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Problems in the ranks??

Posted on 02 Mar 2024 @ 11:11pm by Ensign Tora Zalos & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

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Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix

Now that they were under way Rico was making his way to the science area to check on the one person on his ship that might be having issues, given the situation. The new department heads and the counselor were all supposed to be keeping an eye out for any issues but things can happen. Which he was hoping to avoid.

He had entered several labs not finding Ens. Zalos but it was mid-day, perhaps she was having lunch somewhere. "Computer locate Ensign Zalos".

The computers replied, "Ensign Zalos is in her quarters".

Rico pulled at his chin, but turned and headed down a deck towards her quarters.

Tora looked none the worse for wear, in fact, possibly in contrast to the captain's expectations. She'd just finished showering, in fact, and was just about to relax with a cup of hot chocolate. Mmm. Chocolate. The doorbell rang just as she'd finished putting on her clothes, though, scuppering her plans for the moment. "Captain?' She seemed quite surprised as she answered the door. Thank god she was presentable - the maroon-colored t-shirt and shorts she'd put on looked decent, at least, or so she hoped.

Looking down at the young Cardassian, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, not at all, sir! I was just about to relax for the evening." Tora seemed a bit puzzled why he'd personally come visit her of all people, frankly - there had to be a pretty good reason, right? Surely there had to be? She backed into her quarters to allow him to enter if he liked. "Would you like anything, sir?" She offered, nodding at the replicator.

He followed her in but lifted a hand at her offer. "No thank you. I just wanted to see how you were doing. Even though there hadn't been any report issues since the last casualty list from the fighting was released, I wanted to make sure you were doing ok. The last thing I want on my ship is anyone being harassed because of the actions of others of their race."

It didn't take very long at all for Tora to connect the dots. "No, not at all. People have aimed the occasional odd look or snide comment at me but that's it so far. It's nothing I've not faced since I first set foot in Starfleet Academy." She responded amiably. "The worst I've gotten is being called a 'poozer' by one of the Tellarites from engineering - but then again insults and verbal spars are the Tellarite way anyway! I don't think he was being rude. I don't represent my people; I don't have to take the blame for something they've done and I've had no hand in."

"Thank you for checking on me nonetheless, sir. I appreciate it." Tora added.

Tellarites, well they were abrasive to begin with, but he would have it looked into just in case. "Well, while you may not be representative of the Cardassians that destroyed DS5, others may not feel that way. We may have a lot of new senior staff, but the vast majority of the crew had a lot of ties to the station. I would like to think none of my crew would do anything so spiteful, I want you to know IF there is ever any issues I want you to report it Lt. Yaotome, the XO, or to me directly."

"Of course, sir. I'll be sure to do that." Tora quipped. "Just know that so far I've not been mistreated in the slightest, if anything people have been quite welcoming! I'm capable of watching myself even then - I've picked up a few things from before I joined Starfleet, don't worry..."

Why was he getting the feeling she was trying to get rid of him. His eyes narrowed and he cocked his head slightly as he scrutinizing the face looking up at him. Something was off.

Tora seemed genuinely confused. Was he scrutinizing her? Did he suspect something was wrong? "Is everything alright, sir?" She asked, blinking once at him. She could absolutely understand his concern, of course, given recent events - but even then this was a tiny bit odd to her.

He let out a breath. Perhaps he was looking for problems that didn't exist. "No apologies. I will let you get on with your day."

"No offence taken, sir. See you around!" Tora replied with a smile.

Rico nodded and turned. He had a few things to wrap up before calling it a night so he headed back to the bridge. If he knew his yeoman she would have everything ready.

Capt. Ricardo Montoya

Ens. Tora Zalos
Science Officer


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