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Subroutines oh my - Part 2

Posted on 31 Jan 2016 @ 10:24pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton

1,508 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles

With the filtering the subroutine had put in place removed he opened a channel to Starfleet and made several inquiries and when he got the answers he sought he was angered that he and his mission had been jeopardized due to some personal agenda. It had taken longer due to the distance but now that he knew the truth and made the necessary arrangements had been made he stood.

With the XO and the CSec on the away missions he contacted those who needed to be in the know. =^= Security, Commander Killpatrick, Lieutenant Himars, and Lieutenant Hamilton meet me in Main Engineering. Da`nal out. =^=

Operation center was a busy with the two vessels near the ship and her escorts. Himars, who is a part of House of Varal, was hard at work with reports for Starfleet, when he was paged by the commodore to meet him in main Engineering. He didn't return the page; he finished up his report and sent it off, before departing to Engineering.

When his badge beeped and the Commodore gave his order for the three officers to meet him in in engineering. Shawn was a little concern.

"You think we found something that got the bird cage of the Captain rattled, Chief?" as one of the mechanics as he briefly looked up from his work on the comms array of the Buoy.

"I say so, Mr. Lang" he returned as he went over to table and grab a high power flash light for reason, it would give him a weapon of sort and defense. Just in case there was a spy or what have you and they were armed.

"Keep working on those buoys guys." Shawn said as he left the maintenance bay to meet up with the others.

[Main Engineering]

Lt. Commander Adtanis heard the general hail and everyone's destination. There wasn't anything happening right now that would require those that had been summoned to come to engineering so he surmised that he had been discovered. He opened the drawer in his desk and looked down at the phaser, deciding not to make things any worse he closed the drawer and waited.

[En route to Deck 25]

Himars, and Killpatrick had joined Da`nal on the bridge as they entered the turbolift, obviously curious as to the situation. "Deck 25!"

The Bajoran Klingon had his hands clasped behind him as he stood next to the Commodore. His face was neutral. His mind ran through a few ideas as to why the captain of the Achilles wanted him and the Intel chief with him. But, for what ever it was, it had to deal with one of the Engineers. He didn't have a weapon on him, but, he didn't really need one for that matter. But, if the need did arise, the Warrior will act in protecting both men, as best he could. he stood silent as the lift traveled to the deck in question.

An second or so later, the doors of the lift open on Deck 25 and the trio exited. Kordah, then ask the captain a question as Lt. Hamilton join the trio. "Sir, may I ask why we are heading to Engineering?"

As they made their way down the corridor to main engineering he saw the security detail approaching from the other direction. His reply was short and direct, "The apprehension of a fugitive."

Kordah just nodded his head, and he readied himself for a possible fight of the person they are going to take away and place into the brig.

Sam raised an eyebrow at the statement and subconsciously ran through an inventory of the various hidden weapons he was wearing, flexing muscles to test the holdout phasers, and the knives at his wrists, shrugging his shoulders to check the knife between his shoulder blades, twisting almost imperceptibly to check those hidden at his waste. There were quite a few, a close observer would notice the movements, but only someone with experience in identifying hidden weapons would recognize them for what they were. Most observers, would mistake it for limbering up in preparation for a fight, in part this was true, but not all of the truth. Most of the time, Sam didn't need to limber up, he was already prepared.

[Main Engineering]

Adtanis stepped out of his office while he waited for his eventual arrest. Moving to the rail he looked up at the huge doubled warp core as it pulsed away figuring it would be decades before he was able to see one again let alone be in charge of four of the most powerful warp cores in the Federation. Shrugging slightly, it would be too bad...a few decades in the Achilles brig.

First to turn the core to Main engineering, Shawn had place the flash light into his belt as the others turned the corner. The former non comm, brow arched at the sight before him Adtanis standing rails. Hamilton knew if Adtanis jumped onto any of the four cores, would cause any sort of problem. For they were the top of line engines, with new technology surrounding them, that was a mix of all the best of the Federation minds could come up with as well ally technology that were time tested for them, but, just didn't work well with Federation technology until a few years ago. So any miss balance with the engines could, at worse cause something bad.

Turning slowly Adtanis saw the group enter shortly after his assistant. Nodding slightly with a shrug, if anyone would have discovered his coding it would have been him. He moved carefully away from the cores and approached the group, addressing his commanding officer. "Commod..."

Da`nal cut him off immediately. "Silence! Your sabotage of this mission’s communication has been discovered and removed. I have been in contact with Starfleet Command, who has been trying to reach us about you and they have a list of charges against you; including murder." Waving to security, "Take him to the brig!"

Calling to the security team. "Hold a moment.

"Commander Killpatrick, Lieutenant soon as we are secured from the current situation you are to place Mr. Adtanis in stasis and prepare a class 9 probe. A starship has already been dispatched from DS9 to intercept that probe."

Sam nodded, a simple enough procedure, "Yes sir," he said, neutrally.

"Aye sir" returned the Operations chief.

Looking to Adtanis who had gone a little pale. "You will not get to hide on my ship. You will be facing those you harmed....directly"

Shawn watched and listed to what was being exchanged between the CO and the former Chief Engineer. As he watched and remain in silent. He felt at odds, one helping the former Chief and befriending him as well and uncovering the man's plot to who knows what. He wondered why his friend would do what he did. Shawn wanted to ask why, but decide to check the engine and other systems, that his former friend had or might have changed.

"Let's go, you" stating the Bajoran warrior as he placed his hand onto Adtanis.

Himars knew when a Klingon had that tone of voice, it was wise to just beat feet and disappear from sight, then face the wraith. For no one knew if a warrior hid a weapon on their person, even if a warrior wore the uniform of a Starfleet uniform. So Kordah, escorted the convicted away.

Once Adtanis was out of sight Da`nal turned to the remaining officers standing with him. Main engineering had grown deathly quiet as those on duty watched there boss get arrested and taken away. "Mr. Hamilton, you found the hidden code in the communications buoys...Are you up to the challenge of being this ships Chief Engineer?"

The Engineer nodded "I am ready for the challenge of being this fine ladies chief Engineer. Also, if I am needed to testify against the former Chief, I shall do so as well. even though, I don't know what that code meant or who it was for. That's not my or any of the other in Engineering to know. That's above our pay grade, sir. All we did was find something wrong and jeopardize moral and possible the ship itself. So I went with the book and brought to you, sir"

That gave him a moment of pause, as Chief Engineer of a starship he or she needed to be able to figure out the function of a program. Then again it had been artfully hidden and expertly written to hide its purpose; that and Adtanis must have been micro-managing everyone in an effort to hide his secret. "Well it's not above your head now. Computer. Revoke any and all access from Lt Commander Adtanis and elevate Lieutenant Hamilton, he is now Chief of Engineering."

Glancing to the new Chief, "It's not above you now."


Commodore Da`nal

Lt. Commander Samuel Killpatrick
Chief Intel/Strategic Ops

Lt. Shawn Hamilton
Chief Engineering Officer

Lt. Kordah Himars
Chief of Operations


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