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Going Up

Posted on 16 Jun 2024 @ 12:46pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Jason Rhineholt accepted an invitation from Ensign Emerson to try his hand at a rock climbing wall. As he was about to get dressed in the special climbing attire a thought came into his mind “Why did I let myself get talked into this; hopefully I don’t make a complete ass out of myself” but he already knew the answer to his question.

After some issues getting the outfit on Jason quickly realized this was more of a second skin than a specialized piece of clothing. Looking in the mirror “Boy I sure hope I don’t have some lady catch my eye or I’ll be in big trouble” he commented out loud wondering if he could even walk in this thing being so form fitting.

[Holo Deck 2]

Upon arriving Jason could see Sam waiting outside for him. The closer he walked to her he could see she was dressed in the same attire which left nothing to the imagination as far as her female attributes were concerned. With a grin “Hi Sam, you ready to teach a newbie how to climb” Jason inquired.

“No problem, I’ll have you climbing in no time” Sam replied with a smile “Computer initiate Emerson three.”

“Emerson three initiated; all safety protocols applied” the computer answered then the doors slid open.

The two walked in with Sam caring her bag then setting it on the floor opening it. She grabbed two of everything; gloves and harnesses. Handing one of each to Jason “Here watch me and I’ll show you how to put on the harness” she instructed as she stepped into it and fastened it up.

Jason smiled “That looks easy enough” as he proceeded to do the same.

Sam walked over and checked what he had done “Looks good to me” she stated not just referring to the harness then explained some things “Ok, first and foremost safety. When you get to the point in your climb that you just can’t go any further just push yourself from the wall and the harness will lower you back to the deck. Secondly climbing isn’t about speed but rather how far you can make it up the wall. Now the yellow holds are for your feet and the other colors are for your hands. When you’re on the wall look up and try to imagine your path; that will help you figure out your route. Any questions?”

Jason thought for a few moments “No, you explained things pretty well” he replied looking up at this tall massive wall wondering what he had gotten himself into.

“Good. Let me give you a practical demonstration then I’ll let you give it a try” Sam commented as she hooked the safety rope to the front of her harness. Taking a breath Sam started her ascent slowly for just a short distance so Jason could get the idea.

As Sam started up the wall Jason watched her hands and feet placement until he became distracted by her rather nicely shaped bottom; he was admiring the view.

After a few minutes Sam released herself from the wall and slowly descended back to the deck “See how I did that? Now you give it a try; that is assuming you were actually watching what I was doing instead of admiring my butt” she commented with a big grin not really minding.

Jason didn’t know what to say wondering if Sam had eyes in the back of her head so he just grinned back then approached the wall. Looking up for a few moments he tried to visualize his path. Taking a deep breath he started slowly, placing his feet first then his hands attempting to make some sort of a good showing in his first ever effort. He hadn’t gone very far when his legs started to feel like rubber and his arms began to burn. The further he went the worse the pain became until he just couldn’t go any further and released himself from the wall and returned to the deck.

Sam met her student with a smile “Not too shabby for your first attempt” she commented “So how’s the legs and arms feel.”

“My legs feel like one of those stretchy toys kids play with and my arms feel like their on fire; I guess I’ve discovered whole new sets of muscles in my body” he replied with a chuckle.

“That sounds about right” Sam replied with a grin as she prepared to hit the wall herself.

“Ok hotshot, let’s see how well you do” Jason said teasingly.

“No problem” she replied with a wry smile then decided to return Jason’s tease “Just don’t stare a hole through my butt.” Sam started her ascent slowly and methodically take it one hold at a time.

Jason watched with interest enjoying both her technique as well as the view. Sam made it halfway up when she couldn’t stand the pain in her arms any longer and started her free descent.

When Sam made it to the deck “Not too bad” he stated with a grin as Sam was shaking off the effects from her arms and legs.

“Thanks; your turn” as Jason gave the wall another try. The two alternated back and forth a few more times.

Finally Jason confessed “I think that’s it for me for today or I won’t be able to get out of bed tomorrow” as he laughed “But that was fun.”

“I know what you mean. Usually I only go at the wall a few times during a session for that very reason. One thing I find that helps with that is to take a very warm shower before I go to bed; that usually helps with any stiffness from happening the next day” Sam explained.

“That sounds reasonable; that should help loosen up the muscles” Jason replied “Anyway may I walk you back to your quarters, just so I know you make it back safely” really wanting an excuse to spend a little more time with Sam.

“Yes, I’d like that” she replied with a grin “Computer end program” as the two left the holodeck.


Arriving back at Sam’s home she keyed in her security code then the door slid open as she turned “ Would you like to come in for a minute.”

“Sure” he replied as the two entered with the door closing behind them. After they talked for a few minutes Jason knew it was time “I should probably be going. Thank you for a fun time and for your expert instructions” he commented with a grin.

Sam decided to go for broke as she stepped into his personal space “You’re welcome Doctor….maybe we can do that again sometime. I had fun as well” she stepped in closer as she spoke then leaned in and gave Jason a good night kiss. After a few moments she stepped back and grinned “Hmm; your not a bad kisser either.”

Jason grinned back “Thanks? I guess. I’ll see you tomorrow in sick bay.” then he turned and left for his own quarters. Walking back he was quite pleased with their time together “This women is a very intelligent, beautiful, and also very intriguing” was his thoughts.

Sam grabbed a water and sat on the couch replaying their time together over in her mind as a smile came across her face thinking “Such a nice guy and a very nice kisser” of course she would never tell Jason that and ruin her fun.



Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.

Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson (NPC)


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