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Flushing out a rat

Posted on 09 Oct 2010 @ 11:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

784 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: (name of Ferengi ship)
Timeline: MD 3 - 0830

The ship had been at warp for (X) hours, the Achillies went on the move to its next stop while Silonez and his reluctant passenger went on to the stop he needed to make before Tika arrived. The small planet of Tanmor, it was used as a trading hub along with several other activities, one of which was the massive illegal arms trade.

Silonez could hear movement behind him, "Don't bother with the phaser its been deactivated, and the Achillies is out of range for normal comm use."

"You wish Wandella was going to use phaser on you!" Wandella spat back, pulling her shank from her boot, she didn't know how Silonez forgot about it, ~He probably thought the new security chief took it.~

Moving swiftly towards him as her smaller, lighter frame gave her a decided speed advantage, she was brandishing the knife on him in no time. She considered her next move, wondering why he didn't just kill her or why she wasn't tied up, ~What is this nut up to?~ "Give me reason." She said, "To use this on you, or not use on you."

Silonez grabbed her forearm "I think ending your career with a charge of first degree murder while on a sanctioned mission from Admiral Morgan himself is a really bad move."

"First degree murder?" Wandella laughed, jerking her arm away from him, "You kidnapped me you piece of garbage! There is no murder and there is no mission, only a psychopath who thinks he is more important than he is! And if you ever touch Wandella again I promise you will die slow! Now, let me off of this ship before you die quick."

"I had orders and so does the captain, and if we had to bend to rules to get this job done we did it, if you don't like it theres an escape pod back in the corridor you can float in it until the mission is over, or some pirate picks you up and makes you his wench." Silonez said trying to make a point.

"You do not scare Wandella." She sneered, then laughed, "But you do not bore Wandella either. Is almost as important." She gently flopped into his lap and put her arms around his neck, "So, make Wandella believe you....."

Silonez didn't know what to think of his new companion, "By the time this little trip is over I'm sure you'll believe and then some."

She lifted her arm off from his neck and slid slowly off the man's lap. "Well for now," running a finger down his chest and pushing off as she stood, "Wandella will help....and keep a close eye on you."


"Well then were are we off to?"

"Theres a planet about eight light years from here that is a trading hub, both legal and the other kind, I have info the rebels might be buying weaponry there."

"Really?" Wandella smirked, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow, "That is interesting. So, is safe to assume that our side is looking for us, you know, me and my captor?"

"Not really the captain by now has let the proverbial cat out of the bag, but to make this look good your going to need a change of wardrobe." Silonez said half thinking inappropriately.

"Yes, this is true." Wandella giggled, "A whole makeover in fact. Not much chance of a follicular stimulator on a Ferengi ship is there?"

"Sorry, but I do have a reasonable selection of clothing on this iso-rod you can replicate." Silonez said as he held out the Isolinear rod.

"Give Wandella half hour, sweetface?" Wandella asked, "You will have whole new woman when I come back."

"Ok" silonez had half wondered what he'd gotten himself into, but as she walked away he thought ~She's the better looking part of this mission~

Wandella didn't have much to work with, but wasted no time using what she had to make herself over into a rebel vixen, emerging from the room she'd taken as her own with her short hair dyed back it's natural color and converted to a pixie style and wearing a tight leather jumpsuit, "You like?" She asked, returning to her seat in his lap.

"Very much, we still have a couple of hours until we arrive." Silonez tried not to act on impulse as he looked at Wandella.

"Oh?" Wandella feigned surprise as she raised an eyebrow, "However will we pass the time, Mister Bond?" Leaning in closer she whispered, "Is not only outfit Wandella replicated if 007 is curious."

Silonez looked at her, "Really, you are industrious aren't you?" he stood moving closer to her.

"Quite." Wandella replied with a wicked smirk.



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