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Interview with a spy

Posted on 04 Sep 2018 @ 9:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Counseling office, USS Phoenix


Cleo replicated herself a hot chocolate, and examined the notes for her next appointment. Cevel Th'raran. Andorian. Ex Starfleet Intelligence. That could go one of two ways, hostile cageyness, or an unfettered stream of speaking, that managed, somehow, to avoid answering everything, and leave you with no information whatsoever, a verbal shower of avoidance, displacement, disassociation and repression that ticked all the boxes for engaging with the therapeutic services, without actually having to confront and resolve any actual issues. She kept flicking through his file, absorbing the notable points of his career, tucking them away to use as prompts if needed. Finally she was ready, just as the computer announced that the ship's XO had arrived. Moving from her desk to one of the comfortable chairs in the other corner of her office, she told the computer to let him in.

Cevel disliked counselors but he knew the requirements for Starfleet, and evaluations were mandatory. He chimed and stepped into the small office on Deck 7 and moved towards the Lieutenant, "Counselor."

"Commander Th'raran. A pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat." she indicated the comfy chair opposite her own. "And tell me a bit about yourself."

Cevel nodded and took a seat, "I was born on Andoria and I'm the middle child. Joined Starfleet when I was 18, where I Went into the Intelligence field. I've served on, counting the Phoenix, 5 ships, and one starbase. Not sure what else you would like to know."

"Why intelligence? Why the switch to command? Is there anything in your history you'd rather tell me in person, than have me read in a file." There were a number of things that an intelligence officer might not want to talk about, and there was nothing in his file to say there might be, what she could see of it anyway. Like all intel types there were redactions. She desperately wanted to pry, but she was a professional, she wouldn't.

Th'raran shook his head at the questions, "I was good at analysis and intelligence cyphers. My teachers at the Academy recommended I switch to the Intel track. I took their recommendation and did so. As for command. I had no intentions on going through command school, other than the department head training. It was a surprise that I got moved to the XO position when I was transferred to the Phoenix. And if you have my full file, the unredacted version then no there is nothing i should tell you in person that you can't read in my file. However if you don't have the unredacted version of my file, then lets just say that there's nothing I could talk to you about that wasn't classified." He chuckled, "Sorry, a little intelligence humor."

"No offense taken, I know the demands of the job." I also know deflection and rationalisation when I see it too. "But sometimes, even with a perfectly normal file, there are things people like to mention in person. Get their retaliation in first, so to speak." Cleopatra didn't take notes in a session, just folded her hands over the padd, turning it face down. "Tell me about the Cairo. What you can, of course. Missions inside enemy territory aren't easy. How did you manage your mental health there?"

Cevel nodded slowly, memories coming back to him, "Well, it was simple enough. In the intelligence field we learn to compartmentalize. We focus on the mission at hand, whether its intelligence gathering, or more unconventional tasks. If we keep our sights on the end goal then the mission tends to go smoother."

He took a slight breath and continued, "I was assigned as an infiltration specialist. We engaged in several missions along Romulan territories and Dominion space. During that time, I engaged in several unconventional mission deployments. Including one mission that, went belly up and left me stranded in Romulan territory on my own for several days."

Now that sounded like a story and a half. "So how did you get home?" Cleo asked, leaning forward slightly. It couldn't have been easy. If the Romulans had a single racial characteristic, you could make a convincing case for it being paranoia.

"Paranoia, yes. They can also be rather ruthless in their pursuit of... lets say, their idea of less savory individuals. I managed to make my way to a shuttlecraft they had at one of their pioneer outposts and... commandeer it for the use in my escape. They were none too thrilled and gave pursuit. They managed to corner me right on the edge of Romulan Space, right before the Cairo showed up to beam me onboard. Needless to say i spent the next couple of days in debrief and after action counseling before I was deemed of sound mind to return to duty. Which I did, but now it was in Dominion occupied space." Cevel said with a slight hint of pain in his voice.
"I wasn't too fond of the Dominion or the Founders. The way they instill obedience..."
Cevel let his voice trail as he readjusted himself.

Her ears pricked up. That hinted at another episode that might need to be examined. "Is that from theoretical understanding?" Cleo asked, "Or personal experience?"

Cevel shook his head slightly, "From the intel reports I have read and the theoretical and first hand accounts of those who have dealt with the Dominion and the Founders. That's all I meant."

She nodded, filed the information away. "And so, what are your hopes for your career here? Now that you're in command and not intelligence." She didn't want to ask hime outright if he felt up to the job, but changing directorates rarely came easy to any Fleeter, and the Intelligence types often found the need for example and discipline harder than most after the ... latitude... they were often given whilst their collars were trimmed in grey.

Cevel shook his head, "I'm not sure. This isn't where I thought I would be. I never even considered command, other than department head."
He let out a small sigh, "But it's where I've been put, and like any other field and job I've been in, I will do what must be done."

"Sounds fatalistic. Sounds a little like you'd rather be else where?" Cleo offered the challenge, though she also knew that Andorians could be quite stoic in the face of the demands of the service.

Cevel shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the opportunity to take a command level role, this is just not where I saw myself. I had actually posted for a transfer to an Intelligence Billet on the Columbia for their Chief Intelligence Officer. But the powers that be decided to put me here, so I'm here." He looked over to the Lieutenant, "This just isn't what I figured I would be doing. I never had any intention on having anything more to command than a department," He sighed, "Its an adjustment and one I am still making. I'm sure with time, I will come to enjoy this posting and the career path it has set me on."

Cleo smiled at the Andorian. "You certainly seem to have the right attitude. Now..." She reached over and took her padd finally, making a note at last. "I have no concerns. As far as I'm concerned, you're sound of mind. There's no need for further action until your next check up in six months. Unless you'd prefer some more sessions. Command staff often need an outlet as they have fewer peers to share with."

Cevel thought for a moment, "I think I will be okay, but if I do find myself needing someone to talk to I will be sure to let you know."
He smiled for a moment and then stood and extended his hand, "It's been a pleasant pleasure speaking with you Lieutenant."


Lt. Cleopatra McCaine
USS Pheonix

Lt. Cmdr. Cevel Th'raran
Executive Officer
USS Phoenix


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