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High Ups

Posted on 09 Aug 2010 @ 11:12am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,165 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2 - 1000

[Out side the Transporter room]

"Sorry I had to rush you off the padd ma'am. things are kinda crazy around here right now."

Tika nodded. She didn't really care. "That's alright,'ve been running ops?"

"Yes ma`am. I used to be a Chief Petty Officer, but well Lt. Lawrence has his...issues, that left everything on me and the Captain promoted me. I still have to get the tests out of the way to make everything official. Could I call on you sometime if I have any questions?"

"Absolutely." She said as the turbolift opened.

The younger woman lit up. "Great! This whole thing still seems a little unreal....Bridge." Most woman didn't wear the skirt anymore but her new boss wore it well. ~Good thing Doc Montoya isn't here anymore...I she really have been some competition.~ "That's a nice tatoo."

Lahtikah looked down at her right leg, where the black vine traveled upward and she nodded. There was a crazy story behind that, but it certainly wasn't starfleet related. "Let's just say, even though I love it....I don't remember getting it if you know what I mean.."

Jess grinned knowing all to well how thing like that could happen.

[Main Bridge]

Tika entered the Bridge from the turbolift, instantly stopping. She'd never seen the Bridge of a Prometheus Class starship and she had to admit, it was beyond amazing. The room was a hive of activity as officers worked toward their respective goals. The whole ship was brighter even then she'd come to expect of Starfleet, consisting of white walls and bright faces.

She eyed her console for a few seconds, waiting to go over and give it a try, but she knew she should see the Captain before all that. She walked across the room, her usual devious grin etched across her beautiful face and entered the hallway which lead to the ready room. When she arrived, she pressed the chime.

The arrival of the USS Southerner meant that Da`nal was able to recall most his Marines, and hand over the support functions to the Nebula clas starship. This would allow his staff to focus on the investigation and he hoped that would lead them to whom ever was responcible for this. Looking up from the mountain of reports that kept flooding his database as the chime rang. "Enter."

The doors opened and in walk Ens. Logan and a rather attractive Lt. Commander. He rose from his seat. "You must be Lt. Cmdr Phoenix-Patil?

Tika had always been attracted to Klingon men. It wasn't at all how they acted in general, but more the testosterone. They were as masculine as anyone could be and she found that irresistible. She'd never been too good at hiding what she was thinking either. She ginned almost blankly at the Captain for a few moments, then realized where she was and nodded gently. "Chief of Operations and Second Officer reporting for duty, sir."

She folded one of her well toned legs over the other as she stood there. They were visible as she wore the rarely seen skirt variant of the uniform. The tatoo of the vine on her right leg could be seen. It traveled all the way from the toes on her right foot to her left shoulder

There was no way not to notice the womans legs the intricity of the tatoo on her leg was impressive. No doubt it had an interesting story behind it, but that would have to wait. "Welcome aboard, have seat Commander. Under normal circumstance we would review your record and I would address any concerns. However as I'm sure you are aware these are not normal circumstances."

"I've read the reports, sir. We can do the questioning later if you'd like.." she said, sitting down and folding her right leg over her left.

"And what do you think of this situation?"

She paused for a moment, thinking about the reports she'd read on her way to the Achilles. "I'd say it's definately a tough one. I think, with some work, it's doable. I do feel that whoever attacked the ship should be found imediately."

"Rest assured they will. Long range sensors traacked the vessel to an asteroid belt in the neighboring star system but lost it as it entered the belt due to interefence. As your first assignment I want you to take charge of the investion. Gather a team (ooc - take silonez, meru, and hannah) examine the wreckage for bomb debris or anything that can possibly ID who did this. The key damage areas are still decompressed so it'll have to be either sensors or EVA. I also want that ship found. We will most likely seperate the saucer so the investgation can continue while the rest of the ship heads over to the planets of those involved in the negotiations."

Tika tooks notes on her PADD as she listened to the man on the other side of the desk. When he was finished, she nodded to confirm she understood him. "Aye. I understand..." was all she said. "So we shall leave as soon as we discover who did this?"


Da`nal's reply was interupted as the comm sounded. "Captain, we are detecting two ships apporach on sensors. They say they are here to render medical aid."

"Has the Sountherner responded?"

"Yes sir, they are requesting that the ships remain at the edge of transporter range. They have also launche two groups of fight to establish an exclusion zone."

"Very good." The Southerner hadn't wasted any time in assuming the role of guardian over the wounded ship..~excellent.~ Returning his gaze to his new officer, "Begin your investigation. I have a meeting with the XO and Lt. Eircson in a few minutes, so have the Saucer crew report to their stations during that time. We will seperate once the meeting is over.

"While you and your team check things out the rest of us will be to the Delegation home planets to contact their respective governments."

"Undertood....I'll gather my team." Tika said, standing up and adjusting the skirt she had on.

As she stood Da`nal again couldn't help but notice the tatoo. He would have to ask her about that, but now was not the proper time. He stood as well, "well if you have no questions than you are dismissed. "

She nodded slowly with a professional yet seductive grin. She then turned and left, the door swishing behind her as she went.

Da`nal watched her leave and his chin cocked to one side as he lifted a brow as she made her exit. He keen Klingon senses having detected her...suggestive nature. ~I wonder what do will do when she finally reports to him...~. He grinned at the though as he grabbed his PADD and head to the Intel conference room for his next meeting.


Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant Commander Phoenix-Patil
CoO & 2O


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