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Medical: check

Posted on 05 Sep 2018 @ 3:49pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Admiral Ayana Varon

515 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Sickbay


Ayana had almost forgotten that she needed to report to sickbay and get her physical. She generally didn't think about such things unless she was feeling ill. When she transferred to a new ship, she generally like to get her medical and psychological evaluations done quickly so as not to forget, but she'd been running late and so things got away from her.

As soon as she remembered, she set an appointment and went down to sickbay.

Robert was make his rounds through the ships sickbay. I was considerably smaller than the stations facilities, but so was any star ship when compared to a starbase. Despite the size it was remarkedly well equipped and the previous CMO had been quite meticulous, as he had found little that needed to be taken care of. Though he had notice that she had tend to lean towards personally derived herbal remedies rather than approved medicines.

He had several notes one supply needs, and was annotating several medical records when a someone entered. Looking up from his PADD, "Can I assist you with anything?" he asked.

"Hi," Ayana said with a smile. "I have an appointment for a physical."

Robert nodded. "I had almost forgotten about Dr. Shirayuki's appointments for today, your not the first he smiled sheepishly. I've been stuck on the station for a while and I don't get aboard ship very often at all for any length of time. But hop on up and and lets get that out of the way for you"

"Okay." Ayana hopped onto a biobed. "So, how do you want to start?"

"Should take too long...those annuals physicals are usually just a formality anyway." he said as he picked up tricorder. The biobed read out began displaying data as he began the scan over the woman's body. "I'm just going to give you the standard medical scan and ask you a few questions see what we find."

"Fair enough," Ayana said.

"So, have you had any issues lately? Anything you may have thought minor at the time or anything from your past that might be flaring back up?" the doctor asked

"Nothing out of the ordinary. A few broken bones from being a curious kid. The usual minor illnesses." At least as far as she was concerned, her health was unremarkable.

"Good," the doctor said. "Don't make this too easy for me..."

"Your job gets crazy enough. The least I can do is be ordinary."

The doctor grinned, lowering his hand to the edge of the biobed. "Well that's that. I declare you 'ordinary' and completely fit for duty."

Ayana grinned. "Thank you."

Just then a nurse hurried into the room. "Doctor, we have a problem…"

"Well, it looks like you ordinary is over for now. I'll leave you to your work," Ayana said, getting off the biobed. "Thank you, doctor."

Nodding as he shrugged and turned to follow the nurse to the ICU area . "What seems to be the problem?"


Lieutenant Ayana Varon
Chief Operations Officer
USS Phoenix

Dr. Robert Williams, MD
NPC played by Capt. Montoya


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