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Let's see what she's got...Part 3

Posted on 29 Apr 2018 @ 8:33pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Lieutenant Marion Kent & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD & Ensign Theodora Montane
Edited on on 29 Apr 2018 @ 8:36pm

1,556 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: USS Phoenix
Timeline: MD 3 - 1030

--- Battle Stations cont. ---
Previously - Of course Luuna didn’t have access to a comm system, so Aldana assumed she heard hir, and added, “Computer scan for and lock on to the microchip designated ‘7F03YTY836M.’” Meanwhile the doctor was re-configuring Sombra’s vest for basic search and rescue.

“Locked on.”

Aldana stood and stepped off of the turbolift and turning left to face the holodeck door. All the while Sombra was at hir side, dancing a little, rearing to go. “Energize to me.”

The computer chirped in confirmation and soon Luuna appeared next to Aldana and Sombra outside of the holodeck. Luuna was holding her work vest in her maw. She was squirming and antsy, ready to go. Her tail was wagging which seemed it had a mind of its own. Luuna was yapping excitedly and bouncing on her front paws; she could hardly contain herself.

Aldana knelt and took the vest, slipping it over Luuna’s head, and tucking ‘Ms. Inkky’ the toy away for later. “Ready! Ready?! C’mon!”

The holodeck doors parted and the simulated tragedy that had befallen appeared before them.

Aldana looked to both of hir guyzos and simultaneously in their minds and out-loud and as excitedly as s/he could muster, called ~“SEEK!”~


As the drill sounded Hayami darted from her office and prepared for simulated casualties. With the holographic system onboard a Prometheus-class ship there was no need for crew to role play as wounded; the ship could simply create holographic replicas with any simulated injuries. “Computer, create holographic representations of the crew to correspond with any simulated damage to ship.”

She didn’t hear the computers reply as the wounded began to materialize. “That was fast!”

Cleopatra McCaine arrived in Sickbay as quickly as could manage when the ship went to yellow alert. As a counsellor there was little do in a battle situation, unless it devolved into a hostage crisis. But she liked to be useful, and had taken options in basic field medicine whilst at the academy. If needed she could play nurse, or even plain orderly. She looked around for the CMO. “Dr. Hayami?” she called out.

Hearing her name called she called out, not taking her eyes off her patient. “I’m a little busy at the moment.” Thinking angrily, ~where the hell we that resident...~

More simulated wounded arrived. Cleo went into triage mode, grabbing a tricorder and scanning the arrivals. It was surreal seeing doppelgangers of people she knew were fine come through the doors. The QM was carried in, but with nothing more serious than a broken leg. An engineer’s mate limped in with second degrees burns to his arms. And then the ops officer who had shown her to her quarters when she first arrived. Heather Montoya, The captain’s wife. She was clutching her stomach, and the tricorder quickly flashed. Internal bleeding. She quickly helped her to a biobed.

The holographic Heather had materialized in sickbay after the console in ops near her had overloaded and sent her flying into the station in the center of the room.

Hayami moved from one patient to the next she looked over the reading being displayed for the Captain's wife. The burns were easy enough to treat and far from her main concern and she glanced to the officer that has arrived to help with a raised eyebrow.

"Computer is this an accurate representation of this officers current condition?"

"Affirmative. The hologram is a representation of current sensor readings and simulated injuries."

Shaking her head, though thankful that this had only been a simulation she still let out a sad breath. "Computer delete the hologram of Lt. Montoya."

[Holodeck 1 - Simulated Deck 5/6 Near Section Alpha]

The doors parted and inside it was a different world. The Search & Rescue trio team entered and went to work. Rafters, and support beams had fallen, rubble, and debris everywhere were everywhere. Dust and smoke filled your lungs and burned your eyes making it hard to see. Flashing lights and alert klaxons made it hard to hear, to see, and to even think clearly. In a part of the disaster area, a small but decent hole had breached clear through to ‘deck 6’ with almost no foot (or paw) path across. Then again there may even be victims down there too. In one area structural integrity had completely given away. ‘Deck 4’ and ‘deck 6’ had nearly completely sandwiched together leaving very little space to get through.

Luuna and Sombra started off. They each had their own training and own search styles and patterns. Sombra started off going around the edge while Luuna took off clambering high and low straight -- more or less -- through, over, and under the middle of the obstacles and debris.

Meanwhile Aldana stood by trying to keep an eye on both animals at the same time, clambering over the rubble as best as s/he could in order to do so, but s/he also knew a critically injured medic was no good to the true victims. Periodically s/he would call out in a loud voice, "Medical responders are here! We are looking for you! Try to remain calm. Call out or make any kind of noise if you are able!"

It wasn't long before Luuna was giving hir alert. Out loud she was giving excited barks and yips. Aldana started to traverse the rubble, trying to find hir loved one. ~I'm coming, be careful. Don't get stuck yourself.~ S/he perched a rock to have a better look, but could not find hir dog. S/he listened, and sure enough the sounds were came across as echo-y. S/he moved off toward the sound but then soon Sombra added to the commotion. It made it harder to locate the noise, but by now Aldana had a good idea of which crevice Luuna was in.

=/ \= Aldana to sickbay. =/ \=


The call from the absent medical resident made Hayami actually stop to chastise the young officer. =^= Ensign! I don't know WHAT you are doing but your post during an emergency is Sickbay! Get in here now...Hayami Out! =^=


Rico was standing before the large Master Systems Display at the back of the bridge. The drill had lasted long enough and there would no doubt be kinks to work out in order to get things to run smoothly...that was to be expected. The main reason he had called for the drill was to find the problems and fix them before an actual emergency.

Turning to his XO. "Secure from battle stations drill."

Cevel nodded, "Aye, sir." He quickly punched in a few commands on his chair arm and then flipped the comm switch, "All stations, stand down battle stations. I repeat, stand down battle stations. Return to your previously assigned duties."

Montane sat back in her chair a bit after the Command Alterations back to regular duty had completed cycling. She had been a wreck of sorts; it seemed like she was half a second behind where she wanted to be mentally; the Taking over of OPS control was a curve; she had managed to keep her fingers on all the leaks along the way it seemed; she hoped her superior would not disappointed with her performance. She had followed every procedure according to her recalling and adapting to the situation. Of course that was also open to interpretation when her Chief would go over the reports. She had done her best; no one scolded her during the operation, so maybe she actually pulled it off well?

She could hope?


Kent was just making the final connections of data flow to keep up with the simulated combat, he had to admit it was a bit of a strange strain upon his 'system' as while the mind told the hands what systems to allocate in the computer consoles to cover simulated damage and demands, his nose had started to call for more focus expecting the varied scents of smoke; chemical and ozone from sparking consoles. His hearing was appeased to a degree as personnel had shifted to locations as required and alarms tripped normally. Kent did hate the 'Dry Mouth’ as his taste was higher than normal an so the arid taste in his mouth was a focus he did not find distracting but uncomfortable.

"Okay people." He blinked his eyes back to normal; calling back the automated support of his reflexes through the Spinal cord Cybernetics. "Back to normal operations." He smiled as the first sign of a head ache hinted the back of his brain, the side effect of becoming the 'Drone' that he did when required to use his enhanced traits during combat situations. "You all made me proud, for your first run." His smile widened. "Enough to where I will not be adding too many drills to iron out the problems. He said with a smile among the groans in reply.

[Operations Center]

Heather looked around at the staff as the consoles all unlocked and returned to normal operation. “Looks like we are back among the living again. Good job everyone.” As she compiled the system reports from the drill see smiled to herself as she thought, ~The kid did good…though Ayana was up there with her.~



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