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Organisational decisions

Posted on 01 Apr 2018 @ 12:37pm by Lieutenant JG Zitla

644 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Quarters
Timeline: MD2 06:00

ItIt was with a slight feeling of disorientation that Zitla swung herself out of bed. A long sleep after her night spent alone with the ship but still ample time to reach her office before her shift. She took with her a nagginf feeling that Lauren L'Vor was going to proev a handfull unless she got what she wanted. Unfortunately that made Zitla adamant that the other woman would have to do all she could to prove herself.

Already uniformed as she sat for breakfast Zitla cast a glance at the cases that had been delivered here at her instructions - she would get to them soon enough. Alongside a glass of hot fish juice Zitla tucked into some curried gach - a little past its best for the Klingon palate she thought the flavour improved with age (it was no surprise that Bolius ranked somewhat low on the priority list for galactic gastronomes, however Zitla had discovered the treat on Earth when her parents took her to a small restaurant which was very popular with the Bolian contingent. She had been eating it ever since.

Whether or not the replicator in her quarters recreated an acceptable version of the meal was not what was on her mind right now. Zitla had slept fitfully with queues of scientists waiting to tell her they were at the wrong station. Perhaps having settled the rota before bed was unwise as clearly her mind was trying to tell her something. The question was what? was with a slight feeling of disorientation that Zitla swung herself out of bed. A long sleep after her night spent alone with the ship but still ample time to reach her office before her shift. She took with her a nagginf feeling that Lauren L'Vor was going to prove a handfull unless she got what she wanted. Unfortunately that made Zitla adamant that the other woman would have to do all she could to prove herself.

A stickler for equality and opportunity Zitla wanted everyone to be able to shine, even those who made her skin prickle with their attitude and for the tenth time since she had woken Zitla found herself considering Lieutenant L’Vor and her out of place request.

Her credentials were impeccable, her experience enviable. Indeed Zitla could only wonder why it was herself in charge of the department and not the half Vulcan if she really was that impressive. That said her achievements were balanced by reports of cool erlations with other team members – not so much a team player perhaps.

Zitla’s thoughts turned again to Lola Demense – her fist candidate for supervisory capacity in astrometrics. She had worked her way through the ranks and was respected at all levels. The fact that she was not a commissioned officer did not detract from her ability, indeed it made her eminently more qualified for the position than others Zitla could name.

But there were three shifts and Zitla could not be on duty for all of them.

Would it make me a bad person if I scheduled L'Vor on the graveyard, Zitla wondered - it would mean that their paths raely crossed and would allow the officer the independence she seemed to crave and Zitla the opportunity to assess her properly - whilst making sure their paths did not cross too often.

The Bolian spent several minutes pondering the question as she munched her way slowly through her breakfast but in the end it was anot a difficult decision. This was her department and she had the leeway to organise it as she wished and to adjust the appointments if needed. L'Vor would have to make happy with the late shift for the time being.

Zitla had a department to organise and no more time to waste on this question.

Lieutenant JG Zitla
Chief Science Officer


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