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The fate of those that stand against us

Posted on 23 Nov 2010 @ 11:57am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,171 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent



The shuttle were on there way to the surface as was a particular Marine. As the Shuttle flew there approach patter to the surface Da`nal had to sit and watch. He ached for battle and he would need to go to the holodeck and turn the safety protocols off...

Logan's report broke into his thoughts. "Sir Captain Longwinter is entering the lower atmosphere."

"Very well. Fire phasers."

Logan turned from her station with a grin. "He's through sir."

"Excellent." Turning to the officer at tactical, "Continue phaser fire...get those shuttle through."

"Aye sir."

[Shuttle 1]

"Go go go!" Don said to the pilot of shuttle 1.

"Ay ay, Sir," Tarryn said as she approached the entry coordinates. "It's gonna be bumpy... hold on to your seats..." she said.

Ducking and diving and swirwing under the cover provided for them, teh shuttle got through and into the planet's atmosphere.

=^= We are though Captain and heading to the landing coordinates," =^= Don informed Da'nal.

[Minister's inner Offices - 2235]

"Minister Heidell! The Federation starship has opened fire and there are two shuttles on approach."
His anger at the situation was the only thing that could cover his fear...and his fear only made him angrier. "Get the miltary to tak..." suddenly the power went out. It was a long couple of seconds before the auxillery generators kicked in but it forced a twing of fear to show through his mask. Grabbing his aid he threw him towards the door seeal us in here!!" With a trembling finger he pointed to the Head of his personal guard. "Nothing gets in here!"

[Shuttle Landing Zones] (military personnel carriers and other vehicels approaching)

Shuttle 1
"There you are..... the eagle has landed.." Tarryn said as she put the shuttle down, sending a message to the Achilles the same time.

"Let's go..." he said as the hatch door opened. "Tarryn, stay put," he said as she wanted to join them.

Grumbling Tarryn took poimt. They couldn't leave the shuttle unmanned and she knew it.

Checking their equipment the team filed out and followed Don towards the buildings where the inhibitors were housed.

"Sir we are not alone...." said PO Bolak, watching her tricorder. Before she could continue, they were interrupted by a communique from the Achilles.

Don nodded to her, confirming what she saw and signaled his team to take cover.

[USS Achilles]

"Captain there are large military convoys approaching the away teams!"

=^=Don...Longwinter you are about to have company...=^=

=^= Got that alredy here.... =^= Don said over the comm. He motioned to the team to wait to be fired upon before engaging.

"Sir we are being hailed."

=^="...Away teams standby. Defend yourselves if needed.=^= "On screen."

The image split between the tactical display and the image of the elder woman contacting him. "Yes?"

"Captain, I am Alva Grenith, I speak for the Kyari Presidium. I am sure you are aware of the military forces nearing your teams locations?"

"I am; and if you think I am intimidated by..."

"Captain you misunderstand. The Minister has been disposed by the Presidium, but there are many that would remain loyal to him. Those forces are to protect and assist your people. By order of the Interim Minister, Minister Heidell is here by exiled...he's yours for the taking."

Da`nal grinned. “My thanks Madam. Away teams, did you copy that?â€

=^=We did,=^- Don said. =^=We will coordinate with them, but we are proceeding with caution,=^= he said.

Just as he spoke, phazer fire broke out in their direction and Don dove to the left to avoid getting hit. They returned fire. =^=Sir, we have... a few unfriendlies here...get those friends of ours ... to draw fire......." he said between the blasts towards them.. =^=

After a short while, their new friends did draw fire and Don and his small team moved building swiftly. As they arrived at the door, Don nodded to Morak to open it.

He stepped forward and placed his adapted tricorder againt the door, which read the lock and opened it. They four disappreared into the building. Though Don was the team leader, his team members were the experts. They knew exactly what to do. Spreading out to secure the area, one, Ashley, accessed the main console to identify the exact location of the primary and socondary power sources to the inhibitor. The other quickly and efficiently took care of the resistance of gaurs and personnel insideDon took point towards the outside door to supply cover from that side. "Time -30 sec!" he said.

"Got it!" said Ashley, but then spoke to Don. "It is going to take too long to break throughthere security protocols, they have multiple layers and my scanner will take to time to process them.

Don pursed his lips. It was not their intention to blow everything to pieces, but now they would have to.. "OK Go to plan B" he saidm shooting at the uncoming enemy. "And make it, quick we got to get out of here!"

Calling the two officers with the charges, Ashley showed thme where to put it. Once in place, they took cover to protect themselves from the two small blasts, whch would cause minimal damage.

Once the explosions went off and the power cut was confirmed, DOn tabbed his badge. =^= Killian to Da'nal, , the inhibitors down are down. Five to beam out! =^=

[USS Achilles]

"Acknowledged." On the Freedom he would have glance to his side to signal Logan to act, but on the Achilles she sat forward of his position. "Logan, bring everyone up. and have the shuttle return to the ship. Oh and send my thanks again to Kyari government."

She turned with a grin, "Aye sir."

Rising from his chair he headed to the turbo lift. =^=Bridge to transpoter room one. Bring up the Minister and hold him until I arrive.=^=

[Transporter Room One]

Da`nal entered teh transporter room just as Don stepped off the platform. "Well Done Commander."

Don passed that acknowledgement to his team. "They knew what they were doing," he said glancing to them before looking back at the Captain. "They did a good job.." he said.

"Bring him in Chief."

The transporter chief activated the console and the forme Kyari minister materialized before them. The cause of all their troubles, the man behind the deaths of so many was before him. His arrogance was gone. Without his support, with the instuments that had been at his disposa,l he was nothing. There were things Da`nal wanted to do to the little man that now shank from them. "Get this....person out of my sight."

"With pleasure," Don said and nodded to the security officers standing by, who moved forward to flank the man. Don grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pushed him towards the door. He knew that it was not protocol, but he looked at D'anal with an expression that said...* so sue me*


Catain Da`nal

Cmdr DOn Killian


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