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Beginning of the End - Part 2

Posted on 01 Apr 2024 @ 8:19pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

1,166 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: 3188

:: Previously, in early 3188 ::

Dalmot, calmer now, suggested, "Why not have the scapegoat be one of their own ships? It wouldn't be the first time a Starfleet crew, of that era, traveled through time to right some wrong. Kirk did it for the whales, Picard did it to stop the Borg. And let's not forget Samuelson, when she went back to stop the assassination of the Federation President."

"My thinking exactly. It will need to be a smaller but versatile ship, powerful, have cloaking technology, and an inexperienced...or a more non-cohesive crew."

:: ...and now the conclusion. ::

"A crew that is not yet a cohesive team will be easier to manipulate should there be doubts about the story we feed them."

Dalmot looked to the Trill woman and remarked, "It sounds to me as if you've already decided on which ship and crew we should decide."

"The Prometheus class ships had cloacking technology," Shazaran mused, flicking her tail, as she scanned through her database. Starship classes appeared in front of after tapping her wrist. She swiped through the schematics and once she found the ship, she pulled it out and enlarged it. "This is the class." she said and pushed the three-dimensional image towards the center of the room.

G'Ren nodded, moving walk the room towards the holographic display. "The cloaking technology will be a major plus, smaller, powerful...yes this will do nicely. But we should also look at other classes with cloaks, we need as many options as possible at this point. Examine the late 24th century, looking for cloakable ships with a newly assembled crew, and one one a relatively remote assignment. That way if something goes wrong we can eliminate them and move on to another option without them being missed to quickly."

They set to work scouring the historical data banks looking for a ship and crew that matched their criteria. Several hours later they met again to review their findings. They only had a limited time frame to search as the Federation only used cloaking technology for relatively short period and only on a few of their ship classes. Over the years only smaller vessels saw use of a federation cloaking devices. Usually limited to the smaller escort or frigate class starships, the Prometheus Class was the largest ship to be equipped.

Shazaran was lying on her back on the table, having returned some time before the others. Her eyes were half closed. She was totally alert to her surrounding and totally relaxed simultaneously, allowing her mind to continue to sift through the information she scanned through.

"And what have you discovered, my dear?" Dalmot's voice suddenly pierced the silence. Despite his age and size, he still moved as silently and as gracefully as he did when he was a young soldier, stalking his targets like prey animals.

"You almost got me there, Dalmot," Sharazan said, her eyes still half closed. "With these parameters I haven't found many possibilities," she answered. "The USS Bankok is possible, but the captain is a Vulcan and they are notoriously suspicious of time travel and they are also difficult to manipulate. The other Prometheus class ships I found are the USS Rakanok, USS Ganja and USS Giyani, none of which had a clocking device. There are a few smaller vessels, but they are all too small, too far or have too little influence. I was busy trying to get information on another one, USS Phoenix, but I was interrupted," she reported. "What have you got?"

"I found plenty of ship's I'd love to tear apart with my seismic charges," he began with a grin, then sighed, annoyed. "But nothing that would work for our needs."

G'Ren chimed in with her finding. "Found many of the same and disqualified most of them for the same reasons as Shazaran. The Phoenix in 2397 seems to be the best option. The Captain may be experienced the crew at that time had just been cobbled together. Opinions.

Sharazan relooked at the USS Phoenix's details. "I concur, some of their crew ended up on the ship when the USS Granger was destroyed. The XO was also inexperienced and caused some shit with the Marines," she laughed. "They seem ideal..."

"Then let us agree on that ship and get the mission started!" Dalmot growled.

"Patience. It was the over zealousness of the Sulibon that led to their failure. This will most likely be our last attempt, we must be precise. We cannot fail here."

Now that they had their ship, they needed to send the patsy on a journey thought space time to keep any temporal agents busy and off guard while they did the same. Tapping on her tablet G'Ren transferred her data to the central holo-project. "In order to keep any temporal agent off guard, and to ensure our implanted history holds, here are the target events that we will send them to. As far as they are concerned they are there to ensure the proper flow of history, but in actuality their presence will be of no consequence.

"Their first assignment will be to ensure the destruction of Praxis 2293. Second will be the destruction of the Borg near Earth in 2373. Third will be the their main assignment; the destruction of the Enterprise from an engine imbalance in that created a worm hole from which the Enterprise never survived."

"Lots of destruction, I like..." Shazaran mused, checking her claws.

"The crisis with the Enterprise alone would be enough to keep the temporal agents busy," Dalmot commented. "That was the mission when the V'ger entity returned to Earth. Destroy the Enterprise, destroy the Earth!" Delight shone in his eyes as he spoke.

"Exactly." She looked at them for a moment. They had they target event, their patsy and a to make that plan a reality. "Very well then. Let's begin our preparations. There's a ship to ready, and calculations to make. We will need to both reprogram their computers and prepare RNA injections to instill the history we want them to believe."

Dalmot nodded, then moved over to a side terminal to start working on the code breakers he would employ on their target's computers.

While the others carried out their assignments G'Ren moved to the lab computer and began her temporal calculation. The probable outcomes of the Earth cleansing in 2270, potential Romulan/Klingon actions, and what would be needed to be done to ensure the Unity's rise to power.

There may be a were clean-up incursions needed but once Earth was out of the way they would be free of the Federations influence and pursuit. She grinned and the results she was getting and decided the plan agreed upon was the best course of action. Eliminating the Federation may only be the first step to power but it was the biggest.

NPCs played by...

Played by Capt. Montoya

Played by LtCmdr Aiden MacMahon

Played by Lt. Urushi Yatome


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