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A Patient or to not A Patient

Posted on 16 Apr 2018 @ 6:21am by Ensign Doctor Amiri Aldana 365 & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD
Edited on on 16 Apr 2018 @ 6:23am

939 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Counselor's Office
Timeline: Current
Tags: Sombra


Cleopatra McCain looked at the notes on her next appointment. He'd be -She'd be- She stopped again. English didn't have a proper pronoun for a hermaphrodite. Was that common amongst the Kazarites? There was nothing in the file to indicate any sense of gender confusion, of even issues arising from their mixed heritage. They would be an interesting case.

There was a knock at her door. "Enter," She looked up expectantly to see her new client

At the invitation the door parted. Aldana wasn't sure what to expect, but s/he entered the room with Sombra in tow. As per usual Sombra had his teal-blue service animal vest on. Aldana meanwhile was off duty, however did not feel it appropriate for hir to be in hir usual attire, or lack there of, in this particular setting, so s/he had on something neutral. It was lite, loose, casual and didn't reveal too much nor did it cover too much.

The doctor crossed over to the counselor with Sombra at hir heal, "you asked to see me sir?"

"Please come in, Dr Aldana." She indicated the chair. "And please. Call me Cleo. There's no rank inside these walls."

"Cleo," s/he parroted trying to get used to the feel of it. Aldana crossed the room, and sat in the suggested plush chair. It was soft enough it didn't cramp hir tail, and s/he just wrapped it around hir side to the left. "In that case my friends call me Amiri."

Sombra followed and sat on Alpha's feet facing away from hir so s/he could knead his shoulders if s/he wanted. Also he wanted to face the stranger out of courtesy since his species like to meet face-to-face.

Cleo looked at the dog-like creature. "And who is this charming...gentleman?" she guessed at the dog's gender. He was a handsome beast. Very alert and intelligent looking.

"This is Sombra, and yes," Aldana gestured to his intact mid-section "he is all male." S/he smiled. Since we're in a casual setting, and it's just the three of us, I think it's okay if you'd like to meet him closer, even pet him if you'd like." The 'Chief' Veterinarian reached down and loosened Sombra's vest and slipping it over his head.

Sombra perked up a bit more as he relaxed, and smiled -- or a canine equivalent. His tail also began to wag lightly, and scooted closer to the nice-smelling lady before lowering the rest of his torso to the floor and flopping his rump over ever so slightly onto one side relaxing as he lay there.

"He's charming." She reached down and gave him a pat on the side, then turned her attention back to the hybrid. "So. Tell me about his client. What should I know about you, Amiri?"

Ah, the dreaded 'tell me about yourself' question. Amiri hated that question. S/he never really knew where to start. S/he shifted nervously. "Well... uh... where would you like me to start?" There was something back in the secret recesses that part of hir secretly wanted to let out, but s/he wasn't sure it was time yet, nor if this person was the right one to tell. "Well, for lack of a better way to describe it, discluding my guyzos, I'm single. I'm a veterinarian first and a medical resident second," Aldana cut hirself off, s/he really wasn't sure what to say. S/he didn't want to ramble.

She could sense Aldana's discomfort. "Let me rephrase. What should your counselor know about you? Is there anything in your file that you think I should be aware of? Have you needed anything more than the mandatory psychological check in? Do you want anything more?"

Aldana was mesmerized by the being in front of hir. S/he thought she reminded hir of some of the female super heroes in some of the graphic literature s/he enjoyed. S/he could think of a few things s/he might 'want.' "Uhm... not sure... no." S/he wished there were some more lead-in questions the counselor had. Though subconsciously something nagged at the back of hir mind, wanting to be let go.

"Well, my door is always open. And as I've seen nothing in your file that suggests you might need more time with me, I'm happy to sign you off until next year."

There was something, but Aldana was on the fence. Sombra's tail stopped. He sensed something, and he nuzzled Alpha trying to crawl further into hir lap. "What about you?" s/he asked.

"Well, I'm always interested in people and it would be good to get to know people here personally, not just professionally."

Aldana smiled, somewhere wrapped around behind hir, hir own tail wagged. "I can't speak for the rest of the crew, but I'm relatively new here, so as for myself, I can say I agree."

Cleo nodded. Being new was always a challenge. Doubly so as a counselor, everyone always feared they were being analyzed. "I suspect over the next few months we will still be seeing a lot of each other. Medical tends to be a small department."

"Undoubtedly. I think I'd like that."

"I'm glad." She set aside her PADD. "Well, if you're happy, we can adjourn there? Maybe meet up in the mess in a little while. as friends, rather than client?"

Aldana nodded, tail wagging.

Sombra popped up, sensing it was time to go.


Lieutenant Cleopatra McCain
USS Pheonix

Ensign Amiri Aldana 365
Medical Resident et. al.
U.S.S. Phoenix


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