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Better late than never

Posted on 21 Apr 2018 @ 12:09pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2 - 1700


Well it was turning into a personnel marathon, the staff meeting, then a 'favor' for his Chief Engineer, then the 'official' first meeting withthe Chief of Operations. Rico was rising to leave when the chime sounded again, retaking his seat, "Come in."

In walked a human woman, above average height, and her teal trimmed uniform couldn't hide the fact she was made of the sort of luscious femine curves that was once immortalised on the side of air craft. Blonde hair fell in soft curls past her shoulders, framing a face that could have launched a thpusand ships, with deep deep blue eyes. She held out a hand. "Captain Montoya? Cleopatra McCaine. I'm your new counsellor," there was an undertone in her rich mezzo-soprano that put people in mind of a purring cat.

Rico had been glancing to to side as he covered an involuntary yawn, upon facing forward he stood, as was gentlemanly expected, even as he had to consciously stop his eyebrows from rising. Have a seat Lieutenant, I'm afraid you missed the briefing for the senior staff. When did you arrive on the station?"

"About an hour ago. It took a little while to get my bearings and find your birth. I hope I haven't kept you waiting.

"Well DS5 is a big place and you can't control when your transport arrives...though you know you could have called and gotten beamed aboard," he added teasingly.

"And miss out on the chance to observe people before they know who I am? I could never pass that up." She handed over her padd. "My orders, sir."

As he began to read over the PADD, "So did your 'observations' catch anyone unawares?" He asked slightly tongue in cheek.

"Sort of. I managed to get on board and find my room and get my personal gear on board without anyone finding out. I've been treated like an actual human being for at least two hours. I'll be sad to put an end to it." she said cheerfully.

Sneaky and beautiful, that could be a dangerous combination. "Well aren't you the sneaky one. I did a similar thing the other day. Diring the crew check-in I put on some coveralls and mingled with the the crew.

"Perhaps you could do something similar to get a feel for the crews condition. Granted they haven't been through anything yet but it's a young, untested, crew."

"Its tempting believe me," Cleo replied, "But ultimately unethical. Once they realise I've been playing them false, there'll be no chance of trust. I'd rather be open. Even if some people still feel I'm judging them."

Nodding at her explaination. "Good point. As a counselor it would be difficult to pull a little Henry the 5th on tbe crew. Which reminds me i have a call to make on a particular crewmember...but I'll let him sweat it out a bit before i do." He added grinning.

"Is there any particular methodology or school of psychology you favar when dealing with a patient or due take things case by case?"

She crossed one long leg over the other, "That's really the wrong question to ask me. I did my PhD is in cross-cultural comparative theoretical frameworks. I can talk for a long time. But really, every culture has come up with the same best practise from each side of the quadrant to the other. The best therapy is always personalised to the client."

"I thought counselor's were supposed to be more listeners than talkers..." adding jokingly "...but then again isn't being long winded a gender trait?"

He cut off any immediate reply as he chuckled. "I'm sorry. I tend to be a bit of a joker and more informal than most, when the situation allows of course."

She gave him an indulgent smile. "Everyone has their idiosyncrasies, Captain. I'm sure your wife will have plenty more examples. I look forwards to learning all your secrets."

Shaking his head with a grim. "Oh no you don't."

"Oh Captain," Cleo purred. "Its not up to you. But I've found that women often need a safe place to express their marital frustration. And there's no where safer than my office."

Wagging a finger in mock scolding. "Be that as it 'digging' outside of professional need."

"I wouldn't dream of it." She replied. "Though I should also point out that my professional needs also extend to the captain of this vessel. I'm your counsellor too."

"Oh of that I am keenly aware and should I find myself in need of your services I won't hesitate to call on you."

"Glad to hear it. Is there anythign else I should be aware of now I'm on board?"

He tilted his head slightly before bring up what she would have no doubt discovered for herself, but there was no reason for her to be blindsided by any issues. "As a matter of fact yes. The majority of the crew, including some of the senior staff are new...freshly out of training, new to their departments, right out of the academy, etc. It would be foolish to think such transitions would be made easily or that stress between experienced and inexperienced might become an issue."

"You would like me to observe and flag any concerns?" Cleo clarified. It was an understandable request, in a crew that was largely young and inexperienced. Even Rico himself was young for command of a ship.

"Nothing specific as yet....though that might change. It will be a balancing act between patience and accountability for a bit, but for now I just wanted you to be aware. Also, there will be a shakedown for the ship tomorrow to put both the ship and the crew to the test."

"Sounds fun. How can I help out with that?"

"Just report to sickbay. Dr. Hayami can plug you in as needed during any drills or emergency situations."

"Yes, sir." Cleopatra stood

Rico watched her rise gracefully from her seat, ~guess she wants to get to it~ he thought to himself as you to rose. "Well welcome aboard the Phoenix."

Captain Ricardo E Montoya

Lieutenant Cleopatra McCain PhF


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