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Combat Training....or lack there of - Part 1

Posted on 29 Nov 2010 @ 12:18pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Derek Longwinter & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,478 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Holodeck
Timeline: Day 2 - En route to Mercer Colony

Now that the training programs were approved Da'nal was interested to see how things were going to work out. His display showed both teams as they moved towards each other . Don and Captain Longwinter sat with him as the first of many trainings began.

"Thank you Captain for volunteering your training facilities for these sessions."

"Agreed...." Don said, watching the teams converge. He was confident that the officers would hold their own, but he also knew that they were not actually used to this type of encounter. However, it was needed and he had them pushed hard. They had a few tricks up their sleeves.

"No problem at all Gentlemen, It is your ship after all" Derek said matter of factly in his normal tone of voice that always seemed intensely serious though the Marine Commander offered the Captain just the slightest of smiles to compliment his words. Captain Derek Longwinter's eyes had been mostly glued to the screens, watching both sides intently, mentally criticizing the team and the individuals in his mind, though not voicing any of those things yet, the time would come but Derek couldn't fight his instinct to just want to call someone out and correct them: usually if a marine was incorrect, it could cause someone their life and though to most of Star Fleet, the grunts were expendable, Derek's marines were not. Finally having to just accept the fact that most of the people in the simulation were not one of the 32 force recon marines in Derek's detachment, Derek could go easy on them: at least somewhat.

[Holodeck - Blank grid]

Not entirely certain why he was about to train with Marines and NCOs (was the CoB really taking charge of the Security NCOs for this little training simulation?), Lieutenant Michael Darwin nodded in greeting towards Lt.C. Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil and started to walk the grid while they waited for Sharpe and the NCOs.

Just then, he ran into the opposing team. It was Master Chief Sharpe, and ALL of his Sr. Non-Comms. They were all wearing standard Starfleet issue combat gear. all of them marching, ( and moving like a well oiled machine. ) They marching in the room, and then, marched on the spot. " Platoon, Halt. " Sharpe bellowed. And in perfect unison, and with a tremendous BOOM, they all came to a halt. Sharpe walked to the front of his people. "Ok, who need the lesson in humility? " He said with a smile, as his non-coms laughed?

Taken aback by the pomp and circumstance, Darwin grinned at the NCOs and shook his head. ~To each their own~, he supposed and moved around them, taking with him a few new Ensigns: Jennings, Clark and Aldus. The four followed Vazquez.

Tika looked Sharpe right in his eye, despite his compared height to him. "You're going down..." She said, sexily raising an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips. Her attitude was apparent.

"Missy, save the attitude for someone who scares easily. cause it sure is NOT me. "Sharpe said returning the glare.

[Observation Room]

Da`nal shook his head slightly, and then activated a comm channel to the Holodeck. "OK’s over. Let the battle begin." With that the program was activated and the two teams moved off to their respective starting points.

[Holodeck - Urban Combat simulation]

Tika stood in the corridor crouched just behind the turn of a corner, the dummy phaser rifle standing in her slender manicured hands as a sharp contrast to her feminine aura. She wore combat blacks which were a change from her normal uniform skirt and the gold band that traveled around her chest denoted her department. She wore war paint just under her eyes for her own bit of dramatic flare.

She looked back quickly at the officers behind her. They were waiting intently for her next order.

Darwin met her eyes and with a nod signaled that he was ready to go. The Lieutenant also glanced at Vazquez, his boss.

"Let's go!" Tika said, suddenly turning around the corner and heading stealthily down the corridor.

Not minding the view as he followed behind Tika, Darwin absently waved a hand behind him, signaling to his ensigns that they should move along with him.

She wasn't familiar with the terrain. Obviously it wasn't Earth, as the buildings were primitive. There were almost like huts in a way, and she was sure there was no native life in this program.

She turned around to her team. "Ok...they’ll undoubtedly look for us..but we will hide in ambush and wait. Good plan?"

Seeing the one main pitfall (that being the risk that the NCOs would do the same thing), Darwin nodded at the pretty woman, "Sounds fine." He motioned for his Ensigns to fan out and find hiding spots from which they could easily ambush the other team.

Sean opened his tricorder the one thing he snuck into the room. "From my scans there is an alley several meters away from here. That would be our best bet to hide."

"Let's go; we three," Darwin meant Tika, Eagan and himself, "Will entrench there. These Ensigns can be the first round of defense."

The Non-coms were nowhere to be found. They were dug in, waiting for the officers to bring the fight to them.

[Observation room]

As Da`nal, Don and Derek continued to watch the simulation slowly unfold they saw that both teams were setting or set up for ambush. Another word both team were going to be sitting put doing nothing...but not for long. He called up the several option from the computers library grinning as he found what he wanted he tweaked the simulation.

Two Dominion ships streaked into the scene and deployed large landing parties. Now both team where being hunted by, not only the other team, but a contingent of Dominion Jem'Hadar. To make things even more lively, the ships began to strafe the respective ambush sites.

Don grinned at the Captain's intervention. "Now that will add an element of surprise," he commented dryly. He tapped his console and adjusted it to follow movements of the enemy parties as well.

[Holodeck - Urban Combat simulation]

[Officer Team]
[Eagan, Tika, Darwin]

As a strafing round of fire burned past the trio's hiding spot, Darwin soundly cursed Da'nal and mentally cast aspersions upon the Demi-Klingon's sexual prowess. He saw the Jem'Hadar scout turn back to make another run over them and grabbed for Tika's arm before hauling her against him then to the ground. She was a good landing cushion: nicely padded where padding counted, and Darwin shouted, a little belatedly, "Down! Get down!"

Tika looked up at the man, strangely diverting her attention from the battle for obvious reasons. She smiled teasingly. "Now's not the time..." She got up off the ground. "Can anyone get a read on the Jem'Hadar's location?"

Helping the Commander up, Darwin shrugged with one shoulder and commented, "In times of war, a guy's gotta take all the chances he gets." He grinned saucily as one of the Ensigns piped up, "A read? Are you --" Darwin cut the guy off, "Commander, I'm not getting a read on them."

"No sensors.." Tika said with a sigh. "We'll just have to figure it out the old fashioned way then.."

[Enlisted Team]

Crewman Reynolds had been looking forward to lighting up a few officers but when the buildings around him started exploding he broke from cover. Simulation or not he wasn't about to go out like that.

Lance shouted after him "REYNOLDS!!! but it was too late and the Jem Hadar fight saw him out in the open and redirected its fire. Turning to Shapre..."I'll get him!"

"Go, Ill cover you Lad." Sharpe said to the man.

The ground behind and to either side of Reynolds erupted into fountains of energy from the weapons impacting closer and closer to him....which only made him run faster. Cutting sharp his drastic change in direction took him down a narrow alley.

Lance had stayed behind the fire but followed Reynolds as closely as he could.

The alley he was in suddenly emptied out into a square of some kind, "OH Shi.." The square filled with a Jem Hadar patrol saw Reynolds and fired. Though the weapons were simulated the energy they fired wasn't; and Reynolds ended his participation it a twitching fit as the electrical engulfed his body....thanks to the slightly modified safety protocols.

Lance heard the weapons fire and crept in closer until he saw what was ahead. Anyone else would have probably blamed the kid that had bolted but Lance knew better. Looking up he shook his head, ~Bastard," he thought grinning as he made hi way back. =^=Nelson to Sharpe, large Jem Hadar patrol currently in the square 400 meters North East of your position. =^=



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