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Shameful Return

Posted on 11 Oct 2010 @ 5:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,445 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD: 3, 1500


Da`nal, Don, and Ayren stood in the transporter room as did a security detail to escort their guests. Turning to the transporter operator, he nodded.

Without being verbally ordered to to so the armed security guards weapons came up slightly as the Larucan's materialized on the transporter padd.

Stepping forward Da`nal greeted the Larucan head of state. "Greeting Chancellor, I must say I was surprised at your arrival here."

Stepping down from the transporter. "After what had happened and the message you forwarded to us I felt it necessary to come to you."

"I see." Turning he introduced his officers. "Chancellor allow me to introduce my First officer Commander Killian."

Don inclined his head respectfully. "Greetings Chancellor. Welcome on board, he said.

Nodding in return to the officer, "Commander."

"...and our Diplomatic Officer Ayren Kelan."

"Chancellor," Ayren said, sensing nothing alarming at this point. However, having no previous engagement with the race, she had no point of reference. She did do her homework though. "We express our hope that your stay will be fruitful," she said expressing their traditional greeting.

"A pleasure Miss Kelan."

"It is Mrs. Kelan," Ayren said politely

Da`nal grinned as she politely corrected the Chancellor.

The Chancellor took notice of the security and turned to the Captain. "Captain Da`nal, no doubt you have already taken detailed scans of both us and our ship, certainly they are not needed.

"Both very true Chancellor, however given the..."

"Captain, would the..."

Not one to accept being interrupted Da`nal cut off the man in return. "With all due respect Chancellor. While you may be innocent of any wrong doing...others may not be. And until proven otherwise the Federation is holding your government responsible for the attack."

He turned slightly to the officer in the corner to see if his intel officers additional scans detected anything. "Ensign"

Aiona looked at the panel in front of her. ~So many buttons,~ she thought to herself. "Everything looks clear," she reported, though the instinct to find something amiss amongst an overload of numerical data was long gone.

"Thank you, Ensign. Chancellor, may I introduce Ensign Aiona, one of my intelligence officers.

Aiona turned to the Chancellor, this was more her style. She raised her hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting. "Shacha," she said, taking note of every detail in this stranger's demeanor. He was on edge, and though that was to be expected, there was something more to it.

Once all the introductions were over the led the way to the bridge. "Chancellor if you'll come this way."

[Deck One]

As they had made their way through the ship Da`nal had given the Chancellor a minor tour and one of the stops was his ready room.

Just as he logged out and the terminal was sinking back into the desk surface the ready room doors opened. Looking up he saw the Captain entering with several individuals that were obviously not members of the crew.

Per the Chief's instructions he came sharply to attentions at saluted the Captain.

Da`nal looked at his yeoman questioningly for a moment as he returned the salute.

"Pardon, my sir. I was just see if there was anything I need to see to."

"No explanation needed Mr. Nelson. You're just doing your duty as always." Looking back to his guests. "Chancellor this is my Yeoman, Chief Petty Officer Nelson. He makes sure I don't trip over myself with all the tasks that a Starship Captain has to see to."

The Chancellor grinned. "My aides have a similar function, and I too would be lost without them."

Da`nal returned his gaze to his yeoman and nodded. "Well I believe we can let Mr. Nelson return to his duties and get to our meeting in the Observation Lounge."

Motioning the Dignitary, his entourage and the the security detail the began to back out of the ready room. As they did Da`nal leaned to his XO, he whispered. "Don, check and see what that was all about."

Don nodded and unobtrusively stayed behind as the rest filed out of the room.

[Observation Lounge]

Da`nal indicated for all to take a seat as he looked to the Chancellor. "Chancellor before we begin I would like for our ships to get underway to your planet."

[1500 – In Orbit around Altar 4]

[USS Achilles - Saucer - Bridge]

Tika sat in the center chair as the saucer approached the rest of the ship, a frown still firmly planted on her face. She resented their lose perhaps more than anyone else... "Open a channel to the Achilles." She barked in an agitated Hindi accent.

Jessica's hands moved over the console the panel beeping and she hit the wrong button. Looking down she quickly corrected her mistake as she flushed at the error, her concern for Reva and Melanie had distracted her. "Channel Open."

=A= Achilles, this is Commander Phoenix-Patil reporting in. Please respond. =A=

[USS Achilles]

Lt. Rogers had the bridge while the Captain was with the Larucan Chancellor. He had had the wedge shaped saucer section on screen for a while and were ready to rejoin the ship. =^= Welcome back Commander. How was the hunting? =^=

Tika rolled her eyes, ashamed at the answer to the question and quite angry at him for asking it. "Just shut up and prepare for docking..."

She noticed the stares from around the Bridge. She met them with as much menace as they carried surprise.

Taken aback at the abrupt reply he complied. "Aye aye." Nodding to the Ensign at ops who set his computer to link with that of the Saucer.

Anara wondered why Tika was so upset. Of course they had lost 2 valuable members of the crew, but Anara didn't think it was Tika's fault. At the time, it was completely out of control. However it had been under her command, so it made sense logically that she would feel some guilt. Anara looked over the controls at the XO station as she monitored the docking sequence.

Don had just come on to the bridge. "As you were, proceed," he said, watching Tika carefully and nodded to her. "Welcome back Commander," he said, approvingly in spite of her obvious distress. She did a good job.

[Saucer section]

The status board on her console indicated the link and she acknowledged the tie in. "Computers linked. Automated Docking procedures initiated. Computer has the helm."

With the computer now in charge Gant just leaned back, deciding in his head it was time to leave Starfleet at the end of his hitch, he'd just seen enough.

[USS Achilles - Whole once again]

There was a subtle jolt as the two hulls made contact and another as the docking latches took hold and locked the ships into one vessel again. Lt. Rogers stepped down to Ops an issued his final order. "Transfer all control to the main bridge." He then looked to the face still on the view screen. "Commander I stand relieved. I will inform the Captain of your arrival."

Anara pressed the right commands onto her console and then stood up. She made her way toward Tika, "There was nothing you could do. This could have happened to anyone in your seat."

Tika looked up at the woman, a bit more annoyed than grateful at the moment. "But it wasn't anyone was it? It was me.... You have the Bridge..." She stood quickly and walked to the turbo lift with attitude. She waited for the door to close behind her, then she let out a stream of profane words that echoed through the small area.

Anara shook her head at Tika's back. She was only trying to relieve guilt, but it seemed the woman was quite comfortable in her misery.. If she wished to live in misery, far be it for Anara to change her mind.

[Observation Lounge]

Da'nal listened carefully as the Larucan leader presented his case when the door opened and Lt. Rogers entered.

"Pardon the interruption sir but the Saucer Section has returned."

"Yes Lieutenant we felt the docking, your report isn't necessary."

Rogers stepped forward leaning in and whispering to the Captain. "Yes sir but... they had two crew member taken...."

Da'nal stopped the mans report abruptly with a gesture. "Chancellor, if you'll excuse me,something has come up. Lieutenant see to their comfort."

As the Klingon rose to leave the Chancellor spoke, "Nothing too serious I hope."

"That remains to be seen."


Captain Da`nal

Lt Rogers
NPC - Chris

PO3 Richard Gant
FCO/Burned Out - NPC

Lt. Meru Anara

Commander Don Killian

Ensign Crystal Aiona


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