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Head to Head - Part 1

Posted on 11 Sep 2016 @ 6:38pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick
Edited on on 11 Sep 2016 @ 6:49pm

1,060 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

The order had been given and everyone in there group focus narrowed as the lighting everywhere shifted to red. On the Promenade, off-duty crew left whatever they were doing and reported to their emergency stations. In the shuttle bay, fighters disengaged from their mountings and accelerated from away from the ship.

Jason didn't even bother to glance at the fighters departing overhead as he inspected his team. As usual everything was spot on but this would be the first real action with their newest member. They were a Recon unit and had been assigned to board whatever ship made the mistake of engaging them. Most of the teams were assigned to do damage and disrupt systems...their assignment was to actually capture main engineering. Tugging on Eirias' harness. "You ready?"

He had already triple checked the harness before Jason tugged on it, but he also knew this would be procedure. Surprisingly, they had been assigned a capture mission instead of the usual fun and games, and he couldn't help but wonder why since it meant changing their load out. "'Bout as ready as I'll ever be Staff. Have to wonder why we're on the capture mission though, not the usual assignment?" Eirias asked without a trace of nervousness.

Tucking a spare power cell into the vest of his newest team member. 'Their’s not to make reply, Their’s not to reason why, Their’s but to do & die...'


"Kill all emissions, I want to coast in ballistic." Sam ordered, "Passive Sensors to max power. Comms, get me a tight beam connection to the USS Achilles, upload all sensor data to them." Sam sat back, he'd felt a growing sense of foreboding as time passed, now he was centered, focused, the conflict had begun and he was more confident than he had any right to be, he always felt at home when he had something to do, and someone to command, even if that something was sitting and watching and that someone was only himself.

[ISS Achilles]

Stone knew that the forward portals of the ship would clear the distortion caused by the portal before the sensors could get a clear reading so he had ordered their tactical hologram to direct weapons fire until the main sensors cleared. Having the hologram visually orient the ships weapons would given them a huge increase in reaction time. The origin of the tactical hologram had come even before the Empire had been restored. In a raid on the Federation their operatives had returned with what the Federation called an EMH. They had taken that technology and adapted it for war. Instead of being programmed with medical procedures they had soldiers that could fight and kill without ever getting wounded or tired. Something the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance had not expected and had had no defense. Sitting on the edge of his chair in was only a matter of time.

[USS Freedom]

Means rubbed his good eye, staring at the view screen waiting for hours had been draining but... He never got to finish the thought before the ship what rocked by weapons fire. "EVASIVE!"

[USS Berlin]

Rico stood slowly as he watched. Only a few seconds,if that, after the order for red alert had been given than weapons fire erupted from the rift even as the ship was still emerging. Phasers and torpedoes were impacting every ship except the Phoenix (formerly the ISS Berlin) and the alien ship being towed out of the area.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal's ship had been seriously jolted from the initial barrage. "GAMMA-3 Evasive and RETURN FIRE!"

Garibaldi's fingers flew over the console as he executed the captain's orders. Beams of destructive energy lanced out from the phaser arrays, hitting and weakening the enemy's shields. "Direct hit, sir! Torpedoes locked and loaded!"

The intent of the Terran ship was no longer on his mind. Now his only thoughts were of victory and if they couldn't take the Terran they had to destroy them..."Fire at will! Target weapons and propulsion! Helm Attack patter Delta-4!"

Slapping his comm panel. "Bridge to Shuttle Bay. Boarding teams prepare to deploy as soon as we take down their shield!"

Alanna ran the scans, looking for any data that would give them an advantage. She knew that the AI was at work and would have the greatest chance of getting into the ISS Achilles, but she still wanted to see if she could find anything. It was better than sitting around waiting for something to happen. She'd never been very good at just waiting. If nothing else, she was getting some good sensor data for later analysis.

[ISS Achilles]

Logan addressed the Captain without taking her eyes of her station. "Captain the alien ship is being towed out of the area by a smaller craft!"

Stone glanced to his weapons officer. "Destroy that Federation bug!"

Garibaldi grinned with a malice bordering on pleasure. "By your command." He fired, sending lances of pure hell out to touch the weak opponent.

Wells was curious to learn what sort of technology the other Achilles had and how she could make use of it to solidify her position on the ship. Science was one of the first departments blamed when something went bad and she needed an ace she could pull out in an emergency. If she could get on that ship -- or get into the science data, she could find lots of lovely new things to use. Surely they had new technology she could adapt. All she had to do now was keep a low profile and bide her time and gather as much sensor data as possible.

[USS Berlin]

Rico watch as the torpedo reached out for Commander Stone's shuttle and had the Berlin moving before the report was even spoken. "Get us in transporter ranger NOW!"

The torpedo struck the shuttle and in addition to the standard warhead the detonation released heavy doses of radiation. The detonation ripped the back of the shuttle away and they saw Commander stone blown into space even as they tried to get a lock on him.

Rico nearly came out of his chair. “Beam him up NOW!”

“Trying sir!...Got him!”

Rico silently hoped that they had gotten him in time.

“Hard about…Return us to our observation position.”



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