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Returning to the Achilles

Posted on 24 Aug 2010 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

968 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: Back Post - prior to "First Impressions"

The counselor had heard the call to report back to the ship. Looking around, he found the other person who would be returning with him. "You ready to go?"

Ayren felt drained, mentally and physically. Trauma counselling and debriefing were always taxing to her and adding to that was the betazoid and hybrid betazoids who needed empathic support as well. So the call from the ship was rather timely. "Yes," Ayren said with a smile. "Very much so..."

As they materialized on the Achilles Transported pad the operator passed the word to the. "Commander...Mrs Kelan, the Captain wanted to see you as soon as you were on board."

"Aye." Alex made his way to the Captain's ready Room.

Ayren nodded to the transport officer and it wasn't long before both were at Da'nal's ready room. She pressed the chime and they were let into the room promptly.

"You wanted to see us?" she asked, taking a seat.

He looked up as they entered into the room. "He smiled as he saw Ayren and felt a sence of relief after what had happened earlier. "Yes please sit down. What is the situation over there."

Ayren opened her mouth and closed it again, deciding to give the other doctor a chance to speak first, returning the smile to Da'nal.

"This crisis is something that will take its toll on the crew of the Ballard. However, I think the Southerner and its crew can handle it. I will submit my official report to you tomorrow." Alex stated. Do you have anything to add to that?" He asked Ayren.

"I can agree with that assessment. The crew of the Ballard would need more counseling, we could only do the basic trauma debriefing. Some of them very very distressed," she commented. It had left her rather drained as she saw a few Betazoids and it had tapped her mental energy to support them.

"Yes. Is there anything else Captain?"

"Yes there is. In addition to a report on what you found on the Ballard I needed to meet with you. You had been put into action before you had even reported for duty. However you both look exhausted. Would you care to take this to our main lounge - The Poisoned Arrow? Maybe get a bite to eat?"

"That is the best idea I have heard in a long time," Ayren said with a smile that seemed to brighten her face.

"I agree completely." Alex chimed in.

Da`nal stood and motioned to the door, his hand moving undercover to the small of her back as the filed towards the door.

[The Poisoner Arrow]

As they entered he waved over a steward as they took their seats.

"This is a nice place."


As the steward stepped up. "Hello Captain, what can I get for you and your guests?'

Da`nal looked to those with them indicating for them to procede.

"Please bring me a cup with Chai Latte and a roasted abria sandwich with a green salad on the side," Ayren said, sure her stomach was growling.

"I would like a Sweet Iced Tea and a Slice of Pepperoni Pizza. On the side, I want french fries." Alex replied. He has just discovered this new meal and wanted to eat it again.

As the steward lok to his he grinned. "I will have my usual, qul DIr."

"And to drink sir?"

"Well as I'm still on duty I will just have to deal with that sythahol swill you have." He stated humorously.

Shaking his head he went of to replicat their orders, leaving them to dicuss whatever they needed to.

Returning his gaze to the counselor. "So tell me Doctor. Have you ever served under a Klingons command before?"

"No. However, I have commanded a Klingon before."The doctor replied with a chuckle. "Surely it can't be that different."

Grinning in good humor at the remark. "Well it's all in how you look at it I suppose. So tell me about yourself. What interested you in a counseling career?"

Ayren was interested in his answer too, and cocked her head to the side to hear what he had to say.

"Well you know that I was a medic for most of my career. When I went to Starfleet academy I also got my degree in psychology. I hadn't put it into use except in extreme emergencies. Then, I was pulled from Medical to intelligence. I didn't like it. After that, I considered going back to medical, but decided to use my psychological degree." Alex replied as he waited on his food.

"Seems you have fallen into the same pattern lately. At least, if the situation arises, we can call on you medical knowledge. Officers with cross training are always an asset."

His attention was diverted as their food arrived. He light he fire pot used in eating qul DIr, but before he could take a bite the comm sounded.

=^= Captain to the Bridge. =^=

Looking to Ayren he nodded slightly, then he looked to Alex as he stood. "If you'll both excuse me, duty calls."

"Yes of course. I'll have your food delivered to your ready room." Alex stated as he began to eat his food. It was delicious.

"Thank you but that is not needed. Just split it between yourselves." As he stepped away he rested his hand on Ayren's shoulder letting it slip off as the moved to the door.

Letting her hand briefly touch Da'na's, she imparted her understanding of his duties. She raised an eyebrow at the counsellor's action, but said nothing. She still needed to *hand over* to him, but decided to do that later, for now she needed a break.


Captain Da`nal

Ayren Kelan

Lt Commander Alex Frece
Chief Counslor


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