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Face Off – Preparations Part 1

Posted on 19 Jul 2016 @ 11:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick

1,155 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[USS Freedom]

Commander Means rose from his seat after receiving word that all was ready. One of the benefits of commanding a smaller ship was that it took less time to get ready as long as you kept things prepared. Glancing to his XO, "Send word to the Achilles that we are at full readiness. I wanna look over things have the bridge."

"Aye sir."

[Bridge - USS Achilles]

Once again Da`nal found himself staring out the bridge's forward viewport at the buzz of activity as his people prepared the ships in their growing little fleet. Below decks he knew was no different as the crew carried out his orders. An enlisted operations crewman came up to him.

"Excuse me sir, The Freedom reports that they are at 'full readiness'."

Without looking away from the portal he replied. "Very good, continue to update me as sections report their status."

"Yes sir."

"Security details report ready, skipper," Garbaldi chimed in from his bridge station. "Security Chief, ready as he'll ever be."

It was not Karrak's place to report, so he stood at the ready.

[Secondary Sickbay]

Alex stood shaking his head. He was so busy he forgot what deck he was on. "I hate these things, but it’s time I used one." The doctor muttered to himself, knowing that there were a lot of people needing to be patched up. "Computer: Activate the Emergency Medical Hologram."

The EMH shimmered into existence and simply stated one phrase: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

"We've got a lot going on. I need your help patching the wounded up." Alex demanded of the EMH.

The EMH nodded and went to get busy.

[Achilles Science]

Alanna sat at the computer console in her office, going over the data again. She still didn't have everything she needed, so there were still holes that needed to be filled, but she was slowly compiling what they needed to understand the rift. "Computer, run rift 137.2 scenario, slow." She sat back and reached for her glass of blueberry pomegranate juice, only to grab an empty glass. She looked up and noticed there were a dozen empty glasses on her desk. She'd have to recycle them later. The program started and she watched carefully, adding notes to her PADD.

She wanted to get on board the Terran ship to learn what data they had. It would go a long way towards filling in all the holes, but she wasn't sure if that would be possible.

Karina had given them some information she'd gathered from the Terran ship, but Alanna still wanted to see for herself -- a scientist's natural curiosity to learn.

[Marine Corps Offices]

Major Sharpe looked over the monitor displaying the statuses of his various units and their readiness. There still wasn't any way to know for sure if there was going to be any problems but he agreed that have the ship loaded for bear was the way to go. If anyone decided to poke there head out of that rift they were in for a big surprise. After everyone was at least at 90%, he tapped his commbadge to report. =/\= Major Sharpe to Bridge: the Marines are ready when you are.”=/\=

Once the channel was closed he picked up his side-arm, checking the power cell and holstered it and began donning the rest of his battle gear.

[USS Achilles Intel Department]

Cammy geared up in her signature INTPAT Type III camouflage. It had the varying shades of dark blue and grey one would expect to find on a ship, arranged in a pattern reminiscent of a snake's skin. Even if this ship didn't follow conventional interior decor tips, the INTPAT's dual nature meant it would at least perform like personal dazzle camo: it would make her trickier to hit when she scrambled away from enemies, and help her fake-out any pursuers. She slid a handheld phaser into her holster, for all the good it would do. She wasn't in any danger of sweeping Starfleet's "Annual Multi-Branch Marksmanship Tournament." She packed a few stun grenades, a stun tonfa, and several internal sensor scrambler pods. They may or may not work, but carrying them made her feel better. A modified Intel PADD with a state-of-the-art slicer software completed her equipment ensemble. As ready as she'd ever be, she headed towards the Intelligence director's office.

At one point, she may have felt a little nervous about dropping in on her boss. Now, it didn't seem like it mattered. She had outlived several Intel Chiefs; what was one more senior officer in this cursed department? This was just another new face she'd report to for a while. Cammy let out a sigh. ~Damn, when did I get so brooding and cynical?~ After losing a string of department heads, she couldn't help thinking she shouldn't get too comfortable with this one. She saw one of the administrative personnel sitting outside the department, but the face wasn't familiar to her. The opposite wasn't true, however. "Ensign Valentine, the Commander is in his office."

Cammy responded with slight nod. "Thanks." She headed in and stood with her arms crossed. "Commander, I'm ready to deploy with the Marines. Just thought I'd let you know before I headed down to the MarDet Offices."

"Good," Sam said, he hadn't bothered changing into fatigues, he didn't plan to be shot at today anyway, "I'll keep you lot apprised of any updates that come through, I may be decamping though, so I'll keep you updated as to my whereabouts too." Then he reached down beside his desk and pulled out a full powered phaser rifle, as well as a belt with ammo bandolier and a holster holding a disrupter.

Cammy eyed the weapon curiously. "Aren't going to stay and oversee the battle?"

"These are just precaution measures," Sam replied, "Ideally, I'm going to be putting myself into an optimal position to best observe the external flow, and provide the best intel I can."

"More like you want to get your hands on some data from that ship's computer," she smirked. "Can't blame you there. I'm a little intrigued about that ship's software myself."

"Oh that's part of it." Sam replied, "But I'm more interested right now in the strategic repercussions of my trump card." It was not common knowledge that the shadow was berthed aboard the Achilles and Sam was happy to keep it that way, even from his own Intel people, he had handpicked the team to run it when they went out, and he knew they had kept their mouths shut.

"Your trump card? Leave it to Intel to pack along a secret weapon on a mission of peaceful exploration," she rolled her eyes.

When the younger Ensign had left Sam commed the Commodore

=^= Commodore, this is Killpatrick, I'd like to take the shadow out in stealth and start relaying sensor readings to you. =^=



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