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Posted on 02 Sep 2018 @ 4:35pm by Lieutenant Alora Leysen & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

1,100 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: USS Phoenix - Docked DS5

Alora has arrived on DS5 a few hours ago only to find out her orders had changed. She had been slated to join the crew of the USS Glasgow, that had been detained on it's last tour, but now she had received new orders to report aboard the USS Phoenix. Checking the docking assignment, she entered the turbolift and ordered it to the correct dock. Making her way to the readyroom she pressed the chime.

Rico had had a good laugh when he remember the docking bay reference from the conversation with dock control when they had returned to the station. Finishing his drink he stood and moved to the replicator when the chime sounded. As he crossed the room he called out. "Enter." Placing the glass in the unit and selected recycle as he glanced to the entrance.

"Captain, Lieutenant Alora Leysen your very, recently assigned Security Chief." She said entering the office.

Forcing himself to keep himself from arching a brow at the attractiveness of his new officer he simply acknowledged her introduction. "Come in Lieutenant. Have a seat." Gesturing to the replicator that he was still standing in front of, can I get you anything?"

"No, thank your Sir I'm fine." She replied taking a seat.

Nodding. "Coffee, Jamaican Blue Mountain, cream and sugar."

Taking his coffee and returning to his desk he sat. "I hope that last minute change to your orders didn't put a wrinkle in your plans? Starfleet keeps pulling my officers and leaving me short handed. I saw that you had originally requested assignment here so I approved that request...a little late perhaps but here you are."

"As long as Captain Lemmora on Glasgow doesn't get on my case." She replied with a grin. "To be honest I've always wanted to serve on a Prometheus-class. We saw a flight demo of the MVAM, I've always wanted to see it in real action."

Sipping his coffee he placed it aside. "Well I will just have to run interference for you on that." He added grinning, "Hopefully he won't put up too much of a fight."

Reactivating the holo-monitor, that was still displaying here service record. "I saw here that, in addition to security, you have diplomatic experience. What did that all entail?"

"I wouldn't call it diplomatic experience. My former XO was the lead officer on over seeing the construction and initial operations of the embassy on Avvorn III. The Commander brought me along as a Security Advisor. So I got to stand quietly during a number of diplomatic functions, but wouldn't say that I have diplomatic expertise." Leysen replied.

"Ahhh. Well thank you for the clarification. Still. That exposure is more than most get and a fly on the wall can learn a lot about what works and what doesn't; even if you weren't an active participant.

"Tell me about yourself. Any particular hobbies or interests?"

"I read a lot," she replied, "Mountain climbing when I have a chance to do it not on a holodeck, yoga." She said rattling off a few of her preferred leisure activities. "Yourself?"

It was rare that his questions were returned. It showed confidence, that the officer wasn't intimidated by rank or office...good. His interest was especially peaked at the rock mention of rock climbing. "I think most find me to be a contradiction. While I enjoy the outdoors, camping, hiking, and especially rock climbing; I have even began trying out wingsuiting from time to time. I am also just as content to spend time out on the town."

"Nothing wrong with that." She replied with a smile, "The Cliffs on Erannis VII are suppose to incredible for wingsuiting, it has exceptionally strong thermals that apparently can get you kilometers above the surface and allow for flights that last hours when the conditions are right."

"That sounds like something to definitely add to the to do list. When I was XO on the Atlantic my climbing partner got his hands on a the truest fashion of the old school, catch me if can building jumpers. You first have to make it up Mt. Selaya. Then it's a race to see how far you can wingsuit until the Vulcan authorities lock on and beam you into detention."

"The Vulcan are basically the intergalactic party poopers." Alora replied, "At least my grandfather was."

"Well, it's just a program. Anyway, back to business. How do you envision security operations aboard ship?"

"Given that there's a marine detachment assigned I would assume they're likely the primary force used for off ship operations. As such I like to maintain a fairly high level of security, active patrols teams especially around critical systems. Even with the marines I intent to have as much of the department trained in VBSS in case we're needed. As well given that the ship has MVAM I would like to have additional officer certified for the tactical station since we technically have three bridges that may need to be manned." She replied moving a lock of hair behind her slightly pointed ear.

"The certification of appropriate tactial officers is a given for this class of vessel. And your department, as well as others, were reduced in size to make room for the Marine detachment. That said work had begun under your predecessor to utilize the Marines in ships security. That being a long standing tradition for the Corps anyway. In addition to that there was also ground work for the very training you just mentioned.

"You will find that I am not a micromanager. Your department is your department so long as it is run properly. Work with the MCO, get any thing wou need to tha XO as fast as possible as I plan to depart and get to our assignment as fast as i can get a new CMO...or shanghi the temporary replacement provided by DS5."

"Copy that sir." She said with a nod.

"Excellent. Now did you get the opportunity to get quarters arranged yet?"

"Not yet sir, I was going to meet with the quartermaster after I was finished here." She replied.

Setting his coffee aside again as he nodded. "Great. Well welcome aboard. Oh, once you're settled let me know and we can schedule some climbing time if you like."

"Thank you Sir." She said rising to her feet.

Shaking her hand he watched her depart then returned to looking for personnel to fill the rest of his vacancies; hopefully so they can depart on schedule.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Alora Leysen
Chief Security / Tactical Officer


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