
Sudden Emergency

Posted on 17 Sep 2024 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.
Edited on on 17 Sep 2024 @ 2:12pm

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Deck 7 Primary Sick Bay
Timeline: current


Doctor Rhineholt had just finished up with a patient when his Comm went off "Doctor Rhineholt, go ahead" he stated.

"Doctor this is Science Lab 2, Lieutenant J.G. Jacobs was conducting an experiment when a chemical line burst; he was exposed to a rather large amount of triethylene" came the explanation then continued "Everyone else in the Lab is fine; the computer automatically shut off the line."

"That's good to hear but if anyone starts showing symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or severe headaches have them report to primary sick bay at once. In the meantime I'll have the Lieutenant transported to sick bay" Jason explained with some concern in his voice.

"Understood Doctor Rhineholt; I'll keep watch of everyone else, Lab 2 out" came the reply.

Tapping his comm "Transporter Room 2, this is Doctor Rhineholt. I need an emergency medical transport from Science Lab 2, Lieutenant Jacobs as soon as possible" Jason requested.

"Right away Doctor. The Lieutenant will be to you momentarily" the Operator replied.

Tapping his comm once again " Doctor T'Vel and Nurse Fong please report to the medical transporter; we have incoming" Jason ordered then made his way there as well.

Moments after Jason arrived the transporter lit up and their patient appeared " Doctor give me a hand with Mr. Jacobs" he instructed. Gabbing the scanner from his pocket Jason proceeded watching the monitor at the head of his bed. Doctor Rhineholt wasn't liking what he was seeing as he turned to T'Vel "Wheel this man into the detox chamber and set the med station for 20cc's of lexodin and 10cc's of chloraxine every thirty minutes for the next six hours; that should reverse the effects of the triethylene" Jason instructed.

"Logically that is a sound course of action Doctor Rhineholt" T'vel replied.

Turning to Nurse Fong "Nurse, I would like Mr. Jacobs under constant supervision for that time period" then he paused "Almost like he was in intensive care" came the order "If he does regain conciseness please have the Nurse explain to him what happened and that he should be fine barring any unforeseen circumstances."

"As you wish Doctor. I have a Nurse coming on very soon who I'm sure wouldn't mind attending to the Lieutenant" Fong replied as she and T'Vel completed Rhineholt's orders.

Later that day Jason went to check on Mr. Jacobs seeing a familiar face as he stood in front of the detox chamber "Nurse Zalana Tos nice to see you again. So how's our patient progressing" he inquired with a smile.

"It's nice to see you again as well Doctor" Zalana replied returning the smile "The Lieutenant seems to be doing well with the medications and I've noticed he's been moving around some so I expect him to regain conciseness before long."

"That's certainly good news. I'm going to grab dinner then I'll swing by and see how's he's doing; hopefully he'll be awake by then" Doctor Rhineholt commented then turned to go to dinner.

After dinner Jason walked up to the chamber seeing his patient awake and Nurse Tos talking to him. Entering the chamber "Lieutenant Jacobs how are you feeling" he inquired with a smile.

"Hi Doc. I'm feeling better now that the Nurse here gave me something for my stomach; I thought I was going to heave when I woke up" Jacobs replied still feeling a little shaky.

"That's perfectly normal for someone having been exposed to that much chemical" as he check Jacobs over again "Looks like you're going to be fine but I want you to stay in sick bay for another twenty four hours just to be sure" he explained then turning to the Nurse "Give me a hand and we'll move him back into primary sick bay but I still want him watched overnight."

"Sure thing Doctor" Tos replied as the two wheeled Jacobs out of the detox chamber and back out to the primary area.

The next morning Rhineholt checked on Jacobs first thing "So how are you feeling this morning" he inquired.

"Good Doc, So when can I get out of here" Jacobs asked wanting to get out of here.

Scanning him one last time "I think you can leave after your breakfast but I want you to rest the remainder of the day and get your strength back. Tomorrow if you're feeling back to normal then you may resume your duties; if you don't then please stop by so I can have a look at you" Jason instructed.

With a smile on his face "Understood Doc and hopefully I won't need to bother you again" the Lieutenant replied anxious to leave.

"You're not bothering me in the slightest; that's what I'm here for" Jason replied then turned to check on other patients.


Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt. M.D.



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