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A call for help

Posted on 03 Aug 2010 @ 11:32am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

1,566 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: Current

Great job all...just waiting on another post to wrap and I put this up

[Ready Room]

Recovery operation were under way but one thing was clear the Achilles didn’t have the facilities to handle the medical and psychological needs for the numbers involved when dealing with the crew of a Galaxy class starship.

“Computer Open a channel to Admiral Wallace at Star Base 515.â€

He did have to wait long when his friends face filled the screen. “Report.â€

“The Ballard has been secures and we are seeing to the wounded, but we just aren’t equipped to deal with the numbers involved. Request that another ship be set to assist.â€

The Admiral raised an eyebrow at the request, it wasn’t like Da`nal to openly ask for help. “What’s the situation.â€

“There was massive damage to the ships saucer section. The bridge and top most decks including the main shuttle bay are gone. Ten forward and the surrounding sections are gone as well. The corridors of Deck 11 and up were decompressed. Fortunately those not in the corridors were sealed in the area they were and survived. The medical staff of the Ballard is operating at below skeleton levels,….â€

The Admiral's jaw tightened as the full scope of the situation began to unfold. “Any ideas as to who did this?â€

“There was a Larucian Cruiser and the debris of another vessel in the area when we arrived. The other vessel transmitted a recorded message and warped out of the area before we could engage them.â€

“The Laruc?!â€

“Yes sir, I have teams aboard her now to begin an investigation. Permission to pursue any leads we may find?â€

“Granted. Find whoever did this. I will dispatch vessels to your location to take over there once you finish your investigation. I’ll be sending you some additional crew members as well.â€


“Good hunting. Wallace out.â€

[SB 515]

Wallace leaned back as he called for his aid, "Commander Hashir. Have the USS Southerner prepare for immediate departure and have all crew transfers to the Achilles re-routed to that vessel."

"Understood sir."

It wasn't long before the station was filled with scambling crew members that had been recalled or transfers that were now altering their arrangements.

Alex was in the middle of getting his stuff ready for his trip to the Achilles. This would be his first assignment as a counselor. Usually he had just been a medical officer or an intelligence officer.

=A= Attention all Achilles crew. Please report to the USS Southerner.=A= His Commbadge relayed the message.

Alex tapped his comm badge, =A= What I thought we were supposed to report to the USS Olympia=A=

The CPO in the station's Ops center that had been handed the task of gettting the work out looked at his read out to see who was making the request. ~A lieutenant commander and has neve had orders changed?~ She just shook her head and replied. =^= Those are the orders sir. Issued by Admiral Wallace. I'd get going, the Southerner is scheduled for immediate departure. =^=

=A= Aye. Thank you very much. Frece out.=A= Alex said as he gathered his bags to take to the Southerner.

[SB-515 - Phoenix-Patil's Temporary Quarters]

Tika acknowledged the information that had just been communicated to her. She couldn't say she cared very much how she got there, she was just glad she was going. She'd received her promotion to Lieutenant Commander only yesterday, but she didn't feel any different then before. To tell the truth she felt the same as she did before she joined Starfleet. No matter how capable an officer she was, her superior officer's fear was that she would always behave and think like a spoiled teenager.

She had tons and tons of bags and she couldn't possibly carry them all, so there were four other Operations personnel helping her. She'd been a second officer before, but never a Commander. She was very eager to start her work.

[6 hours after departure]

[Bridge - USS Southerner]

The nebula class USS Southerner was well on its way to answer the call from the USS Achilles. Captain Kevan looked up from the report and only hoped his friends on the Ballard were ok. Rising from hos chair he head back out onto the bridge.

Lori looked up as the Andorian stepped out of his ready room. "We should be arriving in a few hours."

Kevan grinneg at his XO, she always knew what he was going to ask. "Good, have all medical and medically cross-trained personnel assemble in the concert hall in 10 minutes. We need to let them know what we will be dealing with."

Lori stood and head to the lift with the Captain as she nodded to the Ops officer who soulded the ships all call. =^= All hands this is the bridge. All medical and medically trained personnel report the the main concert auditorium for mission briefing in 10 minutes. =^=

=A= Aye Aye=A= The counselor said from his temporary quarters on board the ship. ~What do they want?~ Alex thought to himself. He then reported to the auditorium.

Everyone from the Southerners CMO down to Marine medic had answered the call. There was even a few faces he hadn't recognized. ~probalbly the crew transfers or addition staff to deal with the crisis.~ Either way he made a mental note to make sure who was on his ship. Lori took the seat next to the door as the Captain began the briefing.

"In a few hours we will be rendezvousing with the USS Achilles. That ship had been sent to investigate a distress call from the USS Ballard. Upon arrival they found the following."

As the Captain nodded in her direction Lori activated the large display to show the exterior view of the Ballard.

"OH MY GOD." Alex said aloud. He couldn't stop himself.

"Initial reports indicated massive systems damage. The saucer section is opeating on her batteries and the Engineering hull is on auxillery power. The Achilles is a prometheous class ship and doesn't have the facilities to deal with the large number of injuries they found."

Waving to his CMO the Andorian handed teh briefing over. "Doctor.."

Stepping down she turned to face the crowd. We can expect to find every injury imaginable so be ready for it. First priority is to tirage the wounded...most of witch will be well under way. Second is to stabilize the critically injured and get them aboard." Cargo Bays 2, 3, 4 and 5 are being converted to medical wards. In addition to the physical injuries there will the mental as well, expect large numbers of shock trauma...especially among the civilians. Everyone will be assigned to a team and assignments issued.

"Any questions?"

"I have one. I am a Medical officer as well as a counselor. Can I double as both?"

Unsure as to who the man was she replied. "Doctor???"

"Lieutenant Commander Alex Frece."

"Well Dr. Frece, rest assured that there will plenty to do...on either side. Although if you would like to take the lead on the Counseling side of thing that would be greatly apreciated."

"Alright. I will take the lead on counseling. After all, I am the Achille's new Chief Counselor." Alex replied with a smile. ~The woman doesn't even know me and she already wants me to head off something.~ He thought to himself.

<<4 Hours Later >>

[USS Achilles - Transporter Room1]

Tika materialized on the transporter pad next to several other crew, she noticed the one nearest her was the same rank as she. She figured he must be senior staff. She looked at him and lifted the corner of her mouth slightly. She then stepped of the pad and nodded to the transporter chief.

She then turned around and looked toward the man as the rest of the officers filed out of the room. You senior staff?" She said rather casually, her voice carrying its usual sensual tone and a grin on her stunningly beautiful face that indicated she was up to something, though she wasn't...she wore this expression often.

"I am. You are looking at the Chief Counselor." Alex replied with a smile.

The Southerner's arrival was a welcome sight on the ship, but even so there was a great deal that needed to be done. Jess pushed her way through thr new arrivals looking for the right color and rank. As she made her way into the Transporter room she saw who she was looking for. "Commander Frece?

"Um... Yes?"

"Ensign Jessica Logan, acying head of Operations. I'm sorry sir but the usual pleasantries will have to wait you are needed on the Ballard. Mrs. Kelan is already there helping with those in shock. If you'll leave you things I will have them sent to your quarters."

"Thank you. " He said as he stood still on the pad of the transporter.

Once the padd was clear she nodded to the trasporter operator. "Energizeing."

After the doctor was gone she looked over to the Woman staning off to the side next to a pile of baggage. Grinning at he woman who was no doubt her new boss; she waved a hand towards the door, "Right this way Commander I'll take you to the Captain."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Phoenix-Patil

Various NPC's
Played by Da`nal

Lieutenant Commander Alex Frece
Chief Counselor


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