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The end is near

Posted on 02 Nov 2010 @ 11:46am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Captain Reva Madhava & Captain Derek Longwinter

1,420 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Sick bay / Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD - 4 1500

Da`nal and his First officer had immediately head to sickbay upon notification that Commander Eircson had returned. No sooner had he stepped into the sickbay than Da`nal spoke. "How is she, Doctor?"

Don was concerned for Reva and hoped the new CMO knew what he was doing. he had barely had time to start to think about arrangements for Melanie's memorial service, but he would get to that. Arriving in sickbay interrupted his thoughts and he looked for reva immediately, but then back at the new CMO.

"She is stable at the moment. She'll need plenty of rest though." Alex replied with a smile. "And she isn't going back on duty until I say she is. Doctor's orders."

Da`nal looked to the man that he had just transferred into the role of CMO after being notified of Lt. Hemmingway's death. The man was wasting no time in asserting himself either. Da`nal's only reply was a nod as he raised a brow and hoped that his medical skills were at least better than his advice. But his thought was interrupted as Reva interjected.

"He killed Doctor Hemmingway," Reva started with the largest (and really, the only) bomb she held. Her fingers twisted the biobed's sheet between them; her voice caught on the words and she did her best not to cry. "After Treyvan transported us off the saucer section, he kept us in compartments designed for...," she paused, realizing she wasn't absolutely sure what the compartments had been designed for, "Well... when he was ready to se... sell us, Melanie fought him and he killed her." That trauma, for Reva, was worse than the rest of the story, which she related quickly and blandly, leaving out large swaths of information. "The man who b-bought me, um... He returned me to Commander Silonez."

Da'nal listened to the report controlling his anger as best he could. The murder of one of his crew, a woman that had served under him since his original command and that he had promised to help, only made things more difficult. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It'll be ok Ensign, those responsible WILL pay. Once the Doctor here releases you, I want you to report to Mrs. Kelan."

Reva wasn't sure who Mrs. Kelan was, but she nodded, knowing that was a question she could ask the computer later. "Aye, Captain."

Don walked towards her and placed his hand over hers. He was livid at the news but smiled to Reva. "It's going to be okay Ensign...." he said quietly. "You did good..."

She nodded once in acknowledgement, knowing that she hadn't done anything except survive, thanks to some intervention from her mother's money manager - certainly not through anything Reva'd done. "Thanks, Commander," she replied with an empty tone.

Da'nal turned to the other officers and motioned them away to allow the Doctor to finish, "Our guest is in the brig?"

"That is right, Captain", he answered.

Glancing at Silonez, "It's good to have you back Commander, the woman that provided you with the informaton you returned with. What's her story?"


"Have you confirmed the validity of the information you were given? How does it match up with this Treyvan's....confession?""

"I've got to peice it all together, but it looks like there was alot of blackmail and other intrgue so this could take some doing to get things lined up." The intelligence officer commented

"Very well complete your review of the information. I want a full briefing on it in 20 minutes.

[Observatio Lounge - 20 minutes later]

(Don, Tika, Silonez, and Ayren are here at the start)

Silonez looking cleaned-up but that was about it "Based on the info that was collected The Kyari Minister staged this whole affair to keep the war and his little slave empire going, and he got the info on where the conference was being staged, and who would be there by blackmailing a multitude of people including the diplomatic office on the kyari homeworld, the diplomatic corps is going to conduct an internal investigation of their personnel..."

Ayren was still shocked by the blatant crime that was committed by someone in a position of trust.

Drumming his fingers on the table, Don listened to the report of the atrocities committed. "This is unbelievable!" he said.

Da'nal sat there furious, the more that came to light the angry he got. ~That Qu'vatlh of a Kyari minister staged this whole affair....murdered Federation Officers, all to discredit the Laruc....for profit~

Raising a hand sharply he cut off the Commander's report, "I'VE HEARD ENOUGH!!"

If there had been any junior officers they'd have been dismissed, but as it were everyone here was a member of the senior staff. He rose angrily from his chair and paused turning back to face the star then retuning to his commanders he tapped his commbadge and hailed the bridge. =^=Bridge, set a course for Alar 3 and have Captain Longwinter report to the observation lounge.=^=

=^=Aye sir.=^=

"We are going to TAKE the Kyari minister into custody. If you have objections speak now.

"Definitely no objections here," Don said firmly, fuming inside. He was hoping that the man would resist, so they could retaliate,

"Me neither," Ayren said. she sensed the anger in the room and it would be the right thing to do to defuse it, but right now, she was as upset as everyone else.

Tika angled her head to the side. "No objections, sir...." She said simply.

The clunk of the heavy soles of combat boots sounded almost like thunder in the empty hall outside as the door swooshing open before him hailed his arrival. It was as if the grim reaper himself had appeared: the strange looking mask the Marine Commander had pulled up to reveal his handsome yet always serious face, the jagged scar on his right cheek was definitely dulled by time but it was a different color than the normal hue of his skin,a permenant mark: Well it didn't have to be but the Marine Commander adamantly refused to have it removed, not for vanity but more for the sake of sentimentality.

When Derek stepped into the room, his eyes smoothly scanned it as he came together to a crisp position of attention, his heels together, his body rigid, straight and locked out despite his garb, his left hand in a tight ball resting on the seam of his trouser and his right hand coming up to about his forehead area in a tight salute to the captain " Captain Derek Longwinter reporting for duty sir" his tone just as serious as the intense look on his face,the Marine Commander had quickly picked up on the anger and unease in the room, obviously something had happened.

The heightened levels of testosterone in the room raised significantly and Tika set her eyes instantly on the Marine Commander for the first time. She looked him up and down with almost ferocious desire, sacrificing even her professional demeanor (something she normally wore quite loosely) momentarily. ~Hello Captain......~ She thought to herself, but the inflection could be clearly seen on her face.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Captain. We have a situation that may require the use of your team."

Minister Jwento had been notified that the Federation ship had left orbit. But the grin on his face had nothing to do with that. His people had been watching and waiting and as he had suspected, they had a spy in their midst. His most trusted men had Cristos had were "extracting" a confession from him. the detail wouldn't be mentioned but he would be fowrarding the results to bolster the Federations case against those arrogant Kyari.

[Altar 3]

The warning had come and to his horor all his carefully laid plans were falling apart all around him.. There was no way to keep this a secret and no doubt most everone involved had heard even before he had. Forunately the planets orbit put them on the far side of the sun from Laruc so he had time, but not much. He couldn't flee the system....there was no place for him to hide and no way to get past the Federation ship's sensors.

Then his arogance kick in again.~NO! I'm not going to hide...I'm the Kyari head of state. What can they do to me?...nothing~ But either way he activated the ministries tranpost inhibitors and put his person gaurd on alert.



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