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Medical Mayhem

Posted on 03 Aug 2010 @ 11:30am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: USS Ballard
Timeline: MD 0200-0400

[USS Ballard]

John looked around the room, "I'm going to get you some help here. =A= Medic, get your butt to Sick Bay, on the double =A= Corporal Price came running into Sick Bay with her Medical bag slung over her shoulder, "Yes sir?"

"Help them in any way they need." Before she could answer, "John turned away =A= Cole to Achilles, Deck 12 secure send over Medical staff immediately =A= John looked at Jensen who was still standing beside him, "Keep your men here and keep deck 12 secure, I am going to take my team and continue down."

"Yes sir." Jensen replied.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal sat in his Command chair once again as the ship had been re-integrated into one vessel again, to be honest he was aching to get over their himself. =^= Acknowledged Major. Medical teams are on there way. Sensors show a high concentration of personnel on Deck 17 at the Engineering hulls auxiliary sickbay. Is there any way to tell if that area is clear? =^=

[USS Ballard]

John turned back to Jensen, "There are a lot of life signs on deck 17, do you know if that Sick Bay is in use?"

"Yes sir, I heard it pretty busy down there, understaffed as bad as it is here." Jensen replied.

=A= Cole to Achilles, Deck 17 Sick Bay in use. Will secure now. Have additional Medical staff ready to transport there once its secure=A=

[USS Achilles]

Tapping a panel on his chair he called down to sickbay. =^= Doctor, you and your medical teams are clear to precede to Decks 12 and 17 to assist. =^=

=^= Acknowledged Captain, make sure the Marines understand that if we need extra hands to help with the casualties they are being called up to help. =^= Caecus said as he shot a glance to Melanie after tapping his commbadge and went exited Sickbay to gather up a medical team to accompany them to the Ballard

Melanie heard the call go out as she was close beside Caecus. She turned and nodded to him, grabbing her medkit and headed out.

USS Ballard, a few minutes later

Caecus, Melanie and the medical team that the Medical chief had gathered up materialized on board the crippled starship. He looked around at the bodies laying strewn around the corridors and began breaking down his team into triage teams to get the ball rolling, though he hadn’t seen a body count on a starship like this since the Dominion War. He pulled out his tricorder as he knelt down beside his first patient out of possibly hundreds and began running the sensor wand over unconscious man’s body, taking only a moment to tap his commbadge to contact Melanie.

Derrick hear the transporter effects and came running to see who or what was boarding the ship now. He breathed a massive sigh of relief as the familar Star fleet medical uniforms came into view.

=^= Melanie, just at a glance here it looks like we have too many to care for without losing someone, the Achilles medical facilities aren’t equipped to handle this…your assessment? =^=

=^= As much as I hate to say we can activate the EMH. That will help...we will have to take the most critical cases with us...that will give us all a fighting chance. =^=

Caecus didn’t stop working as he moved from person to person, trying to mark the most critical for transport back to the Achilles. He tapped his comm badge to communicate with the ship and her captain =^= Captain, Romehl here we need to call for further medical existence…we just aren’t equipped to handle this many casualties – =^= the El-Aurian doctor stopped speaking as he cursed under his breath when one of the injured people laying in the hall started seizing and he rushed over to try and save the person’s life.

[USS Achilles]

=^= Acknowledge. I will call for assistance. Achilles out =^=

"I"ll be in my Ready Room"

[USS Ballard]

Derrick moved to the mans side as well. He had been in line to see the EMH but he had honestly never thought he would have survive long enough to get proper care. "He has cranila truama... his brain has been swelling. I have him a hypo to try and hold slow it down but it must have worn off..."

"Hold him down damn it." Caecus ordered Derrick as he made a quick sweep of the seizing patients head, opening his medkit pulling out a hypo-spray and quickly loaded it with a dose of melorazine, injecting the patientand waited a moment before the seizure stopped before producing a tag that the El-Aurian attached to the patients uniform before breaking the tab in half "Lieutenant you did good, but your not finished yet," the seizing patient disappeared in a flash of blue light as she was beamed away to the Achilles for immediate medical treatment as Caecus ran his tricorder over Derrick "congratulations you've been drafted as a nurse." he placed a tricorder in the stunned man hand "Get to work on did well, remember your training and you'll help save more of your crew."

Caecus moved to the next person needing his attention with his medical gear saying a silent prayer for more time for those he needed to help.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Retired Admiral Caecus Romehl

Maj John Cole
Marine CO

NPC's played by Da`nal & Cole


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