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A distaste for desception

Posted on 10 Oct 2010 @ 2:15am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

863 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: back post to before the "Pleading their case" post

The XO had left his office and Da`nal stood there for a moment. Then suddenly he simply walked out, turned right and headed for the lift.

"Don you have the bridge."

"Acknowledged," Don and took position in the Captain's chair, activating the consoles by placing his palm on them.

Before order could even be acknowledged the lift had closed. "Deck 7." On this rare occation he was lost in though, ignoring the crewmembers he passed in the corridor and whatever greeting they may have spoken. It wasn't long before he found himself at his destination. The door to the office opened at his approach. "Commander, do you have a moment."

"Yes, sir. Come in and have a seat." Alex replied with a smile.

"Thank you...." He sat there in silence for a moment then moved to get up.

"Captain, something tells me you didn't just come in here to sit and stand up. What is going on?" Alex asked frankly. He was one to get straight to the point.

"You are right. there are aspects of this mission that I find distastful."

"Which is?" Alex asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Without going into too much detail I'll just say that I've had to keep the vast majority of the crew, including the senior staff, in the dark as to certain aspects of this mission. I find this dishonorable, but I have my orders. And to violate them is equally dishonorable."

"I find it dishonorable as well. I suppose you want me to help you with this?" Alex asked. In his mind a battle was raging. ~Should I tell him to break the rules or what?~

Da`nal was not one to ask for help and usually he didn't require any as he had a good XO and senior staff to delegate tasks to. But all this 'cloak and dagger' had damaged that trust. Why had he come here? He couldn't tell him what was going on either, which only added to his frustrations. "To be honest Counselor I'm not sure why I came here. I just know that following my ordered seemingly damaged the trust on my XO. I can't blame him for that. I have kept him in the dark and even overrode him at times. He's upset....and rightly so"

"If you want my opinion, you need to find a loop somewhere Captain. I'm not saying that you need to disobey orders but find another way to tell him. For example, if an admiral told me not to 'speak a word of this to anyone', but I really needed to get it off my chest, I could always send a text message." Alex replied as he got up and moved to the replicator. "Two Peppermint spiced teas iced." The computer replicated his desired beverage. "Try this Captain, it should make you feel better. Well, I do anyway."

"That is very...questionable advise doctor. And an obvious violation of the intent of the order you used in your example." Taking the tea he sniffed it questioningly. He had never cared for what human's called peppermint, but he tried it all the same. The cold liquid sat his his mouth and he forced himself to swallow it. Clearing his thoat as he sat it down on the table between them.

"Technically, it's not a violation. Several captains have gotten away with stuff like that." Alex replied. "

"That's no excuse and you know it, and I'm sure those Captains either had no honor OR they were force to disobey their order to to circumstances beyond their control. In this case I am bound by my sense of honor and the situation has only just allowed me to inform certain members of the crew of....I've said enough any more and I will violaate my orders. And as dishonorable as they may be, I will find no honor in being dishonorable."

"Have you expressed to Starfleet how you feel?"

"My objection were over-ruled by the officer issuing the order."

"Since you don't want to take my advice, there is nothing I can really do for you Captain."

Standing, Da`nal he felt this had been a mistake and it turned out to be right. Although tne one thing he had accomplished was to gain some insight into the ships Counselor. "Very well." He turned to leave and stopped at the door. "Doctor, I will not order you...not yet, but I had better not hear of you giving out such advise to anyone. Not on my ship."

"Sure." The counselor said intending to make a call to Starfleet Command once he got the time. The doctor's first impression of the man was that he was a very well person. It would seem he was wrong. "But what I do in the counselor's office is mine and my patients business." He then added, "SIR."

"And if I discover you told someone to circumvent an order of mine in the manner you 'advised' me, it moves outside this office and becomes MY business."

"Well it won't move outside the office."


Captain Da'nal

Commander Don Killian

Lieutenant Commander Alex Frece
Chief Counselor


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