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Reporting In

Posted on 18 Apr 2018 @ 2:59pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Admiral Ayana Varon

940 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Capain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2 - 1615

As soon as things had settled down a little, Ayana made her way to the Captain's Ready Room to officially report in. Running late and then finding out she was supposed to be at a briefing didn't help her get started on the right foot, but she hoped that she would quickly regain her balance.

She paused in front of the door to the Ready Room and rang the chime.

Having just wrapped things up with Mr. Kent Rico had stepped into his little home away from home. Tossing the towel on the bed the replied to the chime as he returned to the main party of his ready room. "Enter."

Standing in front of the replicator as the Lieutenant walked in he paused making his order, gesturing to the device. "Can I get you anything?"

Ayana smiled. "Blueberry herb tea would be great. Thank you."

Rico let out an audible "Hmmm" and decided to try it himself. "Two blueberry herb teas". The beverages quickly materialized in the alcove and he removed them, handing one to the Lieutenant as he took his seat behind his desk. "I must say I was glad to see your assignment to the Phoenix. You are one of the few officers that isn't new to the job."

Ayana raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm mostly new," she admitted. She took a sip of her tea and smiled. "Your wife is a big help."

"Trust me you are not as new to the job as some. I'm glad to hear she isn't getting in the way. I also want to let you know that IF there are any issues you can be assured that her relationship with me will not be any kind of it for assignments or disciplinary action.

"Thank you," Ayana said. Although she doubted there would be a need for any sort of disciplinary action. "I'm a firm believer that who you're married to has no effect on your job. So far she and I are getting along well." She took another sip of her tea. "So, what do you expect from me?"

"Under normal circumstances that philosophy would suffice, however when on of the spouces in the Captain of the ship additional measures have to be taken to avoid even the appearance of improprity. As to my expectations, in a nutshell, keep the ship running smoothly. Ops is your department and just as I told the other department heads...I have no intention of micro-managing things."

Ayana nodded.

"As you know this is a ship designed to separate into three independent sections. You will need to assign two capable officers to command Ops for their respective sections. Additionally you and your staff will need to make sure the supplies and cargo the station sent aboard is what's actually on the manifest before we get too far out in case we need to arrange for resupply."

She'd have to meet her crew and get an idea of who would be best to assign to the other two sections. "That's the next item on my list, sir. To see exactly what we have and make sure it gets to the right department. Then compile a list of anything we missed."

"Excellent. Sounds like you are already on top of things. Not bucking for a promotion already are you?" He ask humorously.

Ayana chuckled. "No, sir. I just got here. I'm still wet behind the ears. I have a ways to go before that's even a possibility."

Returning her laugh with one of his own. "Well Ido like to see my people move up and get any recognition they are do. So if you see anything worthy of attention don't hesitate to the XO or myself know."

Leaning back with his cup in hand, "Tell me about yourself...what do you like to do when not keeping a ship running smoothly?"

"I carve wood. It's a nice way to relax. Especially if I listen to music when I work," she said. "And I like to play with archaic communications systems and devices."

"Everyone needs an outlet to help them relax. Personally I have always found woodworking more frustrating than relaxing. Guess I just don't have the knack for it. Did you get a chance to get settled in yet?"

"I'm working on it," Ayana said. "I'm mostly unpacked, and your wife gave me a tour of Ops. Now, I need to get familiar with the rest of the ship."

Finishing off his tea and placing the cup on his desk. "Well we will be getting an early start tomorrow for our little shakedown cruise around this system, but there will be plenty of time for eveyone to get familiar with the ship while on our partol route."

"Good. Then I'll have time to get familiar with the ship," she said. "I hate to have to use a PADD or the computer to get around."

Chuckling slightly at that, "Well you wouldn't be the first person to get lost on a starship. Ask Heather about the time she got lost on the Achilles...THAT was a big ship."

"Yes, but isn't that ship so large that they use internal transporters to get from one end to the other?" Ayana asked. "If there's nothing else, sir, I'll take my leave and let you get back to whatever you were doing."

"Oh most definately, amonsts other systems as well. Since I have nothing else...welcome aboard and see you tomorrow."

Ayana put her cup back in the replicator to recycle. "So long, sir."

Captain Ricardo E. Montoya

Lieutenant Ayana Wells
Chief Science Officer
USS Phoenix


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