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Posted on 29 Nov 2010 @ 12:11pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

974 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: XO's quarters
Timeline: Day 1 - En route to Mercer colony

Even with the current alert status across the fleet their release to shore leave stood. It was fortunate time to..the shore leave that is, as He had a wedding to attend.

Ayren was packing their things while he took care of ship's business. He could have used the comm but he preferred to do things in person. Beside it got him out from behind that desk of his. Ringing the buzzer to Don's quarters he waited for the doors to part.

When the doors didn't open he thhough to himself, ~That's odd.~ He waited a few more seconds and was reaching for the padd again when the doors finally opened.

Tika looked up from her position ontop of Don. She was annoyed by the presence of whomever it was at the door. She climbed off of him and put on one of Don's shirts, which was fortunately long enough to cover up most of her nakedness.

As she moved Don tried to grasp Tika's arm, but missed, causing him to roll onto his side. "No. just ignore it, it will go away...." he said. An interruption now was not exactly what he wanted.

"I'll get it, she mumbled as she walked to the door, pressing the button that opened it.

There she was, standing in the doorway of the first officer's quarters with nothing but a long T-shirt to cover her. When she saw who was standing on the other end she let out a loud gasp and pressed the button again, closing the door in his face. She then turned around, pressing her back against the door and looking at Don with shock, and fear.

Don had gotten up in the mean time when he relized that Tika was going to do what she said. When he heard her reaction he sped up his movements. He grabbed the first pair of pants and started putting it on, but it was way too small and he stumbled forward. "Dammit," he said among other words, when he got it off to grab his own pair. "What?? Who was that?!?" he asked ungently as he walked into the lounge area/

"It's the Captain." Tika murmured, then repeated herself in what was almost a scream.

"What?.... Hell no.." he said and fastened his pants. Da'nal was the last person he had expected.

Da`nal stood there in the corridor having had the door literally slammed in his face. The look of utter shock on the woman's face had been priceless and he could hear her even after the door had closed. He couldn't help it. He roared with laughter and pressed the chime again.

"He is insistant!" Don said as he stepped towards the door and motioned to Tika that he would open it. "Let me get it this time..." he said and after allowing tIka to gather herself and traking his fingers through his hair, he opened it.

"Captain... " Don said with a half fake, half polite grin. "Good morning...."

" you both. Actually it is good that the two of you are here. After teh Combat training this afternoon I will be departing the Achilles to attend a wedding in Klingon space. I trust I can leave the ship in you hands while I'm away."

Tika nodded, even through her embarrasment.

Now Don cleared his throat, inwardly shakin ghis head. Once again, Da'nal surprised him completely. This was not the first time he had been caught in a similar situaltion, but the previous XO went ballistic. and he had expected as much from this Klingon CO. Mind you, perhaps that was exactly why he didn't react like others. "Of course, Captain....she will be in safe hands..." he said.

"Good, I shouldn't be gone long. Don't enjoy yourselves too much."

Da`nal grinned at the subtle snicker that escaped, but stopped as he turned to leave. "What you both do off duty and in private is your business. However I don't need to remind you of your posts on this ship." He knew that his point was taken and he only had one more to make. "And if for any reason I think your command abilities are impaired by your...relationship you'll know it."

He moved to the door and it opened at is approach. On a Klingon ship it was the duty of a junior officer to remove and if necessary kill a senior officer that failed to do his duty. Starfleet may frown on that but he did not. Besides he was not one to have his crew subject to rules he himself couldn't follow. Glancing back over his shoulder, "I would expect either of you to do the same if you felt my judgement compromised."

Tika wasn't the type to get emotionally attached to any man. She'd always had serious commitment issues. She knew this wouldn't effect her duty. She wasn't sure about Don, however. "Understood, Captain.."

Don really hoped that Tika would feel as he did and by the sound of her voice, she did. Inwardly he breathed out a sigh of relief. He was commitment phobic and the closest he had come to a relationship was an understanding with some women, like the one he had with Rhys. Just fun, nothing more. "I will kill her in an instant if she disobeyed," Don said dryly. "Like I would any other crew..." Of course he was not serious, but he let Da'nal know without saying as much, that this was no serious judgment impairing kind of relationship.

Da`nal smirked at the reply. "Very well then." He looked past his XO to Tika. "Just save some enery for the simulation tomorrow morning." Stepping from the Door way he headed back to the turbo lift.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Lt. Commander Lahtikah "Tika" Phoenix-Patil


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