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Medical Checkup...

Posted on 29 Mar 2024 @ 5:31pm by Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D.

1,129 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 3/ 1200 hours

After his meeting with the Executive Officer, Mat'tew locked his termal and left his office. He had an appointment, down in Sickbay, to recieve his initial checkup.

A few moments after leaving his office, Mat'tew was stepping into the pristine space that held the ship's medical center. "Hello?" He called out, seeing no one in the waiting area.

Having finally boarded the ship, Jason had spent the last few days getting settled it and meeting with command. Now it was time to get back to work. Sitting in his office Jason was reviewing the crew's medical records seeing who either had medical issues or who were due for checkups when he heard a voice in the waiting area. After securing his terminal he made his way to where the voice had originated.

Seeing a potential patient Jason smiled "Hello Lieutenant, I'm Doctor Jason Rhineholt, how can I be of service" he inquired extending his hand as was his custom with his patients.

Seeing the smaller human male approach with his hand extended in friendship, Mat'tew moved to intercept him, his own hand raising to accept the handshake. "Greetings, Doctor. I am Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa. I arrived a short while ago, as the new Security and Tactical departments chief. I am here to recieve my incoming medical physical."

Noticing how tall this gentleman was, Jason hoped there was a bio-bed long enough to accommodate the Lieutenant "If you'd follow me please" he stated as the two Officers walked into sick bay proper; a large circular room with beds around the perimeter and the offices on the right hand side. Finding the appropriate bed Jason turned "Please lay down on the bed and we'll get started. "This won't take long."

Mat'tew did as instructed, then got as comfortable as he could, while he waited for the exam to begin.

Walking to the foot of the bed the Doctor keyed in the sequence on the panel for the physiology of a Betalgeusian which displayed on the screen at the head of the bed. Treating so many different species of crew, Jason learned a long time ago not to rely on his memory; this habit cut done the number of mistakes considerably. Taking the scanner from his thigh pocket Jason began to scan his patient "So you're the Chief for the Sec/Tac department. Now I know who to contact in case of a problem," he stated while continuing the scan.

Nodding slightly. Mat'tew replied. "I'm going to be working with the Marine unit aboard to augment my security detail. Rest assured, I will demand nothing but their absolute best in performance."

"I have no seem to be a 'no nonsense' type of leader plus it'll be good for them to learn something other than maneuvers" Jason commented as he finished up the last of the scans "Everything looks as it should for your species and obviously you're in great physical shape. Do you have any medical questions or concerns at this time?"

Thinking about it, Mat'tew had but one request to make. "My dietary requirements are sch that I need to eat raw meat. I canh survive on cooked fare, however, my body needs the blood and other nutrients found in red meat before it is cooked. As you will see in my medical file, my previous CMOs programmed a prescription into the replicator system, to allow me to get proper meals."

"I can certainly do that for you Lieutenant; proper diet is just as important as enough sleep and proper hydration" Jason stated while grabbing the padd out of his right thigh pocket. Taking the device he filled the request "There, you're all set. Let me know if you should need any adjustments to the prescription or any thing else for that matter."

Nodding his appreciation, Mat'tew replied. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Any time Lieutenant; that's what I'm here for" the Doctor replied glad he was able to fill a simple request.

"Now one last thing then we're finished here. I need to get a blood sample for analysis which should only take five minutes or so to process; if you wouldn't mind" the Doctor explained.

The large Betelgeusian nodded as he replied. "Of course, Doctor." He stayed still so Rhineholt could get the needed sample.

Grabbing the appropriate sized needle the Doctor placed it in the hypo syringe and extracted the blood sample followed by placing a dermal regenerating patch that would heal the puncture in just a couple of minutes. He place the sample in the analyzer as he commented "Generally I like my patients to wait for the results just in case there's an issue; which in your case is highly unlikely. Just out of curiosity, besides the obvious, what prompted you to go into security.

"It is my calling. As I follow the teachings and live my life as Altaa the Warrior, so too have I become a warrior in my own right. My people all frame how we live on how each of our ancient deities are believed to have lived. Altaa was the greatest warrior and protector of my people, and the takes of his battles are legendary. Each of us who choose to follow his path dream to live up to his example."

"That certainly is a noble calling; I doubt most people would have that kind of commitment" Jason answered being quite impressed "Mine wasn't quite as noble. My father is a Doctor as was his father before him so I guess you could say medicine is in my genes."

Mat'tew shook his head slightly. "But, you have just contradicted yourself. Your family are healers, by following the path of those before you, you have proven that it is, in fact, quite noble."

The Doctor stood for a few moments thinking about what Mat'tew had just stated. With a grin "You know I've never thought about it in that light before; but you're correct in your statement" Jason replied starting to understand Mathew's commitment to his past.

The blood analyzer sounded indicating the sample had been processed. Reaching over Rhineholt checked the readings on the screen. Looking towards his patient "Just as I thought; Lieutenant, your bloodwork is exactly where it should be," he explained. "So looks like your exam is over, and I'll update your medical records. Unless you're having any medical problems, I guess I'll see you back here in one year."

Mat'tew nodded, then sat up. After putting his uniform jacket back on, he stood up and dipped his head respectfully towards Rhineholt. "Thank you, Doctor. May Eenaa, the Goddess of Healing, watch over and guide you." He then turned and made his way out of sickbay.



Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt, M.D.

Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa


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