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The Gorilla with four pips on his collar...

Posted on 01 Apr 2024 @ 8:20pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Gunnery Sergeant James Wickman & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lance Corporal Jason Eirias

1,665 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Marine Combat holodeck
Timeline: 0740 - Morning after Lounge fight

James had gotten the hint from the Captain's tone last night and he knew that no matter how well the relationship was between the Captain and the ship's Marines was he knew a hammer was about to fall. He didn't wait for the Captain and had addressed to entire platoon. While there was an anti-Cardassian sentiment amongst most it was to be expected given the latest casualty reports. Even so none of the detachment held those in Starfleet or the Corps, that happened to be Cardassian, responsible for what happened; and every last one of them was wanted to deal with those two idiots themselves for what they did to two of their shipmates.

The platoon was assembled, in formation, but standing at ease waiting...

The air was definitely tense, and somehow Jason had found himself appointed in-house guard to the two idiots by Gunny Wickman. Of no surprise to Jason, was the fact it tended to be more for keeping the rest of the platoon from acting on the impulse to self-correct their erring members. Two incidents had already been stopped with a few words and moving the duo into a room with him, and a reminder that when it came to hand to hand, Jason was only a couple victories behind James, and Rico.

"Gunny, are we getting the full treatment from you, and the ship's XO, CO, or both? Also, should I have a few medics on standby? Because this holodeck needs to be about a third bigger for one of your infamous sessions, say nothing if the ship's CO decides to go full Gorilla again." Jason asked in a low tone as he kept a wary eye on the formation.

Chuckling a bit. "Well you all got my run down last night. We all know that none of us here would have done anything like this, drunk or not. Those two fucking newbs getting stupid and then doubling down on stupid, and the fact no one thought their comments prior to the fight worth reporting is what led to this. That Captain instructed all the senior staff to look for trouble and was afraid something like this would happen. We all were giving them the benefit of the doubt because they were Marines, maybe we shouldn't have...."

Jason merely shook his head at that last. "They're in my squad, I'd heard from some of the others those two were spouting off more than the others. The error in judgement is mine for not reporting it. Question is what do we do with the situation now? Scuttlebutt is the new butterbar is one of those types to 'go by the book to the letter' types, and about as personable as a wild targ. Bet you a full bar of gold pressed latinum he's going to take this personally, and escalate the problem."

James shook his head. "You aren't the only on in your squad an you aren't the only one to hear them run their mouths. This was a failure across the board. ..."

"Indeed it was a cluster fuck!" Aiden barked as he entered. He gave them no time to respond. His usually mild manner was nowhere to be seen, instead he looked like he was ready to explode. "I am a Marine to my core, for those of you who didn't know," he spat. "I was one of you! And I am ashamed. And don't try to lay this on those two half wits in any way, they are part of this platoon and you all failed for not picking up on the shit earlier or doing something about it! Remember a brotherhood is as strong as the weakest link, and this link was... is a-fucking-nemic.."

Before he could continue the holodeck door opened and the Captain entered and James snapped to attention. "CAPTAIN ON DECK!".

Aiden stepped back, not sure if he should be relieved at the interruption as he certainly had more to say, or annoyed that he couldn't finish his tirade. He decided to go with the first, using the time to get his anger under control.

At that command the platoon snapped to attention and the single sound of the movement echoed.

Rico moved forward and centered himself in front of the platoon as the Gunny stepped off to his post. Standing there for a moment, looking over the formation, before speaking. "We have...had...a problem. Two members of this unit....our ship....your Corps...attacked another member of this crew because what other of their race had done. This cannot be allowed to happen again. Ever."

Rico pause slightly as he put his hands behind his back. "At ease... Look, I know your quality, your capabilities. Many of you are in my Martial Arts classes, we've challenged each other on firing ranges...Hell, I've spared with a lot of you in your octagon. This isn't the time go assigning blame or trying to take responsibility for them. However we also need to be sure to be more situationally aware, to error on the side of caution when need be. Insider threats have been the Achilles heel for many for centuries...seems we are no different.

"On this ship, you Marines are an integral part of our internal security. We all need you to be better than the rest. Those of you assembled here, are that. Unfortunately a couple of weeds infiltrated our family and we got burned. In the days to follow we will complete investigations, hold hearing, and the occupants of the brig will face the consequences for their actions. The rest of us, especially those that associated with the assailants or those that knew the victim, will be second guessing themselves; looking at what we could have done...and rightly so. Had there there been indicators or behaviors that this could happen?" He paused, "Only you here can answer that."

"What's done is done. While the results were unfortunate we cannot live in the past, we have to move forward."

Clapping his hands and rubbing them together a bit he continued. "On that note we received a hail last night that your new Lieutenant is enroute and we will be rendezvousing with the USS Granger to transfer her and our new Chief Medical Officer. Now I have know doubt that the rumor mill has already started, since it usually travels at warp 10, but lets keep the gossip to minimum and wait till she arrives shall we."

Looking to Wickham he nodded that he was done.

Aiden was a bit calmer now, but looked still grim. He was glad he was not the Captain that would have to count his words, or be diplomatic. He respected Rico for the way he handled it, but didn't regret what he said and how he said it, for one second.

James moved forward, standing in front of the Captain and called the platoon to attention. Doing an about face he saluted the Captain.

Rico returned the salute before taking a step back turning about and he an the XO left.

The Gunny set the platoon at ease and look back at the doors that had closed behind the ship's two senior officers as several thoughts raced through his mind.

Turning to the Gunny, Jason couldn't help but give a lightly befuddled look. "Gunny...Should we dismiss the detachment? Or is a bit of Extra-Military-Instruction due." He asked while doing his best to hold his temper in place. The SHIP's XO chewing them out might be warranted, but it still stung a little to have the fleet side meddling in Marine affairs.

The question brought him back to the here and now. "Well at least he Captain still has our back....Oh Dismissed."

[Enroute to the Bridge]

After the door had closed Rico glanced at his Exec. "So you ripped them up one side and down the other before I showed up didn't ya?"

Aiden gave him a mirthless smile and shook his head, pursing his lips. "I haven't lost it like that for a while, but I will do it again." He relaxed his smile a bit. "Good thing you came when you came."

Rico was shaking his head as they stepped into the lift. "Bridge." Leaning against the lift, "That can't happen. We are in command. We don't have the luxury of losing it. The crew look to the two of us to lead, to make the critical decisions in both day to day and crisis situations. The crew need us to calm and collected...especially during the times like these. If we are always losing our shit when something goes wrong, that undermines the crew confidence in us. They have feel that, no matter what happens, that we know how to make the right call...even if we don't.

"Is their at time to rip someone up one side and down the other....absolutely. But we can't lose it while doing it. When a crew knows the Captain or XO has confidence in them, and knows they can rely on their Captain and XO, a calm expression of disappointment can have more impact than anything else."

"I thought I might be in trouble. Point taken, Captain," Aiden said. He did not regret what he said or how he said it but he was not unteachable. "I have to learn how to have the calm disappointed expression, haven't been a Starfleet XO long enough," he said with some mirth. "I guess my previous command of the Marines on a Klingon ship isn't the greatest example," he reflected drily. "And Captain, I didn't lose my temper, completely, just my Starfleet decorum. I will get there, I am taking this seriously, not always myself, but the situation, yes," he added.

"No worries. I've been in your me."

Captain Ricardo Montoya

LtCmdr Aiden MacMahon

NPCs played by Jason Mitchell:
GySgt James Wickham
Platoon Sgt

Lcpl Jason Eirias


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