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Terror Bird to Devil Dog...

Posted on 03 Mar 2024 @ 4:24pm by Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix, Marine Country
Timeline: MD: TBD/ 1045 hours

After speaking with his staff, Mat'tew made his way down to the Phoenix's small Marine area, so that he could speak with the individual currently in charge.

Upon entering the section known as Marine Country, he quickly found the individual he was searching for. "Gunny Wickham, we need to speak." Though he was an officer, Mat'tew decided to keep things casual for now.

James was looking over the day's morning report, making not that one of the unit's newest members got a little too enthusiastic proving herself and ended up in sickbay. He would have to look into the matter to get the full story but as she was already back on duty he could wait until later. He was in the middle of setting the report aside when he looked up as he heard his name. Seeing the officer in the doorway he stood assuming a position of attention. "Sir."

"Stand at ease, Gunny," Mat'tew said as he stepped closer. "As you are currently the highest ranking Marine aboard, you and I will be working together." He offered his right hand in friendship. "Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa. I'm the new Security and Tactical Chief."

Shifting his stance, he relaxed and indicated the chair on the other side of the desk. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant..." Retaking his own seat he continued. "Guess you want to discuss the Captain's inclusion of Marines in the ship's security?"

Nodding, Mat'tew lowered his large frame into the offered chair. "Yes, I do. It will be a first for me, so I am curious as to how it will work."

"Understandable. Well it's not too complicated, and probably the reason your department is smaller than it typically would be. In a nutshell we augment. By taking on patrol, guard, escort, or other duties it allows you and yours to focus on other things. Over the years we've developed a very good report and there is a lot of cross training between the Marines and the rest of your staff."

Mat'tew nodded as he listened. "It sounds like the Human sailing vessels of old. Well, I look forward to working with you and your fellow Marines, Gunny." He took a breath, then continued. "Do you have a training schedule set up yet?"

A grin spread slowly across his face. "Absolutely. But I can't take credit for it, at least not all of it. Your predecessor and I worked out the details of getting the Marines cross-trained on the procedures for Sec/Tac and we keep the Marines on a rotation to augment your department. We do have a few boots we picked up while on DS3 and they're coming along.

"Other than that we get a few of your folks wanting to participate in our training from time to using holograms to fight against."

Mat'tew nodded as he listened. "That sounds like a sound plan. I would like see what this training that consists of."

"Our training consists of varying combat simulations. From boarding and ship defensive operation to various surface situations and environments. even zero-g. Ya never know what we might encounter so we try to be ready for anything. If you like you can participate during the next simulation."

The Betalgeusian clicked his eating beak once, then replied. "I would. When is the next simulation scheduled?"

Shrugging. "We had one scheduled for tomorrow but; oh that's right, you didn't arrive until after the mission brief, you missed a few things. Our new chief engineer wanted to experience the ships MVAM first hand...and the Captain graciously granted his request so the XO will probably be pulling the alarm on those drills, so I cancelled that simulation. The troop don't know why of course but I will be putting one together soon."

Nodding in understanding, Mat'tew replied. "Then I should go ensure my new department is ready for any surprise drills. Thank you for informing me, Gunny. For the MVAM, how will you have your Marines deployed?"

"Normally, with a CO in place, the CO, 1st squad would be stationed in the upper drive section. I would take 2nd squad in the lower drive section, and 3rd squad would be deployed to the saucer either under the squad leader or one of your officers. Since we don't have a platoon leader I shift the the upper drive section."

Mat'tew nodded, then replied. "I am still learning about this class of vessel, however, if I understood the Captain's instructions correctly, that would put you and I in the same section." He paused to take a breath, then continued. "Have you been able to drill the deployment of your Marines for the MVAM cycles? If so, how are your times looking, and where do you feel improvement, if any, can be made?"

James ran through MVAM assignments in his head. "You're right. At least until we get our LT and I get bumped...or unless you get appointed as 2nd officer and you get bumped," adding the last with a grin. As to the my Marines and getting to their assignments, most have no issues getting where they need to go in the time allotted. But if things really hit the fan... we can cheat."

"Emergency site to site beaming," Mat'tew guessed aloud. Sounds good, but I'd keep that option only as a last resort, incase the bridge or engineering deem that power is to be allocated elsewhere."

Nodding with a smirk. "Good guess. But its only one way and an absolute last resort but one the also allows us to get to our destination even if there are power issues."

Mat'tew nodded. "Well, it certainly sounds like you've got things well in hand here, Gunny." He stood and offered his right hand to the Marine. "It shall be an honor to serve and fight along side you."

Standing as well, he took the officer's hand with his usual firm grip. "The honor is ours." The corner of his mouth curled a bit. "But don't take it too hard when we kick your peoples asses again." His humorous smile was obvious.

Mat'tew arched his right eyebrow and clicked his eating beak a couple times. "Don't be so sure of yourself, my mammalian friend." He then chuckled softly, releasing James' hand, before turning and leaving the NCO to his duties.

Lt Mat'tew el-Altaa
Sec/Tac Chief

GySgt James Wickham
Platoon Sgt
NPC played by Montoya


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