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Posted on 23 Nov 2010 @ 12:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Captain Reva Madhava

2,198 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent

OOC This will be the final post of the mission. There are other post in play and they will be posted ptior to this. Those of you on those post...WE need to get thiem finished.


Da`nal was approaching the shuttle bay; it was the only place large enough to allow the entire crew to assemble for the memorial service. On Altar 3, a marker had been commissioned by the interim Kyari minister listing the names of all that had been lost at the hands of their now deposed leader. That marker had been placed in the center of the Ministry complex to serve as a reminder to all. Even while he had remained in custody aboard the Achilles the civil and governmental authorities as well as the various media centers, had examined the evidence and stripped him of his title and his citizenship. His fate, and the fate of his conspirators now rested in the hands of the Federation.

Now that the ceremonies were complete on the surface the crew had their farewells to say. Entering the Cargo bay he greeted his First and Second Officers that flanked either side of the podium that had been placed near the forward end of the bay. A single draped torpedo sat on its stand before the podium and even though there had been no body to recover the Marines had stationed an Honor Guard to either side.

"I had really hoped that it would be a long day before we would have to do this," Don commented. Though they all knew that one's life would always be at risk, and that death of a fellow crew member would almost be inevitable, Don still hated it.

"Agreed, but she knew the we all do. Melanie had survived our trip into Romulan space and all the battles there and even with her memory loss, she didn't hesitate to do her duty. A most honorable woman."

"That is true..." Don said. "She was quite remarkable, I wish I had known her better," he added thoughfully. "One should make the most of every moment as everything could change in a split second..." he said.

Tika didn't speak. She just sat there in silence, not being able to shake the feeling that this was her fault. She was in command of the saucer at the time...and if she'd been just a bit more cautious, this never would have happened.

To one side the rest of the bay the rest of the senior staff milled together as they talked amongst themselves. The rest of the bay was filled with the Achilles crew. Melanie had been with the majority of the crew since they were thrown together during the defense of Deep Space Five aboard the USS Freedom. When that ship had been recalled for a major refit and Da`nal’s command transferred to the Achilles, the crew had come with him. It had been to his surprise, that before they left SB 515, he had been informed that Lt. Hemming way had regained consciousness. The stations medical staff had felt that time with her old crewmates would aid in her regaining the memories she had lost. But now she was gone.

Silonez looked off in the distance, another loss and another mission that went horribly wrong for someone. He knew it was part of the job, and a fact of life on a front line assignment. The day had started hours earlier for Silonez though, his sleep had been interupted by an alert message from intelligence operations, he saw Ensign Aiona looking down at the flag drapped coffin, "First funeral?" he said as walked over.


Though Reva hadn't known the woman much - hardly at all, really - she felt duty-bound to attend the Doctor's memorial. Considering she'd watched the woman disappear in a cloud of vapor and ash, it was the least she could do. That didn't mean she was pleased to be there; indeed, she was in a mood to darken someone else's outlook - and the Lieutenant Commander Lahtika Phoenix-Patil seemed a likely candidate. The green Ensign didn't need any empathic skills to realize that the LC probably felt guilty.... With a cruel twist in her lips, something close to a grin, Reva sidled up to Tika and took the seat next to her. "Such a shame, isn't it, Commander?"

Tika stared down toward the ground, not really knowing what to say. "Yup..." was all she could muster.

Baiting someone was no fun when they didn't take the bait. Reva frowned and sighed. "No sense blaming yourself. Radiation kept us from putting the shields up. It was totally random chance that it happened," Reva offered. She, for one didn't blame the Lt.C., though, if the officer rose to the bait, she wouldn't admit that. "Asides, the Doctor got herself killed, you know. I was there."

Tika looked up at the woman with a frown. "What do you mean 'Got herself killed'?"

Glancing away toward the Captain and his current cabal of officers, Reva hesitated then sullenly said, "Nothing. I shouldn't speak I'll of the dead; at least not at her memorial and all." She was giving up on either baiting or comforting the older officer. "Well, I'd best find a suitable seat, Commander. Excuse me," she stood to leave Lahtika to her thoughts.


Lance came up to the Captain, “Sir, its time.â€

Da`nal nodded. “Very well.†As he moved off to the podium Don and Tika took their places behind him as Lance piped the all call and the crew looked in his direction and began to move to their seats. Once everyone was still he remained silent for a moment gathering his thoughts.

“Crew of the USS ACHILLES. We gather here today to pay our respects and say our farewells to Lt. Melanie Hemmingway. At a time like this many would say we gather here to mourn a loss, but this is no time to mourn. On the contrary it is a time to celebrate…to honor the memory of the departed. For my people this is a joyous time.

“A friend and colleague has died in the line of duty while trying to defend herself and her crewmate. For a Klingon there can be no greater honor than to lose one’s life in this way.†Da`nal moved out from behind the podium and around the guard, placing a hand on the flag draped casing. “She has moved on to the life that is beyond this life…AND has earned a place amongst the Honored dead.†Moving away he turn to look at his crew. “But many of you are probably thinking…’but we aren’t Klingon, and neither was she.’. “

He moved closer to Logan, her eyes red. “And you would be right. Lt. Hemmingway was not Klingon, but do I honor her memory any less? No. Each of you that knew her well will deal with her loss in your own way. However this I can say of her, she would not want any of us to dwell on her absence. She would want us to remember her for what she was, a dedicated officer, a talented physician, and a fierce friend. She will live on not only in our memories but in the child she leaves behind. Today we honor her memory...her service..her life.â€

Having said his piece Da`nal moved back to the podium and nodded to the Marines.


Da`nal accepted the Federation flag in place on behalf of a family member. The flag would be encased and sent back to her family with her belongings and the padds containing his, and others, personal condolences.

After the Marines had resumed their positions he again looked to the crew. “Dismissed.â€

The crew again began to mingle. Some approached the casing and placed mementoes on the casing, others gathered and talked. He made his way from the podium turning to speak with his command team. As the three officers converged Lance approached PADD in hand and a expression of shock on his face. “Captain. An urgent message from Fleet Headquarters.â€


PADD Reads...


From: Starfleet Command, by order of the Federation Council

To: All Starships, Starbases, and Colonies near the Romulan Neutral Zone

Subject: Potential Supernova within the Romulan Star Empire; Hobus System

Long range telescopes have detected instabilies in a star in the Hobus Star System. Should this star go supernova the resulting shockwave could cause catastrophic damage to the planets of Romulus, Remus and other outlying planets.

At present there has been no request for assistance from the Romulan Government, but all Starships, Starbases and Colonies are here by put on alert to prepare to render whatever assistance maybe required.

Possible assistance to be readied:
- Evacuation of Romulan Planets
- Care of evacuees/refugees
- Defense of Federation assets along the Neutral Zone

All current orders remain in place.

--End Transmission


Handing the padd to his XO he made no comment on the message he had just read. "Once our 'guests' are transfered to the USS Perigrine set course for the Mercer Colony, we have crew to waiting for us and I'm sure the crew could use a little shore leave as well. Also call a meeting of the senior staff. News like this tends to generate a lot of rumor and I want to keep everyone informed."

"Shit..." Don said reading the message and then looked up to D'anal, pursing his lips. The news shocked him to the core, but he kept his face straight. Just thinkking about the implications scared the living daylights out of him. . "Typical,,, " he said referring to the fact that the Romulans had not asked for help. Bring his thoughts back to Da'nal's order, he nodded. "Acknowledged,"

Tika read over Don's shoulder, a difficult thing considering his height, but she was on a higher step then he, which helped. The words she read caught her completely by surprise. "What the hell..."

A grey uniformed NCO walked over to Silonez and handed him a PADD;

Romulan Star showing signs of potential super nova.

Assets indicate that local authorities have begun evacuation, any military refugees are to be debriefed after medical assessment, any government members are to taken to starbase 515, any ships that are of functional value are to be escorted to Starbase 86 for repairs.

Extreme prejudice is to be exercised in the collection of any technical data and materials. All other directives concerning technical intelligence collection are rescinded. Collection and methods used are at your discression.

9th fleet intelligence directorate

Silonez walked over to the Captain after reading the message, "Sir, I got an indigo message." He paused as he passed the PADD "Looks like my shore leave is over before it begins."

"I just got a similar alert. Our current orderstand but we are to be ready for action should the need arise. We may be heading for a shore leave but I want you to keep the channels open. There will be a staff meeting once we are under way so gather what information is availabe...I don't expect there to be much at this time but anything is better than nothing."

"I'd like to recommend we monitor mechant marine comm traffic, if theres' going to be refugee traffic spotted they will be the first to report it." Silonez said as another NCO came over with drinks.

Sharpe took a drink. Had not known the deceased for very long, but he considered all who wore the uniform as family.

Tika nearly spilled the drink as she snatched it from the NCO...this wasn't the solution to her problems often...but for now, it would have to do.

A Medical Officer came running over to Alex with a PaDD.

Prepare for any and all casualties and refugees. Romulan Star about to go Supernova

Alex kept it to himself knowing that the CO had already seen a copy of this.


Da`nal nodded as he took one of the drinks. "See to it." Taking the drink he turned to each of the officers around him; his XO, his Second oOfficer, his Intel Chief (any one else wanna join the group?) and hi lifted his glass. "To Melanie...batlh Daqawlu'tah [You will be remembered with Honor]

"To Melanie!" Don said. Drinking to her seemed far more pleasant than thinking about the Romulans.

Tika looked around as people drank. The guilt creeping up on her. "Right..." She said quietly, more to herself than anyone else, as she lifted the glass to her lips.


OOC - lets get the TAGS taken care of. This will be the final post...well posts of the mission


Captain Da`nal

Cmdr DOn Killian

Lt Cmdr Lahtikah "Tika" Phoenix-Patil

Master Chief Petty Officer Raymond Sharpe
Chief of the Boat

Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson

Lt. Commander Alex Frece

Ens. Reva Madhava


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