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There is no place like home

Posted on 27 Nov 2016 @ 4:15am by Commander Nicholas Means

291 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host
Location: USS Freedom

Commander Means materialized back on his ship, fortunately they hadn't taken any serious damage that would slow them down. He was actually feeling an excitement that was very uncharacteristic. The doors to the lift parted and he stepped out onto his bridge. He stopped half way to his ready room and the order just fell out. "Helm, set a course for Deep Space Nine. Warp 8."

Everyone on the bridge stopped and looked at their captain with looks of puzzlement, and astonishment. "Sir?"

"You heard me...Deep Space Nine."

The helm office hesitated, her new boyfriend was on the Achilles and didn't know what she should do. Luckily the duty office spoke up.

"Has the mission been canceled sir?"

"No. We have been recalled for an engineering enhancement."


"We are to have a Quantum drive installed, probably pick up new crew as well, and then rejoin the Achilles."

The reaction of the bridge crew was instant and obvious. There was a broad grin on every face and you could feel a new sense of purpose and determination take hold.

Means looked around the duty officer. "Ensign why are we not moving...break formation and take us back to DS9...and when you get off duty you might want to start studying up on piloting at quantum slipstream velocities."

The weight that had landed on her emotions had vanished and she couldn't wait to get off duty to talk to him. "Aye Aye Sir! Breaking formation."

Means watched as the ship came about and entered warp. It would take them nearly a week to get back but hours to return, not counting the time for installation and testing. He just hope the engineering team wasn't a bunch of arrogant know it alls...


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