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Flashback Promotion

Posted on 23 Jan 2016 @ 2:28am by Lieutenant Diranne Ogar & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

828 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles - Shuttle bay

:: Flashback - While still docked at DS9 ::

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal stood on the flight deck of his ships massive shuttle bay and watched as his former former Wing Commander, Lt. Cmdr Hind's transport departed. She had won the race held at the station that had won him and his ship a great deal of honor, as well as a great deal of alcohol. Personal matters had forced her reconsider her participation in their historic mission and to request a transfer from the Achilles.

He had another hole in his command structure but he did want anyone on this mission that didn't want to be here. As the shuttle penetrated the bay's force field, on it's way to take Hind to her new assignment, he turned and left the bay as several Marines appeared to begin unloading their new equipment. In the corridor he tapped his badge; "Computer, locate Lt. Ogar."

“Lieutenant Diranne Ogar now located at Deck 15, Main Section, Sector 51, Squadron Leader Quarter’s”

PADD in hand he made his way to the nearest fore-aft tram, he could have used a site to site bur he decided to use the extra time to consider his options.

[Officer's Quarters]

Diranne heard the door chime as she was busy unloading the solo transport crate it had taken to mover her belongs here. Standing up she said “Enter”.

The door opened and he stepped in taking in the small quarters at glance. "Good afternoon Lieutenant; still unpacking I see."

On seeing the rank pips on the neck of the male officer and the forehead, Diranne straitened more before the rank and race to clicked and she came to attention and replied “Yes sir, How may I help you sir?”

Da'nal grinned as the young woman snapped to attention. "At ease, Lieutenant. The reason I came by is that I have a problem and I am hoping you can help me with it."

Diranne relaxed slightly, and replied “What is the problem sir?”

"Well Lt. Commander Hind had some personal matters come up and was forced to depart...rather quickly as well. That leaves me without a commanding officer for the wing. That is...unless you are up to the task?"

Diranne rocked back on her heels slightly in shock, and you could faintly her the suppressed surprise and excitement in her voice, “I’d be more than willing to step up sir. And I’m sorry to hear about Lt. Commander Hind I was looking forward to working with her.”

"Excellent! Consider yourself the new CAG. That means you will have both Starfleet and Marine pilots under your command. Senior officer's briefing tomorrow 0700. Congratulations."

Diranne came back to full attention at the Captain’s words, “0700, aye sir.”

::End Flashback::

:: Present Day ::

[USS Berlin]

Rico look out at the view screen as the channel closed with the Commodore. "How many fighters out there right now?"
Soval replied from tactical. "Two flights of four lead by the groups CAG."

"Get me the CAG"

[Phantom Spartan | CAG’s Fighter]

Jasmine Brook said to Diranne “We have the Berlin wanting to talk to you.”

On hearing this Diranne keyed the Comms unit on and said “Phantom Spartan to Berlin, how can we assist you?”

Rico was momentarily puzzled at the voice on the other end. It wasn't the person he had met on DS9 and then he remembered that the original CAG had had to leave for some reason. Anyway, time to get down to business. "Secure the channel on your end."

Diranne tapped a few buttons, on the panel beside her, “Line secured, here.

"Just relaying orders. First we will be cloaking and didn't want any of your people flying into us. Second, once we are out of the area...give us 5 minutes...I want you and the CAP to make sure any remnants of our impulse or thruster wave is obliterated."

[Phantom Spartan | CAG’s Fighter]

On heard the orders Diranne nodded her head even though only her RIO would see it and repeated back the orders to confirm they came through. “Roger Berlin, T-5 after you leave sensors to fly scatter pattern over your then current position.”

[USS Berlin]

Just as he was about to give the order to cloak, he stopped. "I hope they don't keep you guys out there too long. Berlin out." Turning back to his bridge crew, "Cloak the ship. Helm, move us outside the fighter patrol patterns."

[Phantom Spartan | CAG’s Fighter]

As Diranne and Jasmine heard the comms line close Jasmine reported that the Berlin had dropped off sensors. With a few taps on the panel to the other side of her she started the computer counting down and sent an encoded messaged to Phantom 2, 3, 4 and Spartan 1, 2, 3, 4 to start Sierra Papa 005 maneuver at location of gone dark.


Commodore Da`nal

Commander Rico Montoya
CO - USS Berlin

Lieutenant Diranne Ogar

Senior Chief Petty Officer Jasmine Brook
CAG's Tactical Systems Operator


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