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A New Medical Resident

Posted on 18 Apr 2018 @ 2:04am by Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD
Edited on on 21 Apr 2018 @ 12:19pm

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Timeline: Backpost - Pior to "Getting down to business"

Doctor Aldana 365 left the shuttle bay and turned left. S/he had in tow two canids. Something like dogs, they looked very much like the Terran German Shepherd Dog, but it wasn't clear weather or not they indeed could be. One of them -- a male with mottled fur of black and tan with a bit of white thrown in for good measure with a relaxed almost playful gate -- had dawdle behind a bit to check a door-frame for markings. He had been confined on the shuttle far too long, and was beginning to get desperate for a place to ‘stretch his legs,’ when just then-

"C’mon Sombra, keep up. We’ll get you both a break very soon, I promise." The tall Kazarite reached behind hir to the backpack that was hanging off of hir shoulders. In one of the pockets was an iPADD with hir orders on it. S/he pulled it out and checked the time s/he was supposed to check in and compared it to the current time which displayed in the corner. “We have just enough time to make a pit-stop.”

Placing the PADD in its place Aldana reached down and checked to be sure a pointy set of furry ears were right where they were supposed to be. At the Kazarite’s heels -- taking point, her head constantly swivelling left and right and checking corners, ears swivelling the opposite way, nose scenting -- was a female canid, slightly smaller and a gorgeous black and tan sable compared to her brother.p

“Computer, is there an arboretum on board?”

The computer chirped. “Negative.”

“Current whereabouts of the Chief Medical Officer?”

"The Chief Medical Officer is currently in Medical Lab One attached to the Main Sickbay" the computer responded.

“Closest holodeck en-route to that location?”

“Holodeck 3 is on deck 7, one deck up.”

“Great!” Aldana activated the call button for the turbolift s/he’d just arrived at. One arrived, and once Luuna checked the ‘all clear’ the triad boarded it.

--Several moments later--

The triad of canids and “Alpha” departed the holodeck, and spring day in a luscious park behind them. “Computer, one pet clean-up and end program.” The door closed behind them, and Amiri stopped for a moment to crouch and pet on her companions. “C’mon let’s get checked in.” Turning left the hermaphrodite doctor headed for the CMO’s location.

Located not too far from the holodeck, the three beings quickly did just that.

Shirayuki gazed into the electronic microscope as she used a small metal tool to pull apart the pieces of the herbs she had brought. She needed to separate the special spores from the leaf before grinding them and then she could use the ships lab equipment to heat them and turn them into her own medicine.

She didn't hear the doors of the sickbay opened, she was far too involved in the herb samples she had acquired.

Aldana noticed that the doctor was focused and busy. S/he didn't want to startle her and they began to back out.

Shirayuki held up a finger towards the person in her sickbay. "Wait a minute..." she said still gazing into the microscope. She then looked up, scribbled something down on a pad of paper with a pencil that she plucked out from behind her ear.

She looked over at Amiri. "Sorry about that" she said with a smile. "Welcome to sickbay, can I help you?"

Amiri heard a voice from the other room, and after asking Luuna to find somewhere out of the way to wait, s/he and Sombra returned to the CMO's location. S/he reached behind hir to a backpack s/he wore, and accessing a pocket pulled out an iPADD with hir orders on it and held if out to the lieutenant. "I'm your new resident reporting as ordered doctor."

"Ah" Shirayuki said. "I wasn't aware that I would be having someone training under me" she explained before giving Amiri a smile. "But regardless, I'm sure we can have lots of fun and get you through any training you need to complete. Let's take a seat in the office so we can chat about it" she told Amiri extending her hand for them to lead the way.

Luuna peered into the officer to be sure it was safe, then waited for 'Alpha' to enter. Meanwhile Aldana bowed hir head slightly, "thank you," at the chief doctor before passing through into her office, Luuna and Sombra tailing hir. "I look forward to whatever you may have to teach me."

Shirayuki nodded. "Well, first I'll be looking over your records and training documents" she replied. "That should give me some good bedtime reading. Until then, familiarize yourself with the medical facilities, crew and ship" she explained. "We can start tomorrow morning"

Doctor Aldana nodded hir head in a half bow. "Yes, Sensai, thank you Sensai."

Hayama merely smirked at the reply and returned to the individual that had tried to intrupt. "Now. What can I do for you?"

The young ensign held up his arm to show her a slow bleeding cut. "Holodeck injury..." he said. Shirayuki sighed slightly. "Come on, lets get you patched up" she said as she led him into the main sickbay. "You know, Holodeck safety protocols are there for a reason..."

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Amirir Aldana 365
Medical Officer


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