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Getting To It

Posted on 08 Apr 2024 @ 9:53am by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

1,309 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


The next morning Jason woke early being rather excited and nervous all at the same time. This would be his first time as a CMO and he wanted to make a good first impression; first order of business was to meet his staff and get his boarding physical out of the way in one fell swoop.

Stumbling to the living area Jason approached the replicator “Computer one mug of hot black coffee” came the request. Grabbing his morning brew he made his way to his desk while sipping his coffee as he went. Placing his coffee on the desk he signed into his terminal, with his padd beside it, and downloaded the entire Star Fleet Medical Database. Whenever Jason left his quarters the device would always be placed in his right thigh pocket just in case it was needed; he wanted information at his finger tips. Knowing the data transfer would most likely take about two hours to complete, Jason headed for the shower.

After showering, and attending to the rest of his personal needs, Jason toweled off and grabbed a fresh clean uniform for dressing. Looking in the mirror he made sure everything on his uniform were in their appropriate positions along with his new comms badge.

Walking back out into the living area he decided on a light breakfast “Computer, one small bowl of granola cereal with raisins and milk; another mug of hot black coffee.” Grabbing his breakfast he returned to the couch setting them on the table to enjoy. Once finished Jason disposed of his dishes, then did a light cleanup wanting to keep his new home tidy.

The data transfer was complete; grabbing the device he placed it in its appropriate place. Noticing it was now shortly before zero eight hundred Jason secured his quarters and headed out the door to the nearest lift “Deck 7, primary sick bay” as he could feel his heart pounding in anticipation.

[Primary Sick Bay]

Entering sick bay Jason felt a sense of relief to have finally made it this far after all he’d been through the last few days. This was his world now and he was determined to make it the best world humanly possible.

Walking towards his office Jason turned facing the staff and in a loud voice addressed them “Good Morning….if you would gather around please.” His staff doing as requested figuring this must be the new guy “Hello, I’m Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt your new CMO. Over the next few weeks I’ll be getting to know each of you by name, so please bear with me. Also you can address me as Lieutenant, Doctor, Chief, or hey you if my name escapes you” he stated as he could hear a few chuckles around the room .“After I get settled in over the next couple of months, I may or may not be making any changes depending on what I see. However, at Captain Montoya’s request, I would like to get the three sick bay’s setup with who would be in charge of each one if the ship were to go into the multi-vector mode. So firstly who are the two senior Doctors with the most experience.”

Moments later one of the Doctors spoke up “Good morning Doctor Rhineholt and welcome to the Phoenix. I am Doctor T’Vel and I am the senior most Doctor here” the Vulcan stated.

Then another physician chimed in “I’m Doctor Tizon and I’m the next Doctor in line….welcome” the Bajoran replied with a smile.

“Excellent and it’s nice to meet you both” Jason stated with a smile “So who would be medical’s head nurse then.”

One of the other nurses spoke up "Our head nurse is SCPO Anita Valentine; she has the day off Doctor."

“That's fine, I'm sure I'll catch up to her in a day or so" Rhineholt stated with a smile “Lastly, other than our Head Nurse, who would be our most senior nurse here.”

An asian lady spoke next “Doctor Rhineholt….hello….that would be myself. I’m Nurse Sulin Fong” she stated with a slight head bow showing respect.

The last Nurse spoke up “Welcome to our family Doctor Rhineholt. I would be Nurse Zalana Tos” the half Klingon/Human women answered.

“Nice to meet the both of you as well” the Doctor replied “I would like to meet with the four of you for a couple of minutes and the rest of you can return to your duties. Thank you all for the warm welcome.”

All of the staff gave a round of applause before returning back to work which made Jason feel welcome and right at home.

As the five gathered “I don’t know what the procedure was previously, but here are your assignments should the ship go into multi vector mode. The secondary sick bay will be handled by Doctor T’Vel and Nurse Fong. The tertiary sick bay will be handled by Doctor Tizon and Nurse Tos on decks three and eleven respectively” he instructed “Any questions or concerns?”

Looking at the group no one seemed to have any concerns “Good then that leaves Head Nurse Valentine and myself here on deck seven in primary sick bay” he concluded with a smile “Thank you all for your time….you can return to your duties.”

After the group broke up Doctor Rhineholt went around speaking to each and every staff member individually for the next couple of hours being very happy to meet each of them.

When finished Jason approached T’Vel “Doctor since I’m here would you have the time to do a boarding physical for me” Jason inquired.

“Yes of course Doctor….let us go back there where we can have some privacy while I examine you” T’Vel replied in his usual Vulcan manner.

Once in the next room Jason removed his uniform tunic, laying it on a nearby chair, and reclined on the bio-bed.

After making the necessary adjustments to the input screen for Jason’s physiology, T’Vel grabbed the scanning device out of his tunic pocket and started to scan Jason. Once finished “Doctor you appear to be in top physical condition. All I need is a blood sample from you” he stated.

“Well Doctor, that’s comforting to know” Rhineholt replied with a grin and a small amount of sarcasm trying to be funny; that was lost on T’Vel’s Vulcan nature “ Feel free to take a blood sample.”

After taking the required sample he placed it in the analyzer and waited for the results “Doctor Rhineholt query; how long have you been a CMO” he asked trying to improve his bedside manner while waiting for the results.

“Actually this is my first assignment as CMO but rest assured I’ll do my utmost best to be an effective leader” Jason replied being a little curious at the question.

“Star Fleet chose you for this position so logically they saw something in you leading them to believe you were the correct person for the position” T’Vel stated matter of factly. Moments later the analyzer sounded indicating the sample had been processed. Looking at the readout “Doctor your blood work is as it should be for your species.”

Rising from the bio-bed Jason put his tunic back on and smiled “Excellent and thank you for taking care of this for me; now I have one boarding requirement out of the way.”

The Vulcan looked at Rhineholt as he raised one eyebrow “Indeed Doctor, that is my job.”

Jason just grinned realizing it would take him some time to get used to T’Vel’s mannerisms “Yes I suppose it is” he stated then turned to leave sick bay for his next stop.


Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.


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