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Moves and Countermoves

Posted on 25 Aug 2018 @ 4:53pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Moves and Countermoves
Location: Captain's Quarters

Rico had been relaxed until he had read the latest personnel report. Not only was he still short in key positions but now he was missing both his Chief of Security as well as his CMO. The first due to a family issue back on Vulcan the later to a research project. He could have blocked the transfers but that would have only caused more issues, he only hoped this wouldn't delay their departure.

Reading the reports addendum he saw that Starfleet had sent him several prospects for a security chief but as with the previous officer, while competent, they had little to no command experience. Hell all of them were Lieutenant Junior Grades meaning they were still barely out of the Academy and definitely still 'wet behind the eyes'. The only bright spot was that DS5 had been gracious enough to loan him one of their doctors. Maybe he could find a way to get him reassigned.

While he did have a few experienced officers and good senior Non-Coms he still had a boatload What he needed was someone with not only experience but the ability to shake things up. Someone not subject to the fleets chain of command. No sooner had he finished the thought than a fully formed idea popped into his head and he rose from his seat in the ships lounge and headed to his quarters.

Upon entering he called out as he moved to his desk. "Computer, open a channel to Maragna IV, House of Varal." Sitting at the desk the holo-monitor came to life and displayed the both the emblem of the Klingon Empire and the House of Varal. After a few minutes the emblems faded and were replaced by that of a Klingon.

"Greetings Captain. What is it I can do for you?"

"I wish to speak with Lord Da`nal."

"My Lord is very..."

Rico cut the functionary off. He knew Da`nal's House had defeated the House that had killed his father, consolidating all that must be keeping him busy but he needed his assistance. "We fought together in battle, He was my former commanding officer, and he joined me and my wife in marriage. Lord Da`nal will speak with me." He was ready to hold his ground and insist but there was no need.

The young Klingon nodded, "One moment Captain."

A few minutes later the screen shifted as it communication was transfered to another location. The image of the clean-cut Starfleet flag officer was gone and replaced by the long flowing hair of a Klingon Warrior...had it not been for his scar he might not have recognised him. "Commodo...forgive me Lord Da`nal. It is good to see you again."

"Captain Montoya! I drank a toast to you when I heard of your promotion and command!"

"You honor me sir. How are things with you?"

"Very well actually. Charghwl'IH, took his charge very seriously and saw that the House of Moqrat was absorbed into my House. There was some resistance but those were dealt with.,,,"

Rico didn't need to ask what that meant. He was sure that any hold out to the House of Morqrat had been eliminated in short order. Rico had heard of Charghwl'IH earlier in his career...though he had never meat the man.

"...and to ensure the loyalty of the rest Charg convinced me to betrothe my son to one of Toran's daughters." Da`nal looked at his former officer, "but You didn't call me just to reminis about the happenings within my House did you?"

The corner of Rico's mouth curled. "No sir. I was needing a favor...if posible."

"It is not like you to ask for help. But if I can, I will. So, what is it you need?"

Rico took a breath before letting he former CO know what was going on. "Well sir, Starfleet has given me this fabulous ship but the majority of my crew, including many of my department heads have little to no command experience. It's almost as if I was being set up for failure."

After a brief pause he continued. "What I need is an experienced officer that can operate within Starfleets boundries but that is competely bound by those same rules."

Da`nal nodded knowingly. "I understand. And this may be partly my doing. During our time Charg and I made enemies and now those enemies cannot reach us. I have been following both your career and Commander Means. While you were returned to command, he has not been doing so well. What position did you have in mind for this officer?"

Rico was actually getting excited at the prospect of pulling off his plan to side step whatever was going on. "Given our primary orders...Stategic Operations, possibly second officer as well."

Pulling at his beard as he thought. Turning slightly he issued a series of instructions in Klingon before turning back to the monitor. "You realize that if you do this you are revealing your awareness that someone is operating against you."

Rico's expresion shifted to that of mock surprise. "Someone plotting against me??? Starfleet gave me a young crew...surely they wanted me to further thier education. I'm just ensuring they have a broader perspective." Returning to a more serious expression. "Besides if there is any serious reaction it would only confirm our suspisions."

Da`nal grinned wickedly as his aid returned with a PADD. "Excellent! There is an officer from the House of Torath on one of my ships near the Romulan border. I will have it diverted to your location."

Bowing his head forward Rico thanked his former CO. "Thank you Sir....Lord Da`nal. I don't know who else to trust in all this."

"Your trust Honors me Captain. Perhaps together we can finally expose the forces the seem to have turned their focus from me to you and Commander Means. Qapla Captain."

Rico nodded sharply. "Qapla!"

Closing the comm he returned to his list officer candidates for Security Chief. While most he had removed quickly, there were several that had peaked his interest; one having had actually requested assignment to the Phoenix.

With everything that had happened and seemed to be continuing behind the scenes he was immediately suspicious...and that pissed him off more than anything! Based on her file she was a capable officer, even some diplomatic experience. Was she what she seemed; just a good officer or was she a part of this cloak and dagger nonsense?

Either way he needed an officer in that position and IF she was some kind of the saying goes, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. Setting the PADD aside he took a breath, "Computer, approve transfer request of Lt. Alora Leysen for the position of Chief of Security and issue appropriate orders, signed Ricardo Estaban Montoya, Captain USS Phoenix."

Captain Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Phoenix


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