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The road with Rio Lobo

Posted on 22 Dec 2017 @ 10:53pm by Lieutenant Marion Kent

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Runabout Rio Lobo


The runabout was a fast way to travel; Kent had the specs of the class in the back of his head in the Computer Matrix; like everything he used his five senses to learn became data for later RAM. Having a good memory helps but to have the thing in his skull was amazing in a bio-engineering format. The computer controlled the artificial Spine which ; in turn, controlled his body. In essence he had a computer aided nervous system and memory, the computer converted the datum nd stored it in the biological memory cells and rereved the information as needed.

Right now he had been taken rather quickly from Star Base 80 in a very abrupt transfer; seems Star Fleet decided an Engineer with perfect recall and heightened reflexes to the maximum of human capasity should not be wasting away in a Research Department. He would be of more use on a cutting edge ship keeping her running.

That scared the Hell out of him; he was going to have to get over his fears again; the accident that put this Artificial Spine and brain augmentation into his life. The headaches from over using them; the normal human eye focal range is about the size of looking through a straw compared to his full field of vision. Kent could see edge to edge and with computer help process all the data that he 'sees' much more than most.

Full taste and smell and hearing also add to the rush of data he must concentrate upon while even the sense of touch is almost hyper sensitive compared to normal humanoids. All this added data being bombarded does cause a few adaptions to be made. Sunglasses to cut glare, soft silken gloves to lessen the very sensitive touch and a sound suppression field generator to help him sleep. While he could work at the optimum human potential due to his 'Cyborg' parts he also had the side effects of 'Sensory overload' that often cost him more than the uses.

Of course he had to wear thin silk gloves to help lessen the sensitivity and sunglasses to cut down glare but his ears were always on asand since one did not walk with their mouth open all the time taste was not so hard to deal with. His nose was sensitive for a human but for a dog or other animal he was 'just a smelly human.'

Prior to the accident he was supposed to have met Jillian and they were close; Part of the paintings Kent kept locked up on Earth were of her; he could see the passion he put into them so that corroborated the rumors of being close to her despite remembering nothing until he opened his eyes after the surgery to put in the Cybernetics, and he forgets nothing afterward.The computer was not as complected as some it was more of a control and translation with only the internal memory needed to run the system. Kent could understand it as an Engineer, what the computer did is translate biochemical sensory data into impulses for the cybernetics. His mind and spine were automated and therefore, quicker than the normal process. Sometimes he is so concentrated on the automation it has been described as 'He is a robot' and references to being like Commander Data when in 'full auto mode' have been bouncing around for years. His nickname ; one he cannot evade, is 'Daystrom Drone' and Daystrom-stein' in reference to some classic Horror monster.

Still, he had spent a good time with Jillan Peters; the woman he adored more than his own life, he had asked her out before he could remember; after he was recovered from the accident he sought her out again without knowing why? He had just thought himself attracted to a beautiful woman; yet she did not return the affections it seemed, Jillian turned him down flat. Of course Kent is not one to give up so easily and with persistence managed to get her on a date. Now that was magical in many ways, Jillian tried to be only partly interested while hiding the true depths of her feelings. She did not want to be hurt again; not to mention Daystrom kept Kent from all members of his past; it made him uncomfortable to have close friends that seemed to be missing or wanting the older version of himself back and not as accepting of whom 'Marion Russell Kent had become now.

Jillian was the exception, she loved him as he was; accepted he loved her as much and maybe even more since he could not think of anyone else, she also just enjoyed their time like it was as new as anything. She never seemed to compare the new man to the old. How she did this is a gift Kent only accepts and to question might ruin it so he does not venture into that line of inquiry.

He missed her right now; she had to get her own transfers set in motion, and pack her stuff; despite what one might think, Jillian is what most call High Maintenance. She loved to indulge herself with spa days and kept herself 'presentable' at all times. Not vain just 'aware in a good way. She would kiss him after a grubby day in the Engineering ducts and then aid him in getting the grime off until he was again clean and comfortable to both of them. Kent liked to spoil her so they were matched. Jillian had a heart of gold, she cared for people and while she treated herself to indulgences she gave more to others. She made Kent feel like he could be himself; even Kent's mother had pushed in her own way to bring back 'her son' in subtle ways that made Kent uncomfortable to be around her.

He had ingrained memories put into the 'Data Bank' that confirmed his parents relationship as Kent did feel he knew them but did not fully remember them and the implanted data helped him with the confusion. But Mother hated Jillian; thought her not worthy of Kent. That had placed more of a wedge between he and his Mother; Kent's father dotted over Jillian so it was an even vote in the Parental home as to how the future marriage will go?

He wished he had Jillian here on this trip but she was getting her place and helping to have his things packed as he had left in a rush. A monumental job that Jillian seemed happy to help him with; she had always been that way. It is what he loved about her; once Jillian took a liking she just treated you like kin. It is also what made him miss her more, he recalled all the moments in his mind; the Data Bank' allowed that. Sometimes perfect memory is a hindrance, it make one miss loved ones more.

The alarm in his head went off; he had wanted to work some Tai Chi movements and focus, a new hobby he had taken up, so to pass the time and with this transit he would need other focus to get through it.

His routine call to Jillian is set for his arrival so while moving at warp he was , bored.

Another aspect of cybernetics, heightened boredom.


Lt. Marion "Rusty' Kent
Chief Engineering Officer.


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