hadar were shock troops, they were extremely well trained warriors despite being practically manufactured when they were needed. Tactically sound, the Jem'hadar had spread out from their patrolling pattern and begun a systematic sweep of the surrounding area. Since the few Federation members had used a more stealthy approach and breaking contact instead of a head to head fire fight, the single minded Jem'Hadar had taken to stalking through the shadows to look for the Federations officers. One such Jem'Hadar, the second of the patrol, a veteran warrior of four campaigns, slowly crept up to corner of a blow out wall, in a half crouch because most of it had been blown away by some manner of orbital bombing it seemed, the soldier thought he could hear voices from around the corner.

Poking his head slowly around the corner to see, he noticed two of his enemies in a somewhat unusual position, it almost looked like she had just attacked one of her allies. Humans, never made any sense, but because they were not very intelligent, it made them easy to kill. Pulling his head back around the corner as the two finally recovered from their little bout and begun to regain their senses, he would step around the corner and hit them both before they could recover and he would be adding two more humans to the numbers he had killed in honorable battle during the war. Readying the energy weapon in his hands, setting it to kill and fixing the curved blade every Jem'Hadar carried to the end of his weapon like a bayonet, the fearless Jem'Hadar warrior stepped out and around the corner, raising to his weapon to aim at the two star fleet officers or at least trying to though for some reason he couldn't lift his arms, it was like they were numb and suddenly it was really really dark all of a sudden, everything almost black except for while hot pain in his neck.

A rough, powerful hand gloved in an all black glove held the Jem' Hadar soldier's mouth tightly as the monstrous looking enemy soldier went limp: for being such renown fighters, the enemy soldier didn't even fight back as he finally died: his lifeless hands losing its grip on his energy rifle, dropping it with a slight metallic clunk as it hit the deck. Standing behind the Jem'Hadar Soldier, Captain Derek Longwinter looked over died soldiers shoulder at the two star fleet officers in the alleyway, just finally noticing him at the head of the alleyway. Held tightly in his right hand was the black hilt of his Ka-Bar fighting knife, smooth black metal of the razor sharp blade sticking almost hilt deep into the dead Jem'Hadar's neck, Derek was smoothly letting the corpse down to the ground, slipping the blade out of the dead enemy soldier's neck as he did. Standing back up smoothly, his vigilant emerald green eyes already scanning the alleyway again, there was a intensely serious look on the Marine commander's face as he finally looked down at the other two crew members "you really should get a room" his emotionless expression becoming a little less stoic as his lips twisted into a slight devilish smirk, having observed the whole exchange, not wanting to intervene unless he had to: he wasn't going to let anyone else get sent to sick bay and figuring that maybe these two were about the join the last one, he decided to act.

While Da`nal was glad to see everyone working as a team instead of butting heads he was slightly irritated at the Captain’s intervention. As the simulation closed several more went to sick bay to be evaluated. While no one was seriously injured the Jem’Hadar’s weapons fire would have been a strong jolt to whoever was unlucky…unskilled enough to have survived. And though his crew had won…though narrowly; he doubted that would have been the case without Longwinter’s intervention. He would have to discuss the matter with the Marine when he got back.


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