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Settling In

Posted on 08 Apr 2024 @ 7:45am by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

868 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Deck 3
Timeline: Concurrent To "Getting Squared Away"

Now that Jason had taken the time to catch his breath, and rest for a bit, he wanted to try and get his new home settled knowing the next few days would be busy with meetings, taking care of boarding requirements, and checking out the two other sick bays.

As he sat figuring out the best way to go about getting settled quickly and easily Jason heard a familiar noise as his crate materialized in the living area. He smiled as he thought “Looks like the Yeoman has some good connections” as he stood ready to get to work.

First he made his way to the bedroom area, which was at the right back corner looking towards the entrance, to get his duffel emptied out and refresh what needing refreshing; also putting his clothes in their proper places. Seeing two shelves across from the bed, he reached into his duffel for the last two items; a holographic photo of his parents and also one of his sister in her nurses uniform. Setting them on the shelf he switched them on standing for a few minutes enjoying seeing their faces.

Afterwards some of his clothes and uniforms were put away in the closet, Jason grabbed his hygiene kit and headed for the bathroom which was in front of the bedroom area to the immediate right of the entrance. This was a nicely thought out area with the usual necessities one would expect to find in a bathroom.

Walking back into the living area he heard his comms go off “Lieutenant Rhineholt, go ahead” he stated wondering who it could be since he hadn’t even been aboard a day yet.

“Lieutenant, this is the cargo Chief, the Yeoman contacted me and said your crate was being beamed over from the Granger directly to your quarters. Just checking to see if it’s arrived yet.”

“Yes, it just materialized and please tell the Yeoman thank you for me” Jason replied happy he could get everything done today.

“No problem Sir” the Chief replied “When you’re done unpacking let us know and we’ll beam it back here so it’s out of your way.”

“Thanks, I’ll let you know when it’s empty” Jason replied eager to get things finished up.

Grabbing another swig of water Jason opened the crate and set to getting it emptied out and getting his new home to his liking. First he grabbed the rest of his uniforms, including his dress uniform for those occasions when he needed to be dressed in this ‘monkey suit’ and headed for the bedroom area.

After that was finished he grabbed all his medical journals and placed them on his bookshelves in the living area. Then came a few trinkets Jason had acquired during shore leaves and placed them on the other shelf. These were located to the left of the entrance against the wall.

Lastly Jason carefully grabbed his Klingon Bat’leth and his Samurai Sword, along with the hooks, and mounted them on the wall over his couch located to the left against the back wall. These he used when he worked out to exercise whole muscle groups instead of just one or two.

Finally the crate was empty; tapping his comm “Cargo Chief this is Lieutenant Rhineholt, the crate is empty if you want to retrieve it.”

“Very good Lieutenant, I’ll retrieve it straight away” came the reply and a few minutes later the crate disappeared from sight.

Grabbing another water from the replicator, Jason went and sat looking around his new quarters “Now I can relax a little” he commented out loud noticing his desk, with a terminal, on the left side wall; the replicator and reclaim unit were to the extreme left by the shelves. The quarters had brown carpeting on the floors throughout and tan walls giving the quarters a soothing and relaxing vibe.

While he was resting for awhile his mind went back to the first ship he had served on. The Endeavor, a Defiant class ship, which had been in service for years. Even though it was a great ship, she started showing her age with little things. Jason especially remembered his quarters. It was on the small side with the furniture showing dents and dings from years of service. The carpeting was faded and had been patched showing brighter colors along with a few threadbare worn spots. It was clean just not the best looking; but yet it was still comfortable as a smile came across his face at the remembrance.

Shortly Jason realized he was becoming quite hungry; lunch was a long time ago. Going to the replicator he ordered his dinner “Computer one bowl of beef stew with two slices of crusty bread.” Moments later he grabbed his meal and went to the couch placing his meal on the table in front of it. Jason started to eat realizing just how hungry he really was. After his meal was finished he saw to his dishes and grabbed a glass of bourbon to relax. Looking around his quarters he thought to himself “There really is no place like home.”



Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.


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