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Medical: check

Posted on 16 Aug 2018 @ 4:26am by Admiral Ayana Varon
Edited on on 28 Aug 2018 @ 5:42am

659 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Sickbay


Ayana had almost forgotten that she needed to report to sickbay and get her physical. She generally didn't think about such things unless she was feeling ill. When she transferred to a new ship, she generally like to get her medical and psychological evaluations done quickly so as not to forget, but she'd been running late and so things got away from her.

As soon as she remembered, she set an appointment and went down to sickbay.

Shirayuki was pottering around sickbay as usual. Her blue medical coat swishing as she went from work surface to work surface. When the doors opened she turned around to see a woman standing there. "Hi there" she said with a smile. "Can I assist you with anything?" she asked.

"Hi," Ayana said with a smile. "I have an appointment for a physical."

Shirayuki nodded. "Well, by all means lets get that out of the way for you" she said. "If you'd take a seat and we'll begin"

"Okay." Ayana hopped onto a biobed. "So, how do you want to start?"

"Its quite simple really" Shirayuki said as she pulled out a tricorder. She began to move the small wand over the woman's body. "I'm just going to give you the standard medical scan, ask you a few questions then see what the computer tells me to say," she said with a slightly joking manner.

""Fair enough," Ayana said.

"So, have you had any major illnesses or injuries?" the doctor asked

"Nothing out of the ordinary. A few broken bones from being a curious kid. The usual minor illnesses." At least as far as she was concerned, her health was unremarkable.

"Good," the doctor said. "It makes my job easier."

"Your job gets crazy enough. The least I can do is be ordinary."

The doctor grinned. "Just stay that way." She finished the scans and turned to review the results. "Yes, you are definitely ordinary. You're cleared for duty."

Ayana grinned. "Thank you."

Just then a nurse hurried into the room. "Doctor, we have a problem…"

"Well, it looks like your ordinary is over for now. I'll leave you to your work," Ayana said, getting off the biobed. "Thank you, doctor."

She paused while the doctor hurried over to the nurse, then went back to her office.

She was almost to the door when she heard a crash. Wanting to be of help, she ran towards the sound, following a nurse to the doctor's office.

The doctor was stretched out on the floor, a large gash across one side of her face and running into her hairline. It was bleeding profusely.

"How can I help?" Ayana asked.

"Get a doctor while I stop the bleeding," the nurse said.

Ayana nodded, but it wouldn't be visible to the nurse who was pulling out equipment from a cabinet.

Several people had come to see what was going on. It didn't take long to find another doctor. "The Chief has been injured," was all Ayana needed to say.

She followed more slowly as her medical training was only that of a field medic and everyone here was far more competent than she.

She waited until the doctor was put on a biobed to ask a nurse next to her. "Do you know what happened?"

The nurse shook her head. "No idea. She should be okay, but with a head wound it's hard to tell. As long as there's no damage to the brain, she'll be fine. But if not, she may have to go somewhere else for more treatment."

"Thank you." Ayana would be in the way if she stayed any longer. All she could do now was go back to work and hope all would be well. But if not, at least they were still close enough to get the doctor to a medical facility.


Lieutenant Ayana Varon
Chief Operations Officer
USS Phoenix

Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Phoenix


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