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Don't make me get the Belt

Posted on 22 Aug 2010 @ 8:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

771 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Deck 1 - Briefing Room
Timeline: MD 2 - following staff meeting


Da`nal looked to the crew satified with the reuslts of the meeting and their planned course of action. "Dismissed."

Tika stood with the rest of the crew and aproached the Captain as they left. "Excuse me, Captain. Can I ask you something?"

"What can I do for you Commander?"

"I was gathering a team for the mission you assigned to me earlier and Lieutenant Silonez was less then respectful. When I asked him to stop, he stormed out of the room withhout being dismissed.." She said quietly.

Da`nal's brow wrinkled at the mention of manes name. "Well I don't thing that is an issue anymore but what do you mean by 'less than respectful'?"

"I informed him of our orders and he replied sarcastically and appeared to be mocking the plan all together...a plan that wasn't mine in the first place I might add." She paused for a second, taking a deep breath. "When I asked him to stop talking to me as if we were friends in the mess after duty and act more like a Starfleet officer , he stormed out of the room."

"I see. I assume ther are witneses to this? Not that its really needed but provide me with a joint statement and I will add it to his records."

"Lieutenant Meru and Ensign Dawson can speak...though I don't think we should add this to the record...He's in enough trouble already isn't he?" She said, a worried look on her face.

Keeping other things to himself he simply replied..."That he is. Who do you plan on selecting to accompany you?"

Lieutenant Meru, Ensign Dawson, and Even Lietuenant Kristere if you could spare her...and I was considering Mr. soon as I understand what his role is around here.." She said, leaning against the Briefing Room table.

Curiously he asked, "What don't you under stand,?"

"Well, obviously I understand his job aboard this ship as the senior noncom....but isn't he a little bossy for his rank? Forgive me if I'm out of line, sir, but I think I'm not the only one who thinks so." She said smoothly. Images of the altercation that occured earlier in the Briefing kept flashing into her head, though they had nothing to do with the current conversation.

He had foreseen this, especially after what had happened in the staff meeting, he could see how there might be some confusion. "I assume you are referfing to my statement that he answers to me or the XO? Well ideally that would be correct, however of course he is answerable to whoever is in command at the time. He duties are no different than any department head with the expection that those in his charge are in every department. As such it takes him outside the normal departmental chain of command."

"Well, yes, I know that. It's just that it seemed like he was taking on...other duties... we were all a bit confused." She said turning her head to the right slightly.

"And what duties would those be?"

She thought for a moment. "Some sort of supervisor I suppose."

"That is true the extent that he has supervision over every enlisted member of the crew. Now in the earlier incident my statement stands, don't get me wrong you are not 'under' his command, but I had called for that order and everone ignored or argued with it. How would you have reacted in your orders were not only ignored but debated?"

"I wouldn't like it, sir. However, I do think it was simply a misunderstanding. It wasn't a problem with your orders, it was resentment about who was giving them." She said. Now speaking quieter for some strange reason. "He ordered us to call him 'sir'..."

"Don't concern yourself with that. Remeber he is a Master Chief....he record is extensive, his experience vast and he is.....oh whats the term....rather Old School. I will deal with him at set a few guidelines and make sure the proper customes and courtesies are followed. Anything else?"

Tikia stood there for a moment, trying to figure out if there was anything else. "No, sir." She said simply.

Don had remained as calm as he could, but now the meeting was over and he needed to confront Da'nal. "Captain... I would like to speak with you in private...."

"Well then carry on with your preparations. Dismissed Coommander." Turning away he moved to address his XO. Knowing full well what he wanted to talk about


Captain Da`nal

Lt.Cmdr Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil


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