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Big News

Posted on 10 Sep 2018 @ 6:52am by Admiral Ayana Varon & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Sickbay / Ops
Timeline: MD 1 - 1100

After returning from the station she had hidden her new dress in the back of the closet until she could make other arrangements. Heather was just about to see if Rico was free for lunch, before heading to Ops, when her commbadge chirped. Tapping her chest, "Lt. Montoya."

=^= Lieutenant. This is Dr. Williams. I need you to report to sickbay. =^=

Puzzled, as she wasn't due for her physical for sometime, but she complied, "On my way."

[Sick bay]

A few moments later Heather walked into Sick bay. She was curious about the call, but knew that the doc was a bit of green thumb and figured it was some kind of supply request the needed a more person touch rather than official channels. Whatever the reason she had her usual sweet and carefree smile on her face as she walked in.

Poking her head into the doctor's office she knock on the entry way. "Reporting as ordered."

Williams nodded. "Come in, please have a seat."

Heather's warm smile turned to concerned puzzlement as it was never a good sign when a doctor tells you to sit down. "Is there something wrong? Where is Doctor Shirayuki?"

"Dr. Shirayuki was reassigned. A slot in a research project that she had applied for had opened. I'm filling in until a new CMO is officially assined."

"I see...but you wanted to see me?"

"Yes." Picking up the PADD with the report left by Shirayuki he continued. "There was a battle simulation during the ships shakedown and you were one of the simulated casualties. As a part of that simulation a holograph copy of you was created by the computer in sickbay...with the apppropriate injuries...for training here in sickbay."

Heather nodded with a shrug. "Seems logical. What does it have to do with the real me?"

"Well, there was some interesting readings programmed into your copy by the computer. It seems the computer didn't just use medical records to create you duplicate but scanned yyoufrom your duty station during the simulation." Handing her the PADD he came around the desk, tricorder in hand.

Heather read the PADD and stopped cold; her chin dropped. "Nooo..."

Williams had already scanned her to confirm as she had been reading. "I'm afraid so. Congratulations."


Ayana was carefully checking the new equipment to make sure it was calibrated properly, listening to music as she did so. Fortunately, there was no one in the room to notice.

Heather walked into Ops, PADD in hand and still reeling from the news.

Ayana was reading reports when the door opened. She watched the other woman for a moment, concerned by the expression on her face. "Is everything okay?" she asked Heather.

Looking up, still trying to obsorb the news as she lowered herself into a chair. "I'm pregnant."

A smile spread across Ayana's face. "Congratulations! Have you told your husband yet?"

Heather's face was shaded with fear as she looked up. "What am I supposed to say? He's got all these responsibilities now. My career is just now getting going. This is a ship designed for the fight...that's no place for a child. Neither of us had planned on kids for at least a few years. I...I'm not ready for this.

"No one's ever ready, from what I hear," Ayana said. "Your fear just proves that you're smart enough to realize you don't know everything." But Heather did have a point. This was not your typical family-sized Galaxy Class. "Science is a good department to be in if you have kids, but Ops isn't too bad. If you have to, you can do most of the desk work so you can have a playpen next to you. Or work from your quarters. There are plenty of people who can do the leg work. So that's not something you need to worry about. The computer even has a holonanny, if you need one. As for the Captain...I think he'll be thrilled to be a father." She shrugged. "He loves you. You need to trust that, and trust him.."

Even as Ayana's words were reassuring she was still shaking her head a bit,." No special treatment. I get enough sideways glances for just being married to the Captain. I don't want to give anyone anything more to chew on."

She stood and took a deep breath. "Well I better to tell the Captain he's going to be a father. Maybe I will just tell him tonght or do you think he'd wanna know right away?" With a hand on either side of her head, "This is driving me crazy already."

"Fix dinner tonight and tell him," Ayana said. "Or if you don't want to wait, go tell him now. I'm sure he'll be excited to hear your news."

Stopping at the door to Ops, she looked back. "And here I just got this absolutely fabulous dress and now I'm going to get fat!"

"Not for several months," Ayana assured her. "And once you lose the baby fat, you'll be able wear it again. So, either dress up tonight and let him see your fabulous dress when you tell him, or go see him now, tell him the news, then go out tonight and celebrate." She grinned at Heather. "Either way, you definitely should wear the dress."

That bit of encouragement put a bright smile on her face, after all it was a stunning dress. "Dinner it is!"

Her hands went to her abdomen as she look down at herself. Her smile widened and she looked back to Ayanna, a tear of joy rolling down her cheek. "I'm going to me a mother..."

Ayana grinned and gave Heather a hug. "Yes, you are. And you should spend the rest of today pampering yourself and getting ready for that dinner. So, no more work today. There's nothing we can't handle. This is a day for you to celebrate."

Steppingback after Alyana released he she wiped her face. "Ok, but after today, business as usual."


Heather left the ops offices and headed to the holodeck for some 'pampering'. As she did her head was swimming with ideas of how to break the news.

Ayana watched her go and smiled. Good for her. She sighed and went back to her work.

Lt. Heather Montoya
Operations Officer

Lieutenant Ayana Varon
Chief Operations Officer


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