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Uhhh... What?

Posted on 03 Oct 2018 @ 4:48pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya
Edited on on 05 Jun 2024 @ 5:18pm

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet

[Holodeck 2]

Heather had taken Alyana’s advice and was thoroughly enjoying her pampering and it was definitely help to calm her after the initial shock and awe of finding out she was pregnant. She had selected a recreation of a spa on Kasperia Prime, the same spa they had been to while on leave before Rico got command of the Phoenix. She was utterly relaxed enjoying the heat of the stone running down her spine.

[Ready Room 1400]

Signing off on another report Rico noticed the time. It was 2pm and he still hadn’t heard from Heather. They were supposed to have had lunch together and he knew things happen, but it was unlike her not to let him know of a change in plans. Leaning back in his chair he handed the PADD back to the Lieutenant and tapped his commbadge as he left.

[HoloDeck 2]

She was in the middle of releasing another deep and satisfying breath when the comm sounded.

=^= Captain Montoya to Lieutenant Montoya. =^=

She grimaced at his voice because she knew exactly why he was calling. “Sorry honey, I should have called but something came up.”

=^= Is everything ok? =^=

“Oh everything is fine Alyana and I were going over a few things in Ops and the time just got away from me.”

=^= Well I won’t court-martial you this time… =^=

“Thank you…CAPTAIN. I appreciate that.” She said smiling and hearing his chuckle through the comm. “Tell you what. I will make it up to you. Give me until 1900 and I will have dinner all ready to go.”

=^= Hmmm…I don’t know I might not be able to make that. =^=

“Well you better. You’re the Captain…delegate.”

=^= Yes Ma’am! …See ya tonight.=^=

As the channel closed she was already moving to get her hair and nails done for their special evening. At least she hoped it was going to be special.

[Captain’s Quarters – 1645]

The lights were low, the food was ready, the candles burning, and everything was set. Heather, dressed only in the lingerie that was to go under her dress, returned to the bedroom the finish getting ready and was slipping her newly altered dress over her new hairdo as she heard the door open. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Buckling he strappy heels and putting on a pair of earrings she looked herself over in the mirror.

Rico was actually taken back from the setting. There wasn't a birthday or anniversary so what was the special occasion? Turning as he spoke he stopped mid sentence, "You need to miss lunch more oft...".

Standing there in the doorway she smiled as her husband went speechless. Making her way to him she reached up, putting her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. "Thank you," and she pulled back after kissing him lightly.

Taking her hand he lifted it and she turned slow and gracefully. "Where did you get that?!"

"On the station. You like it?" She said turning slowly.

Like was an understatement and he replied with a slight tilt to his head. "I like it very much. What's the occasion?"

She blushed slightly with a knowing grin. "Well there is something, but for now lets eat before things get cold."

He had too admit the aromas from the meal was was enticing but not as much as that her outfit or this secret of hers. He offered her his hand to escort her the short distance to the table and stopped short before pulling out he chair. "You know I hate secrets."

She lifted a hand to his chest as she let him pull her closer. "You'll like this one." least I hope you do.~ she thought to herself.

After seating her, Rico took his seat as they began their dinner. As he poured the wine he couldn't get over the glow she carried. There was something about her. Placing the glass in front of her setting he pour himself a glass.

Heather had been preparing olivie oil and herbs for the bread and stared at the wine glass, biting her lip slightly as she had forgotten to remove her wine glass from the setting. Hoping Rico hadn't seen her hesitation she handed him the mixture and uncovered the fresh hot bread.

Rico's mouth was watering; she had all his favorites, fresh bread with olive oil, chicken marsala on pasta, his favorite wine (not replicated), and she was dressed to kill to boot. Taking a drink of his wine he set the glass down. "Ok....what's going on?"

Attemping to delay she again tried to change the subject. Trying to look innocent, "Nothing is going on. You must have been a terror probably peaked at your Christmas presents didn't you?"

She had him there and he grinned. "I did actually", he admitted chuckling. Taking her hand in his he kissed it, "After dinner then."

She breathed deeply as he watched him kiss her hand then look up at her from under those dark eyebrows with the eyes of his. "I hate ie when you do that." Placing he napkin on her still empty plate she got up and pick p a small package she had hidden behind a pillow on the sofa.

Smirking slightly as she moved rose from the table his eyes followed her, her dress accentuating her every curve. But his gaze shifted and his curiosity was aroused by the gift bag in her hand. His arm going around her as she stood next to him placing the bag before him.

"Wow, I et to open two presents tonight..."

Heather smiled as she smacked his shoulder. "Just open it."

Let his hand slide from her hip slowly he rolled his shoulder as he prepared to open bag. Untying the bow he peered in to see a data padd and he looked up at her, " shouldn't have. "

"Just read it."

Pulling out the padd he activated the device and began to read the active file that was displayed. It didn't take long and he set the padd down as if it was a delicate flower.

Heather was watching his every move, still unsure how he was going to react. Before she knew it he was out of his chair and standing before her. She was afraid to look at him but he lifted her face to his. When her eyes met his there was a look in them that she hadn't seen before and she began to tremble.

After his initial shock Rico felt sense of completeness than he never expexted to feel. There was this mixture of fear, love, anticipation, pride, protectiveness, doubt, clarity, and many other emotions all hitting him at once. Looking into her eyes, "A baby?"

Heather nodded as tears began welling up.

Rico took her cheeks in his hands and kissed her passionately as she threw her arms around him.

As the kiss parted she fell into his embrace. "I was so worried how you were going to take it. I know we had planned to wait for a while..."

Rico stepped back and his hand went to Heather's abdomen. "True things will change but everything will be fine. We definately have some calls to make but look at it this way; he or she is the first new life form we've encountered."

Dinner was forgotten as they embraced again and the dress eventually dropped to the floor.

Some time later Rico was laying in their bed, Heather sleeping soundly curled up next to him, as he stared up at the ceiling. For what seemed like the hundredth time he muttered, "a dad..."


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