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Wendsar and Family Reporting for Duty

Posted on 01 Dec 2010 @ 1:12am by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

1,366 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Mercer Colony
Timeline: Prior to beaming aboard the Achilles

Teresa and her small family arrived at Mercer Colony, for her next assignment This was Teresa's first assignment out of the Academy, and she was nervous. They had travelled to the planet on the cargo ship SS Arnold, and they were all tired. They definately needed a hot shower and a nutritious hot meal, before Terese reported to the Achilles.

Victoria was cranky and very tired. She dragged her heels as Teresa and her nanny headed out the door of the transporter station. "Viky, come on sweetheart. I know you're tired, but we only have a little further to go, and we'll take a hot shower and then get some rest."

Victoria stamped her foot. "NO! I don't want a nap! I'm not tired!"

Teresa blew the bangs off her forehead, and looked over at the nanny, then back at Victoria. "Ok, how about something to eat, first? I'll let you even ride on top of the hovertrunk. You can hold onto the straps, and you won't fall off." This was the only way she could figure out how to get Victoria to the hotel, along with the luggage. All three of them had about 2 pieces each, and two hovertrunks.

Victoria perked up at this. "Really? I can ride on the trunk?"

Teresa nodded. This was a special treat for Victoria, Teresa usually did not allow her to ride on the trunk, but Teresa was in no mood to argue. "Just this once."

Victoria climbed up onto the trunk, and grabbed onto the straps. "Yippee!"

Teresa activated the hover mechanisms on the two trunks. "Come on, before she changes her mind," Teresa said to the Nancy, her nanny.

Nancy laughed, "You are going to spoil her. Then I have to deal with her while you are on duty."

"Nope, this is the only time she gets to ride it. We have to get the luggage to the hotel, anyway. We should have thought of that."

Nancy shook her head, "Why don't we get the locals version of a cab."

"Why? The hotel is only a block away."

"Ok, but I don't think its a good idea."

"We can do this." She said as she grabbed three of the bags. "Come on." She took off down the street pushing the trunk that Victoria was on, before her.

Victoria treated the trunk as if it were a horse. "Giddy-up horsie." She said as she slapped the side of the trunk. Her little feet kicked at the trunk trying to get the "horse" to go faster.

Nancy grabbed the other three bags, and followed Teresa down the block. She pushed the second trunk ahead of her as well.

"Next time we take a passenger transport. Then we don't have to worry about a cab or walking." Teresa said to Nancy. "There just wasn't one available to get us here in time."

At the hotel, Teresa walked to the desk. "I have a reservation for Wendsar, family of three." She said to the clerk behind the desk.

The clerk looked up from the paper work he was reading. He looked past Teresa at her family. "You know that's unsafe, allowing your daughter to ride on that trunk. Would you like a hand with your luggage?"

Teresa looked over at Victoria. "That would be excellent. Victoria, it is time to put the "horse" in the stable now. The stable hand is going to take him to his stall. We will follow shortly."

The clerk had paged a bellhop. "Take the luggage to Room 222." He said to the bellhop. To Teresa, "Your room is room 222. You have registered for one night. Do you wish to stay longer?"

Teresa shook her head. "I do not know at this time. I have to check-in with my ship first."

The clerk nodded as he handed her the passkey. "Very well. The Code is: 222AQ. Once you enter, use voice recognition, for you and your family, and the door will admit them and yourself."

"Thankyou, I will contact you later for more information. Do you know a good local resturaunt we can eat at?" She asked remembering her promise to Victoria.

Victoria had climbed down from the trunk with the assistance of Nancy. Nancy had picked her up, and Victoria had fallen asleep in her arms.

Teresa turned from the desk and the family followed the bellhop to their room. When they entered the room, Teresa whispered to Nancy, "Just lay her on the bed, she can take a shower when she wakes up. Do you want to shower first?"

Nancy laid Victoria on the bed, and whispered back. "No, you go ahead. I'll take one after you do. I'll just read a book while you shower."

Teresa quickly showered and then joined Victoria in bed. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She did not even remember Nancy heading to the shower. A short while later Victoria was bouncing on the bed beside Teresa. Teresa rolled over and started tickling Victoria. "So did you have a good nap, the one you didn't want to take?"

"YES! Now I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Victoria cried.

"Ok, but why don't we go take a shower first? Then we'll grab something to eat, and then mommy has to go to work. Nancy will stay here with you, and you and her can find something fun to do."

"How long are we going to be here, mommy?" Victoria asked as she jumped off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

"Vicki, what have we said about jumping off the bed?" Teresa and Nancy said at the same time.

Victoria walked back into the room pouting, "Not to..."

"And what do we do when we have done something we aren't supposed to?" Nancy asked.

"I have to correct my action." Victoria said as she climbed up onto the bed. "and I have to appologize. I'm sorry." Victoria said, as she climbed down off the bed. She started to head back to the bathroom.

"Oh... No... you don't. You have to do it nine more times," Teresa said.

Victoria stomped back into the room, and climbed up onto the bed. After climbing up and down nine more times. Victoria walked back into the bathroom. Teresa followed her into the bathroom and started the shower for Victoria.

"Mom, I don't need help anymore." Victoria said, "I'm a big girl, now."

"I know hon. I'm here just in case you need me." Teresa sat on the toilet as Victoria undressed and climbed into the shower. As Victoria showered Teresa started humming a tune that she remembered from her childhood.

"Mommy, what's that song?"

For the life of her, Teresa could not remember the name of the song. "You know Vicki, I don't remember. Maybe we'll look it up later, when we get on the ship. It'll be a project we can do together."

After Victoria took her shower the family headed to the local resturaunt. Soon it was time to head back to the hotel, and for Teresa to check in with the Achilles.

"Mommy please don't go.... I want you to stay here with me..." Victoria said crying.

Teresa kneeled down next to her and hugged her. "Vicki, I won't be gone long. You and Nancy are joining me on the ship. I just have to check-in, and then you and Nancy can beam up and get settled in. I'm certain we will get to spend time on the planet. I believe the crew is on shore leave right now. It's possible I will be too. If not Nancy and you can come down to the planet and have fun."

"But I want you to come down with us, mommy..."

"I know sweetheart, but I have to work too. We will have a lot of time together, I promise. I have to go now, though."

"Ok... *Sob* bye.... *Sob* mommy *Sob*."

Teresa left the room and went to the lobby. At the front desk Teresa asked the Desk Clerk to use the comm unit.

The Front desk clerk showed her where the public comm unit was located. Teresa walked over to the comm unit and called the Achilles.


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