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Post Flight

Posted on 01 Feb 2016 @ 4:36pm by Lieutenant Diranne Ogar
Edited on on 02 Feb 2016 @ 4:01am

303 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles
Tags: Post Flight, Medical, Starfighter Wing

[Phantom Spartan | CAG’s Fighter]

Jasmine pipes up, “that’s the signal to return to Homebase.”

Diranne responded “transmit that we will come in last, get the other on deck and on the way to medical.”

“Done, and Phantom 2, will be first down.” was the reply that Jasmine gave.

[Deck 19 - Shuttle Bay Level 1]

As T'Remberale moved the mobile tractor beam frame into place, Diranne and Jasmine got out of their fighter, Diranne turned to T’Remberale and throw out a suggestion, “hey Chief you may want to take her off rotation for a look at the port impulse engine, had to run it at 52% to get balance.”

All Diranne got back was “That is logical”

As Diranne was walking to catch up with Jasmine, a ensign in command red walked upto her and hand her a PADD, with a quick glance down at the PADD, Diranne sighed then nodded to the ensign, who then turned and left.

Jasmine had seen the whole incident and asked as Diranne got to her, “So?”

Diranne replied “ 2 ships appear in out of a distortion, I’m going to task Apparition, Spirit, Rogue and Hammer flight for ready drop status.” as she finished she tapped the orders into the PADD just as the turbolift arrived.

On enter the turbolift Diranne said. “Deck 20, Sickbay”

[Deck 20-Secondary Sickbay]

On entering the sickbay, Diranne and Jasmine can see the other beds filled with various Marines and Starfleet personnel getting post flight check ups done.

They both see two empty bed and make their way across to them, after a few minutes of quiet conversation two med techs come across and start running medical tricorders over them and after that they are cleared to leave.

Lieutenant Diranne Ogar

Senior Chief Petty Officer Jasmine Brook
CAG's Tactical Systems Operator


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