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Wants and Needs

Posted on 09 Sep 2018 @ 10:45pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran

643 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet

Rico was at his desk coming through files looking for officers to fill the various holes in his crew. Of primary concerm was the CMO but there was a Doc on loan from DS5 for now so he set that aside.

One of his other vacancies was the the helm. He had previously spoken to his Chief Engineer about a person to fill that role but that had yet to materialize...the good thing was that the Phoenix was a unique ship that needed several good helm officers.

None of the officers really stood out but he noticed tha one of ship the previous candidate had been on ha a unique crew member. Not only were his piloting skills impressive for his age but his other skill could be invaluable.

Tapping the comm on his desk, and opened a channel to the bridge. "Commander, I need to see you for a moment."

Cevel tapped the comm button on the XO's chair, "Right away Captain."
He stood and motioned towards the man at the ops station, "You have the conn."
Stepped over to the Captain's Ready Room he pressed the chime and entered, "Yes Captain?"

Waving his XO in. "I found us a helm officer." Handing him the PADD he want to see the reaction of his XO at the idea of a cadet at the helm.

Cevel stepped in and took the PADD, glancing over it. He immediately noticed the fact that it was a Cadet's personnel file, "Uh, Captain, you do realize this is a cadet, correct?"

Smiling, "Oh I'm very aware. starfleet will probably think I'm crazy, but his abilities are unique. Beside it would be an excellent test of his abilities on this class of starship. The USS Woodrow docked at the station earlier today, and I was wondering if you wanted to greet him. What with you being the only other Andorian aboard he would no doubt look to you...not just as one of his senior officers."

Cevel nodded slowly, Aenar were a special breed of Andorian, a subrace, practically blind at birth. "Aye Captain. Do you want me to head to the Woodrow right away or will I be meeting him on the station?"

Shaking his head. "No no, he may be a cadet but there is no need to hand hold him. After all he can report aboard like anyone else. Once the orders go out I'm half expecting a call from the Captain of the Woodrow."

"Aye sir. Expecting he won't be too happy then?" Cevel asked knowing full well that most Captains wouldn't be too happy to lose such a promising cadet or member of their crew.

"Well since the Woodrow was due to return to Earth with several other cadets he'll probably be more concerned about Mr...", referring back to the cadet's file, "...Th'Vhaanneth's academics requirements for the remainder of his final year. At anyrate have engineering modify the helm stations on all three sections to accept inputs from a telepresence device. Then once he's aboard and reported to you bring him to the him around etc. If I'm here when that happens fine if not let him know I will want to meet with him."

"Aye sir." Cevel said with a nod, "I'll get down to Engineering right now and get things started."

"Perfect." After acknowledging his XO Rico turned back to his holo-monitor and opened a channel to to get the transfer process started.

It haddn't taken him too long to convince the powers that be and it wasn't until he deactivated his monitor that it was well after lunch and he hadn't heard from Heather as they were supposed to have had lunch together. He wasn't concerned but headed to she if she was too basy for a late lunch.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Cevel Th'raran


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