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A familiar face

Posted on 29 Dec 2017 @ 5:01am by Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor

1,271 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Deep Space 5 - Promenade

Heather pushed her way, as politely as she could from shop to shop as the Promenade was surprisingly packed, especially for a station as big as Deep Space 5. She carried her bags in front of her while she moved along. ~Enough of this!~

Making her way up a level to the stations 'Green area’ she took a seat on bench overlooking the small lake that had been made. It was nice to smell the grass as the artificial breeze moved over the water. Leaving the bench she moved closer to the water to the base of a large tree and sat in the lush grass. Sitting there she slipped off her boots and worked her toes through the grass.

Hugging her knees she allowed herself to close her eye and relax.

Lauren stepped off the trail at the edge of the park as she continued to observe the red headed officer. She was positive that she was the same officer from the aborted Achilles mission and had been following here for the last hour. Her report on that incident to her superiors altered their instructions and her superiors had had her positioned for those purposes. The Federation Admiralty was up to something and they needed more information on the threat they feared.

She knew that the idea of revealing themselves and cooperating with the humans had been proposed again but even if that sentiment was gaining support, it didn't have enough...yet.

Keeping her attention on her target she moved in slowly and stopped once she was within a few meters and put a warm smile on her face. "I thought that was you!"

Opening her eyes Heather looked up at the voice speaking to her. She immediately recognized her and stood hurriedly, giving her a hug. Taking a step back, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm transient right now, just bidding my time between assignments, until someone needs a science officer. I've requested the Cartaris station but still haven't heard one way or the other", she said shrugging.

Heather grinned. "You know if you wouldn't mind another starship assignment I can pull a few strings."

Faking hesitation, "I don't know...we both know how the last one turned out."

"This is true, and while studying a biological collective might be appealing to some...wouldn't you rather be on the edge of the unknown?"

Lauren put her hands on her hips. "You sound like a recruiter."

She laughed. "Maybe I missed my calling? Seriously though, Rico needs good officers."

"Fine. I'll but in a request with the personnel office her for reassignment, though a matching request from him would expedite things..."

"Consider it done!" Heather was excited at the prospect of a familiar face aboard.

Lauren motioned to the grass and they both sat. With her legs crossed she relaxed and changed the subject to something less official. "So you and Commander Montoya are still together huh?"

"It's Captain now...but yeah hard to believe it's been almost a year....OH Crap our anniversary is coming up!" Heather's eyes were wide and her hand now covered her mouth.

Lauren put a hand on Heather's leg. "Oh don't worry..."

"Don't Worry?!” Heather interrupted. "I have no idea what I'm going to do...or get him."

"Oh men are easy. Just arrange a quiet dinner, an evening out, and for later...a new floor decoration."

Heather looked at her friend questioningly, "Floor decoration?"

Cocking her brow as she smiled. "Lingerie..."

Her face flushed as she realized. "I've never heard it referred to like that...very appropriate though."

Lauren stood offering Heather her hand. "Come on. Let's go do some girls shopping...I know just the place."

As soon as Heather put her boots back on they were off with Lauren heading the way. It wasn't long and the pair entered a shop named Lasuma. No sooner had they entered that they were greeted by the Bajoran proprietor.

"Good afternoon ladies. What can I do for you?"

Lauren returned the greeting with a nod. "My friend here has a first anniversary coming up shortly and..."

"Say no more." Taking Heather by the hand he sized her up as he slowly spun her around. He then stepped back crossing his arms with one at his mouth. "Hmmm..."

"Your husband is...athletic?

"Yes. Extremely"

"Hhmmm...He is a paradox of opposites is he not? Strong yet tender, he enjoys excitement but at the same time simple pleasures, comfortable in either the wilds or in the finest formal situation."

Her surprise was obvious. "How do you do you know all that, you couldn't possibly have..."

"I pride myself on my ability to assess my clients. Besides...would you have married anyone else?" Not waiting for an answer to his rhetorical question he continued. "So are we looking for something for a night out or something more intimate?"

Lauren jumped in to answer the question. "Both actually."

"I thought as much. Let me see, something elegant yet not too formal, something that will also set off your fiery red hair, and cover the intimate as a surprise for later...I have just the thing."

He disappeared into the back of the shop briefly before returning with a clothing bag. "Here my dear try this on. I need to make a few minor adjustments to make it a perfect fit, but it should be close already."

Handing her other purchases to Lauren she took the garment bag. She was anxious to see what he had selected and hurried into the changing room. Moments later Heather emerged and moved to the viewing mirrors the look everything over.

Even though not really human Lauren had learned a great deal of humans found aesthetically pleasing and was surprised herself at her reaction to Heather's attire. "It's stunning!"

Running her hands over the dress, smoothing it over her hips as she twisted to get differing views. "I love it! He’ll love it!"

Moving in and pinning up a few areas. "Just a tad too long. I could add a bit of a tapper at the hips, bring the slit up to mid thigh...yes I think that will do the trick nicely. If you'll permit me I can use the fabric I remove and well as what I have left in the back to make you something particularly ravishing to wear...underneath. I would just need to make a few scans."

Heather couldn't stop feeling the dress, she had never felt anything so, so...luxurious. "What is it made of?"

He could help but grin. "We only sell the finest here but that fabric is rarer still. Tholian silk."

"WHAT!? How..." but the feel of it against her skin, "...I don't wanna know."

A short time later Heather and Lauren were saying their goodbyes. "Thanks for letting me have the dress delivered to you."

"What are friends for. Besides, we couldn't let the surprise get spoiled by a poorly timed delivery no can we."

"Oh no...we can't have that." Heather said smiling. She still couldn't believe the price she paid for that dress but considering what it was made of.

Lauren made the first move to depart. "I'm going to head over to personnel and put in for a reassignment to space duty."

Heather nodded and grinned, "As soon as I get back to the ship I will have that personnel request sent."

Lauren watched her friend as she left and for the slightest fraction of time there was a twinge of regret at the continued deception...but only a twinge.

Lt. Heather Fischer-Montoya

Lt. Lauren L'vor
Science Officer


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