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Status - Part 2

Posted on 21 Nov 2016 @ 3:26am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Trei Jansum & Captain Korra Wen
Edited on on 21 Nov 2016 @ 5:05am

1,486 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host
Location: Observation Lounge


Looking at the dejected faces of his officers. "This stops now! Look at yourselves! You are senior officers and we set the tone on our ships. We have lost people be they family, friend or colleague. But we all, myself included, dishonor them with this...this depression."

His concern for progress vanished, the ship would come along as long as the crew was capable and it was the crew that needed attention. “Repairs will continue but in the meantime I want competitions recreational and otherwise. I want interdepartmental trash talking...give your department’s efficiency goals to hit. What else can we do to boost morale?"

Trei was hesitant to suggest it, what with all the injuries lately, but still... "Maybe a sports tournament? Like football, or American rules football, pool, swimming, or pareses squares? Maybe a tongo tournament? That would build quite a bit of department unity."

"What about a capture the flag tournament..." Korra thought out loud, staring at blankly a spot on the table. "Two teams of...150. Split them into seventy-five flag attackers and seventy-five the team with people from every department," she swept a wisp of hair out of her face. "I remember doing something like that..."~to train up civilian guerrilla fighters on Marva II~ She cleared her throat before continuing. " a training exercise and to teach cohesion."

Jansum grinned at her. "That sounds great. I was just suggesting that to the captain earlier, but it was going be between the Marines and the security department. I guess that could be saved for another time, when you feel like losing," he teased.

Captain Shran cracked a smile. "Please, my boot bands could handle your swarm of yellowjackets. But if you think you have what it takes, you're welcome to join us on a few training exercises. Whaddya think, Korra? Think your ODINs could bulls eye a Goldshirt with a torpedo?"

Korra was feeling the weight of the last few days, and wasn't quite ready to start cracking jokes, but she forced a smile. "Probably."

Jansum really smiled now. "Two weeks okay with you?"

"Sure. You name the contest, Yellowjacket."

Trei thought for a moment. "Relay race? Through a bunch of obstacles and enemies? Jem'Hadar, Borg, three shooting ranges where you assemble the weapon--hand phaser, phase rifle and TR-118--and boot camp style obstacles?"

Shran laughed. "Get Sergeant Major Velez to chew us out the whole time and it'll be just like OCS. You're on."

Alanna listened to the others talk about boot camp and their obstacle course. She was brewing up an idea for science and medical. Something that would pit the two departments against each other in a more cerebral activity.

Trei was thinking of a test of riddles, but he knew that some in his department were decidedly not good at riddles. Then, with a glint in his eyes he said to Korra, "Of course you know that we have a security dog? He has a rank and therefore he should be able to compete."

"If he can assemble a phaser rifle all by himself, he deserves to." Korra said. "What kind of dog is it?"

"He's a German Shepherd from East Germany on Earth, so he's larger than normal, or so Thompson says. I wouldn't know. But he could compete in some events."

Da`nal sat back and listening to the exchange. He glanced to Commanders Means and Montoya both had coy little grins as they nodding to him approvingly. ~This is more like it~, he thought to himself. A crew in good spirits was a tight crew...and with the vast unknown still ahead of them they would need to be more than crew mates, they need to be family. He interjected slightly; "Be sure to invite the Klingon, Romulan, and even the Cardassian delegations as well as any civilians that might want to participate.

"Commander Montoya if you could appoint someone to oversee everything and coordinate things between the various teams."

"No problem I think I have just the person." Looking to Means he continued, "I assume the other two crews will be able to participate as well?"

Scanning everyone present Da`nal replied with vigor. "Of course...we may be three ships, but we are one crew. However, Commander Means I have a special honor for you and your crew. You have been recalled to DS9 for an engineering refit."

Leaning forward Commander Means looked puzzled. "Sir the Freedom it top of the line, almost as new as the Achilles. A refit?"

Da`nal looked at the one eyed officer. "Think of it as an upgrade. Your ship will have an experimental Quantum Slipstream Drive installed. Then you will return to us. Congratulations."

Trei wished he could go with them. He was starting to regret volunteering for this mission.

Alanna had read somewhere that Starfleet was letting a few ships experiment with a new quantum slipstream drive. With the mission ahead, it could be a great boon to the Achilles -- if they could work out the bugs.

Means was unable to hide his excitement at the prospect of having a ship equipped with a slipstream drive. Taking the Commodores hand firmly, "Thank you sir...We'll be back before you know it."

"You better be...we are going to need you and that drive."

As Means departed to carry out his orders Da`nal turned to the rest. "Get those morale events going and continue repairs. I want to under way in 36 hours. Whatever we don't salvage from the Terran ship will be destroyed...oh and Dr. Williams, revive our replacement counselor from stasis."

Alanna nodded. "Yes, sir.

Williams sat there uncomfortably. "Aye sir, we that would leave us without a reserve counselor. We should request additional staff and have the Freedom bring them when they return."

Da`nal nodded. "I'll look into it." He scanned the group, "Anything else?"

Shran cleared his throat. "Now that Major Sharpe is...gone, we need to address the matter of who will be the new Marine Commanding Officer. The Major transferred command to Captain Wen during the battle, but we believe you should have the last word on the subject."

Looking at the officer as he spoke then to Captain Wen. "If Major Sharpe felt you capable to assume command it would be dishonorable for me to counter his faith in her....unless. Are you ready to assume full command of our Marines?"

The reality of the situation fell on Korra like the descent of mankind. Though she had been performing the function of the MCO, it hadn't dawned on her that she was the actual CO. A bunch of thoughts ran through her head very quickly, but one voice stuck out. In the vault of her memory, she vaguely remembered an old piece of advice her mother gave her: never turn down a command. "Yessir, I am," she heard herself say. "

Shran made a Face that warranted the capital 'F,' before returning to a neutral expression. "But she's just a Captain sir, and..." ~won't be eligible for promotion for YEARS, with all her non-recs~ "I'll be eligible for promotion in months. Wouldn't it be better to maintain the chain of command?"

Rico sat raised a brow, thinking to himself... ~Wooo little power struggle there...unless.~

Dismissing the objection with a wave. "Time in grade is one thing, command ability is another. Had it been otherwise Maj. Sharpe would have place you in command before his death. However you are right that a Captain would normally not be in command of a detachment the size of ours."

Glancing to Montoya, as he stood, who nodded slightly. "Ours is not a normal situation. Captain Korra Wen, you are here by promoted the rank of Acting Major, whether that becomes permanent is up to you.

"We have work to do so let’s get to it. Dismissed."

Alanna gave Korra a smile of congratulations and then followed the others out of the room.

Trei smiled at the new Marine commander, said congratulations, and then continued the exodus from the room.

As the room emptied Da`nal returned to his previous position, gazing once again out into the vastness. Rico observed this an paused at the head of the table. "Sir I was thinking of putting Heather in charge of the morale situation."

Without turning he looked up slightly. "She would be a good choice for that task, will there be anything else Commander?"

"Well actually yes...I was wondering if you could assist me. You see I'm still looking for a sparing partner...If you'd do me the honor."

Da`nal turn slightly, looking behind him. "I know what you are trying, but..."

"Backing down from a challenge?" Rico bated. "That wouldn't be in line with your reputation sir."

Grinning at his persistence and determination to help his commanding officer. "Challenge accepted Commander."


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