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One Small Step

Posted on 26 Jan 2016 @ 4:13am by Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi

611 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Operation center


Garibaldi walked onto the bridge. It looked bigger than the ops center of most space stations he'd seen, but the layout was familiar, at least. taking a moment, he located his station, and walked towards it. He wasn't paying attention, and brushed up against the officer sitting at ops. "Sorry, buddy," he said in passing.

A warrior, who from the start of his military career was meant to be security, stood at the Operational center reviewing data of the station. he was always learning something new. despite the fact that he knew next to nothing of Operations, other then the tactical security side. However, over the course of time he been working along side the Commodore, he has learned a great deal more then what he had ever learned as a security officer. When the bajoran Klingon was bumped into by someone he did not know, he turned about and was about to rudely chew the man's four point of contact out.

When he turned to face the man however, he changed his mannerism as he noticed the pips on the man's collar.

"It is fine, sir" returning and then offer "You look lost sir. I take it you're new here?"

Garibaldi smiled wryly. "Yeah, you could say that. Just making sure I can still find my station and that they haven't 'upgraded' it too much while I was a Popsicle."

Himars smirked as he gestured to the right and lead the way to the station in question "Engineers love to change things. When the equipment doesn't need to be upgraded, sir. Which, from first hand experience after my arrival to the Federation decades ago. So, I take it you're Security and Tactical, sir? Also, I don't get the Popsicle bit, is that a joke?"

"Sorry. I was in suspended animation, and recently thawed out, so i felt like a Popsicle. That's a frozen earth dessert. very sweet, very cold." Michael took a look at the console, grateful for the fluid configuration available on the touch screen panels. "Yeah, I'm Sec-Tac, lieutenant. Michael Garibaldi." He extended his hand.

"Ah" returned Himars and shook the mans hand "and I'm as Ops chief. Krodah Himars. Really, deep freeze storage. That's new to me and I thought I heard it all. Your the first person I have meet that was frozen and lived to tell the tale of it. Hmmm...Now I wonder how I can make this part of my tale into opera."

Garibaldi grinned. "If you're at all musically inclined, lieutenant, i'm sure you'll find a way. So how long have you been stationed here?

"A year or so" returned the bajoran Klingon

"Nice," returned Michael, "I floated around a bit before volunteering for reserve duty. So I take it things have been pretty boring up until now, huh?"

"For the most part yes" returned Himars "But, don't tell that to the captain. We klingons don't like boring"

Michel chuckled. "Yeah, I kinda got that impression. He seems like a pretty "By the book" kinda guy. I hope he realizes that not everything goes by the book." He frowned a little. "Anyway, It'll be interesting to work with you, Lieutenant." He returned to his console.

"Indeed sir" returned Himars "from what I've seen about the captain, he is at times, other times not so much by the book".

"Well, that's a side of him I've yet to see," he mumbled just loud enough to be overheard. Turning his full attention to his console, he began calibrating its interface to his own personal preferences.


Lieutenant Commander Michael Garibaldi
Chief Sec/Tac, USS Achilles

Lt. Krodah Himars
Chief of Operations
USS Achilles


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