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Vacation's Over

Posted on 21 Dec 2017 @ 6:41pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

1,524 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Kasperia Prime

Walking up the beach to their bungalow after his swim Rico came up behind Heather as she laid on the lounge enjoying the heat from the sun. As he approached he ran his fingers through his hair and moved to fling the water on her back.

"Don't even think about it", she said with humorous confidence as she turned the page of her book.

Dropping his hands to his hips he looked at her with a grin " I wasn't going to do anything."

Twisting back to look at him, looking over the top of he sun glasses. "Liar", she said smiling.

With another swipe through his hair he flicked the water at her as she screamed laughingly, attempting to block the cold droplets.

"You're gonna pay for that...!"

Rico chuckled, "I look forward to it." Leaning down he gave her a kiss, "I'll be inside."

Leaving Heather to her book Rico padded into their bungalow, pulled a shirt on and sat at the desk. Opening up his journal he leaned back to review his last few entries before starting to write...

Until heading out for Kasperia with Heather is entries had been a mix of anger, frustration, disappointment, and more anger. As he read he recalled everyone together. The main hall aboard the Achilles was packed and ever individual not in attendance was watching on every monitor and view screen on the Achilles, and the Berlin. Da`nal walked out to the podium and spoke of the honor and glory earned by all. How their deeds and the deeds of the fallen would be remembered for all time...typical Klingon...but then he lowered the boom. Starfleet felt that given the significance and implications of this new Terran incursion, along with other regional issues that were developing, that such a prolonged mission was best postponed until they had more information and things at home stabilized. Their orders were to return to Federation space and report to Starbase 514 for debriefing by Starfleet intelligence.

Before they had even made it half way through Cardassian space a large group of Klingon ships decloaked before them and took up positions around the Achilles...apparently there was some intrigue within the Empire. Whatever it was it was serious enough to warrant such an escort.

It wasn't until they arrived at SB514 that the real fireworks erupted. The Commodore, accompanied by his House guard and his most trusted friend, ripped into the board of inquiry, tore the uniform from his chest and resigned then and there. It was a hell of a site to see him verbally shame, then tear away the section of his top holding his rank and throw it at the Admiral and staff conducting the hearing.

Every member of the crew present stood to honor their former CO and both Rico and Commander Means stepped forward and thanked him for the honor of serving with him. "The honor was mine". Look over the assembly he addressed his former crew. "You all stepped forward to face the vast unknown while the rest cowered in their own hesitation and fear! You all are the future of the Federation...not these bureaucrats", waving back at the panel. "QAPLA!!"

The last anyone saw of Da`nal Head of the House of Varal was his ships leaving the starbase heading towards Klingon territory.

The next entry, about the loss of his first ship, made him flush with a momentary flash of frustration at the memory. Due to the sheer number of crew member involved in the debriefing, the protracted time involved, with him now being the senior officer involved, the federation decided to reassign the Berlin with a new Captain and crew.

A part of him could understand the logistics behind the decision, but it still stung. The only thing that eased the sting is that the loss was not due to anything that was going to look bad.

His remaining journal entries where nothing but his and Heather’s plans and exploits for and on Kasperia.

Reaching forward he picked up his pencil to add a new entry when a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and Heather placed her head next to his. “What are you writing in that thing this time?”

“Oh just laying the groundwork in case something happens to me. That way they lock you up and throw away the key.”

“You’re hilarious”, she said walking over to the bedroom the change. Calling back to him, “We still going to that Italian place for dinner?”

“Sure. You know I was thin…”

His statement was interrupted by the beeping from his communicator, informing him that their shuttle had received a transmission. Grabbing his communicator he joined Heather in the bedroom and opened his bag to get this tablet. Once the interface to the shuttle was opened he began to read and smile.

Heather, watching him in the mirror as she brushed her hair asked, “What is it?”

Clearing his throat he began to recite the message and then read the attached order. “ ‘Captain , sorry for interrupting your leave but I thought you would wat to get the new as soon as possible. Anyway, contact me when you are enroute. Regards. Admiral Rittenhouse’.”

Her eyes wide and bright with anticipation. “Well what is it?”

“They’ve offered me a command…the USS Phoenix.”

Screaming with excitement she threw her arms around him. “I’m so happy for you! Where is it what kind of a ship?”

“It’s docked at the ship yard at Deep Space 5, it’s a Prometheus class.”

Pulling back, her arms still around his neck. “Ohhh wow a we have time to celebrate?”

Grinning. “Absolutely. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

Their dinner was a discussion over every subject imaginable. The ship, DS5 as their home port, the types of missions they might see, their previous mission...did the new assignment have anything to do with the reason it was cancelled. Mostly is was an upbeat conversation full of wide eyed ideas and possibilities. It was Rico the put a damper on things.

"You know there is one thing we haven't discussed..."

Heather put down here wine and took a breath. "It wasn't an issue before."

Rico countered matter-a-factly. "Before there was a flag officer in charge and you where stationed on his ship while I was within transporter range."

"So what am I supposed to do?? Resign?! Follow you around the quadrant playing the little wife..."

Looking around the restaurant. "No. You do what you want to do. If you want to resign you can still have a civilian position. If you want to stay in Starfleet, that's ok too. All I'm saying is that we will have to make accommodations...and something will have to be clear. No doubt you will have to face all the "behind your back" drama and whispering, at least at first. I will also have to remove myself from everything considering your career. It's going to be harder for you you to get promotions, commendations and most likely easier for you to get disciplinary action taken against you. It will put your Department Head and the XO in a difficult position, which I will have to clarify, but most importantly I will have to Captain first in all my considerations.

"Before anyone can become a Commander they have to pass..."

"The Commanders Test...I know."

He could see that she was understanding the complications and difficulties they were heading into; and that it was only adding to her frustration. Raising his hand to calm her, he continued. "What you don't know is that to pass that test you have to put the ship first. You have to be able to order a member or members of the crew to their death in order to save the ship. No matter what you try, no matter the situation if you can't pass the test...if you can't give that will never be promoted to commander and you will never be given a command. The difficulty for me will be whether or not I will be able to give that order if it will mean your life."

Her face softened when she realized the difficulty he would face. She knew he would do anything to keep her safe, but as a Captain he might have to put the lives of others before hers..."I could request assignment to Deep Space 5."

"I don't want that either..." They were both silent for a moment until he broke that uncomfortable quiet. "Let's keep that as a last resort option. I'm willing to face whatever challenges the future holds, but if drama becomes to much for you or if I even hesitate in my decisions; we may have to consider other options."

She nodded slowly. She knew this discussion had been coming but knowing that hadn't made it any easier. Smiling to break the mood, she changed the subject. "Okay. Enough of the heavy. Now what was this desert you were telling me about?"

Captain Ricardo "Rico" Montoya

Ltjg Heather Fischer-Montoya


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