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Picking up my script

Posted on 23 Apr 2018 @ 7:41pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD
Edited on on 29 Apr 2018 @ 8:06pm

1,535 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 2 - 1715
Tags: Sombra

Rico had just left the bridge and was making his way to sickbay. He was due for his injection…almost overdue actually, and the last thing he needed was every woman on the ship going crazy because of his pheromones went into warp. Hopefully they had his new hypo and supply of ampules ready.


Aldana had just finished up the duty physical of Chief Larson. S/he was at a desk out in the main sickbay working on hir report with Sombra underneath at hir feet. Just then something wafted in through the door, tickled hir nose, and peaked hir interest on hir more feminine side.

Sombra was minding his own business. He had his chin rested on ‘Alpha’s’ foot. He shifted and stirred as his nose twitched. He looked at Alpha and head-tilted with an expression that Aldana interpreted his look as if he might have asked ‘What is?’

Aldana looked at Sombra and thought, ~Seems we’re due a visitor soon. ~

Sombra didn't recognize anything 'Alpha' said to him, he just looked at hir and tail-wagged.

Shirayuki emerged from the office and was humming a gentle tune to herself. “How was the chief’s physical? No problems?” she asked as she began to load up some hypospray vials.

Aldana nodded, “none, he seemed a bit short with me, and we would have liked to get to know him better, but otherwise all went as expected.”

Sombra nudged Aldana’s hand. “We seem to sense the presents of some slight pheromones due to arrive. Are we expecting anyone?”

Walking through the doors as they parted Rico walked into sickbay glancing about at the pristine facility…it even smelled new. Making his way to the office area he found Dr. Hayami and another officer he was unfamiliar with. After a quick thought he was able to place the Ensign. Nodding, “Doctor. And you must be our resident?”

The Kazarite nodded and extended a paw-hand to shake. “Yes, sir, Captain Montoya.”

Hearing the word ‘captain’, Sombra tried to make himself smaller, and find somewhere secluded to lay, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued when he heard something-toy-something. He tried not to get too excited, though his tail started to wag a bit.

Shaking the Ensigns hand Rico heard the telltale thumping sound coming from under the desk. Moving around the side of the station he peered and raised an eyebrow. “Well you usually don’t see that in a sickbay.”

Sombra craned his head up, scenting the air instinctively, but this one was definitely the source of the pheromones in the air.

Aldana tried to play it coyly, after all the service animal had a right to be there. “Ah, captain, I see you’ve discovered Sombra, he’s my service animal. He’s harmless. Would you like to meet him?” The veterinarian would keep cool for now, but from time to time some still confronted hir. S/he would stand up for hir rights appropriately if necessary.

Rico lifted his head to look at the Ensign. “A service animal in sickbay?…” While quite rare in this day and age it wasn’t completely unheard of. “…Well if there were no objections with your department head. I already told her that I wouldn’t be micromanaging, so no reason to start now. So long as his presence doesn’t become an issue.”

Aldana was taken by something about the male. S/he smiled and nodded, “of course sir, Sombra is very used to keeping himself out of the way. I would love for you to get to know him better when he’s off duty. He has a sister with us too; s/he’s back at my quarters now.”

Getting to know the crew was going to take time but when he met with this particular member of his crew he would have to be sure to include her companions. “I’m sure something can be arranged.”

Turning to the CMO. “Dr. Hayami. Just stopped by for my hypo and a supply of my prescription. Are the ampules ready?

Shirayuki who had just stepped out of the medical office smiled at the Captain. “Yes Captain. I’ve got a fresh supply ready for you” she said. She walked over to a medical storage locker and opened it up with her access code. Pulling out a small tray of vials, she handed three to the Captain.

“This is made using non-replicated ingredients” she explained. “Therefore, instead of once a day, only use once every two days. It’s stronger than what you’re used to. If there’s any problems I’m only a comm call away” she explained. “You should have six days supply here, since I have to hand grind the ingredients, I make them a week in advance, so it doesn’t spoil”

Taking the ampules, he nodded. “Well that was unexpected. Hadn’t thought you’d be able to brew something up that quickly. Any special storage requirements?”

“Keep out of reach of children…” Shirayuki said pondering slightly. “They don’t need any special storage requirements really, just keep them safe and away from anywhere they may spoil”.

Nodding. “Understood, thanks Doc.”

Aldana listened attentively and carefully. S/he wanted to be sure s/he knew what was going on in case s/he needed to help, or do something later, and alone. “Sensai, a question?”

Shirayuki turned to Aldana. “Yes?” she asked with a smile.

Aldana nodded before asking, “What should be done if he presents here claiming to have taken too much; what symptoms should I expect to see?”

“If he does overdose, we will most likely be seeing unusual symptoms. Raised temperature, feverish and even unconsciousness depending on the dosage. There would also be a chemical imbalance in his body which could cause pain” she paused. “Also, not to mention if he does overdose on them, expect bruises too from where I’ve literally dragged him by his collar to sickbay from wherever he may be at the time…” she added giving the Captain a wink in a joking way.

As Rico turned to leave he noticed the dog peaking from under the workstation and he became curious. Stopping he asked, “excuse me Ensign, does your service animal do anything besides sit at your feet?” Realizing that he had sounded a bit cool and curt he added quickly, “I mean do they have any specialized training?”

Sombra craned his head up scenting the air, sensing someone was talking about him. Sometimes he could be nosy, though Alpha preferred the word “curious.”

“Well, sir, there are innumerable intangible ways that Sombra helps me, but I’m not quite sure how to put them to words. Some of the things he does for me fortunately are versatile and could have the potential to help out in a counseling-type situation as a therapy dog. By proxy, he does also have some SAR skills.

“Search and Rescue. Luuna on the other hand is a very well trained and versatile working animal. She has long term training and practice in SAR and cadaver recovery. She is also good at other personal protection certifications as well as security, more specifically personal security.”

Rico nodded. “Well that could definitely come in handy. Do you need to be there, or can he work with another?”

Aldana smiled at hir captain, s/he still wasn’t sure what was so appealing to hir, though s/he started to have a sneaking suspicion, and it was partially confirmed by the way Sombra was behaving and scenting the air continuously. “Sombra will not leave my side except in extreme cases, so fortunately he’s not needed to yet. I’m his only handler.” S/he was also enjoying being asked about and talking about hir ‘guyzos’, “Luuna on the other hand is able to work with others.

“Very interesting. I will speak with Security as well as the Marine Detachment and see if we can’t find a spot for Luuna, perhaps we could even set you up with them as a field medic.

“Thank you, sir, though with respect, I’d feel much more comfortable with security personnel instead of marines. Of course, field medic would be right up my alley.”

“Well as I am partially integrating the two groups any search and rescue operations will fall to the Marines…primarily. I will inform Lt. Mitchell and he will let you know when to report.”

Aldana 365 wasn’t sure if the captain was putting his foot down on this, it was just that the individuals in organizations historically like those now called marines were notoriously rough and borderline mean even cruel to their working animals, and Luuna and Sombra were something more than that. They were sensitive lifeforms and – in hir mind – aware of their situation and what was going on around them. The Medical Resident decided to bite hir tongue on this one for now. S/he should keep an open optimistic mindset in this. IDIC after all. Perhaps things had changed.

He then glanced back to the CMO, “Thanks again.”

Captain Ricardo E Montoya

Lieutenant Shirayuki Hayami

Ensign Aldana


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